I would like to see at least 1 raid that has no combat... just traps, puzzles, and solved through non-combat oriented skills like diplomacy or perform.
That isn't to say it will be easy since the standard "gear checks" won't exist. But it would be primarily based on player skill rather than MOAR DAMAGE or MOAR HP or something asinine like that (isn't anyone else tired of this type of gameplay?)
So to make it difficult, the entire raid can be timed (maybe a time bomb goes off killing everything in Xendrik etc.) Lots of movement based obstacle courses and puzzle reasoning. Throw in hitting moving targets with ranged weapons to unlock doors, teamwork (one party member needs to perform certain emotes while another party member jumps onto disappearing/re-appearing emote triggered pillars.), and gear checks based on non-combat oriented skills like perform or diplo (need to diplo a certain NPCs FAST enough to get through a certain part).