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  1. #1
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    Default r10 Duo Speed-run Challenge

    r10 Duo Speed-run Challenge

    Lava Divers of Khyber is hosting an r10 Duo Speed-run Challenge

    March 30th-April 10th (11:59pm est deadline)

    House Jorasco chain (5 quests)
    Amrath (3 quests)

    1. Duo must remain the same AND on the same builds for the entire challenge
    2. ONLY 1 caster maximum allowed per duo (if you are unsure, DM me)
    2. No cakes
    3. Semi cheese is allowed (safe spots, jump tanking, no hirelings, etc)
    4. Screenshots without the above requirements will be consider invalid and will be rejected
    5. Screenshots will be sent in Discord to Cammy (zims#4726)
    6. Screenshot of each completion required included in screenshot
    - Party chat
    - Party member list
    - Toolbars
    - Top of xp report
    - Bottom of xp report (BOTH members required to send in xp report screenshots)

    - Points will be awarded based on your completion time placement for each quest
    - Points will be totalled up for all the quests included in the challenge
    - Flawless (no deaths) will deduct 30s from your completion time
    Classy F1 Scoring System:
    - 1st place = 25 points
    - 2nd place = 18 points
    - 3rd place = 15 points
    - 4th place = 12 points
    - 5th palce = 10 points
    - 6th place = 8 points
    - 7th place = 6 points
    - 8th palce = 4 points
    - 9th place = 2 points
    - Any completion after 9th = 1 point

    All prizes are to be split between duos
    1st - 2,200 DDO points - 300 of each Fossilized Dino Ingredient - 2 x lvl 32 Augment of Choice
    2nd - 1,200 DDO points - 200 of each Fossilized Dino Ingredient - 2 x Rare Raid Filigree of Choice
    3rd - 400 DDO points - 100 of each Fossilized Dino Ingredient - 4 x Legendary Raid Timers - 4 x Heroic Raid Timers
    4th through 10th - 200 DDO points - Choice of misc. Goodies (Pale Lavender, Rare Pets, Dragon-scales, etc)

    Other Rules and Regulations
    This speed challenge started off as a Khyber only event, but after many DMs I've decided to open it up to all servers for those that want to participate.
    The only caveat is, Non-Khyber duo's will NOT be eligible for any prizes EXCEPT for the ddo point codes AND of course bragging rights. (one-way transfers can be arranged for non-Khyber winners ????)

    Please DM Cammy on discord at zims#4726 to enter your duos or if you have any other questions.
    Last edited by Lava_Diver; 03-29-2023 at 02:37 PM. Reason: Adding Prizes

  2. #2
    Community Manager
    Cordovan's Avatar
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    Good luck, everyone!
    Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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  3. #3
    Uber Completionist rabidfox's Avatar
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    I hope a bunch of people give it a go; I'll be curious to see what kind of duo class composites people try.

  4. #4
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    This should be fun! A wise man once said, "DPS solves all problems".

  5. #5
    Uber Completionist rabidfox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lava_Diver View Post
    All prizes are to be split between duos
    1st - 2,200 DDO points - 300 of each Fossilized Dino Ingredient - 2 x lvl 32 Augment of Choice
    2nd - 1,200 DDO points - 200 of each Fossilized Dino Ingredient - 2 x Rare Raid Filigree of Choice
    3rd - 400 DDO points - 100 of each Fossilized Dino Ingredient - 4 x Legendary Raid Timers - 4 x Heroic Raid Timers
    4th through 10th - 200 DDO points - Choice of misc. Goodies (Pale Lavender, Rare Pets, Dragon-scales, etc)

    Other Rules and Regulations
    This speed challenge started off as a Khyber only event, but after many DMs I've decided to open it up to all servers for those that want to participate.
    The only caveat is, Non-Khyber duo's will NOT be eligible for any prizes EXCEPT for the ddo point codes AND of course bragging rights. (one-way transfers can be arranged for non-Khyber winners ????)[/B]
    That's a lot of DDO points.

  6. #6
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    Hey I really like the idea of this kind of thing! I was thinking about participating but me and my duo buddy usually run both dps casters. I was wondering why there's a limitation there, any chance it might be opened up?

    Also some clarification on this part about hirelings-- is it no hirelings allowed? no cheesy stuff with hirelings? or specifying cheesy stuff with hirelings is okay?
    "3. Semi cheese is allowed (safe spots, jump tanking, no hirelings, etc)"

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ooblagato1 View Post
    Hey I really like the idea of this kind of thing! I was thinking about participating but me and my duo buddy usually run both dps casters. I was wondering why there's a limitation there, any chance it might be opened up?

    Also some clarification on this part about hirelings-- is it no hirelings allowed? no cheesy stuff with hirelings? or specifying cheesy stuff with hirelings is okay?
    "3. Semi cheese is allowed (safe spots, jump tanking, no hirelings, etc)"
    Hey! Glad you are interested in this. Unfortunately we decided to go with the stipulations of only allowing 1 caster per group to allow for a bit more variety of groups.

    That rule is worded fairly poorly you're right. Safe spots and jump tanking are allowed. Hirelings are not.

    Let me know if you have other questions!

  8. #8
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    Default My take

    Interesting challenge on the surface but after thinking about it more, I decided many parts are just silly:

    1) The 1 caster restriction - I've seen nearly every class combo in the game that can whip R10 quests. Casters aren't exclusive. How about ranged, which hands-down has the highest single-target damage? How about top-tier tanks that nothing in the game can touch? Silly to exclude two casters.

    2) The quests - I'm not sure why you chose that particular subset of quests. Some are annoying, difficult, or easy depending on how you approach them.

    3) Reaper 10 - The only thing in the game remotely challenging to top-tier players are certain champs that hit for absurd numbers, R6+ reapers (especially Doom), and certain red-named bosses. If reaper mode didn't have those R6+ (special) reapers, most average players would be running R8 & 10 as a matter of course. Since the number and type of reapers in a quest are random, the best challenge times will be those willing to rerun often until they get minimal reapers. This essentially makes it a lottery.

    4) Cheese - I don't know all the cheese or "tactical" spots and maneuvers but having just one is too many.

    Because of the items above that illegitimize the challenge IMO, I'm out.

  9. #9
    Uber Completionist rabidfox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rockcrusher99 View Post
    1) The 1 caster restriction - I've seen nearly every class combo in the game that can whip R10 quests. Casters aren't exclusive. How about ranged, which hands-down has the highest single-target damage? How about top-tier tanks that nothing in the game can touch? Silly to exclude two casters.
    If 2x single target classes or 2x tanks can win a speed run challenge with lots of mobs to chew thru then awesome; I'd love to see that. If you think 2x non-casters is silly strong (compared to 2x casters) then you can totally excel in this challenge with any other group composite choices; go for it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rockcrusher99 View Post
    2) The quests - I'm not sure why you chose that particular subset of quests. Some are annoying, difficult, or easy depending on how you approach them.
    It's a nice variety of difficulties with various means to approach them. So if some people that can't do one quest well then they might be able to still excel on another; that should create a nice overall balanced score off that variety.

    If you really dislike the rules/choices, you should host your own event and see how it goes. The more events in the game, the better; make and host ones that appeals to you.

  10. #10
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    Default My challenge

    Quote Originally Posted by rabidfox View Post
    If 2x single target classes or 2x tanks can win a speed run challenge with lots of mobs to chew thru then awesome; I'd love to see that. If you think 2x non-casters is silly strong (compared to 2x casters) then you can totally excel in this challenge with any other group composite choices; go for it.

    It's a nice variety of difficulties with various means to approach them. So if some people that can't do one quest well then they might be able to still excel on another; that should create a nice overall balanced score off that variety.

    If you really dislike the rules/choices, you should host your own event and see how it goes. The more events in the game, the better; make and host ones that appeals to you.
    Your response is fair and remember, this is just my opinion on why I think any reaper challenge is not a good measure of much. I'll give a constructive example of a challenge I think is just as impressive to me. It's simple and solo, so anyone can do it. For non-VIPs you need someone to open the dungeon on elite, then leave immediately. Here it my twist on what I think hardcore should be:

    First-life character only. Solo to 20.


    - Quests must be run on Elite and at-level or higher only. i.e. A level 5 quest on normal can be run @ level 7 since it's 7 on elite.
    - If all quests of a given level are completed and there are no other options, you may repeat quests within that level or start higher level quests.
    - No farming quests or gear. Only 1 run per quest until all quests at that level have been completed.
    - NO Iconic classes
    - Starting gear: You may skip Korthos and use its weapon. Otherwise, try the first korthos quest and see if you get something usable.
    - Only gear from in-quest chests can be used.
    - No vendor purchases
    - No player trades
    - NO items from shared bank or TR cache
    - NO Auction House or Shard Auction House purchases
    - NO prizes from daily rolls can be used including xp, tomes, etc.
    - NO wilderness zones except getting to quests in wilderness
    - NO Guild buffs
    - NO hirelings or summoned pets except those cast by spells. This includes summoned creatures granted by expansion packs.
    - NO tomes except those found in chests or by favor rewards (1750/5k)
    - NO Mimic or Mysterious remnant trade-in items allowed
    - NO special event running or gear is allowed including ice games, gold coin (cookie) trade-in, crystal cove, etc.
    - If Mimic season is running, player MUST have mimics on.
    - No deaths
    - XP pots?? (I'm not sure of the impact)

    And yes, this will favor self-sustainable/healing builds.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lava_Diver View Post
    r10 Duo Speed-run Challenge

    Lava Divers of Khyber is hosting an r10 Duo Speed-run Challenge

    March 30th-April 10th (11:59pm est deadline)

    House Jorasco chain (5 quests)
    Amrath (3 quests)

    1. Duo must remain the same AND on the same builds for the entire challenge
    2. ONLY 1 caster maximum allowed per duo (if you are unsure, DM me)
    2. No cakes
    3. Semi cheese is allowed (safe spots, jump tanking, no hirelings, etc)
    4. Screenshots without the above requirements will be consider invalid and will be rejected
    5. Screenshots will be sent in Discord to Cammy (zims#4726)
    6. Screenshot of each completion required included in screenshot
    - Party chat
    - Party member list
    - Toolbars
    - Top of xp report
    - Bottom of xp report (BOTH members required to send in xp report screenshots)

    - Points will be awarded based on your completion time placement for each quest
    - Points will be totalled up for all the quests included in the challenge
    - Flawless (no deaths) will deduct 30s from your completion time
    Classy F1 Scoring System:
    - 1st place = 25 points
    - 2nd place = 18 points
    - 3rd place = 15 points
    - 4th place = 12 points
    - 5th palce = 10 points
    - 6th place = 8 points
    - 7th place = 6 points
    - 8th palce = 4 points
    - 9th place = 2 points
    - Any completion after 9th = 1 point

    All prizes are to be split between duos
    1st - 2,200 DDO points - 300 of each Fossilized Dino Ingredient - 2 x lvl 32 Augment of Choice
    2nd - 1,200 DDO points - 200 of each Fossilized Dino Ingredient - 2 x Rare Raid Filigree of Choice
    3rd - 400 DDO points - 100 of each Fossilized Dino Ingredient - 4 x Legendary Raid Timers - 4 x Heroic Raid Timers
    4th through 10th - 200 DDO points - Choice of misc. Goodies (Pale Lavender, Rare Pets, Dragon-scales, etc)

    Other Rules and Regulations
    This speed challenge started off as a Khyber only event, but after many DMs I've decided to open it up to all servers for those that want to participate.
    The only caveat is, Non-Khyber duo's will NOT be eligible for any prizes EXCEPT for the ddo point codes AND of course bragging rights. (one-way transfers can be arranged for non-Khyber winners ????)

    Please DM Cammy on discord at zims#4726 to enter your duos or if you have any other questions.

    Two things first to the TEAM,
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Good luck, everyone!
    Can you remove self heal penalty in Reaper since DDO is now a r10 Duo Speed-run Challenge Game, no need for full party?

    2nd to the players
    Quote Originally Posted by Monkey_Archer View Post
    I don't see anywhere in this challenge that you have to post your first attempt.
    We're talking about ~5 minute runs here... if you get too many dooms halfway though just restart. 3 minutes wasted isn't going to stop anyone serious.
    D-DOOR the dooms no need to reset in-fact dd all reapers.

  12. #12
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    Default Final results are in

    AND that wraps up the 1st ever r10 duo challenge hosted by Lava Divers of Khyber.

    Thank you to everyone who participated over the last few weeks, all the viewers/supporters who came to watch on twitch, and to those who donated prizes. Special shoutout to Cordo for hooking up the top 10 participants with DDO point codes!

    Here is the final scoreboard of participants with more than two submissions. We had an absolute last minute frenzy as Dom and Jenn nearly pulled off a comeback for the ages in the last minutes of the challenge.

    Congratulations to the top 3 winners!
    1st - Cammy (20 aasi wraps monk) and Czl (20 dborn ice druid) (169 points)
    2nd - Dom (20 dborn ice sorc) and Jennafer (15pal/3wiz/2rog helf twf) (158 points)
    3rd - Viamel (11barb/8druid/1fvs bear) and Neo (20 dborn ice sorc) (108 points)

    The top times for each quest were completed flawlessly by:
    Night Falls on Stormreach - 4:27 by Dom and Jennafer
    Quarantine - 5:50 by Cammy and Czl
    The Madness of Crowds - 1:45 by Cammy and Czl
    The Age of Rage - 2:06 by Cammy and Czl
    Toxic Treatment - 8:19 by Dom and Jennafer
    The Archon's Trial - 6:49 by Dom and Jennafer
    Demon Assault - 4:53 by Cammy and Czl
    The Devil's Details - 7:03 by Dom and Jennafer

    Runs of 3 of the participants can be found at:

    Cammy -

    Dom -

    Jennafer -

    You can see breakdowns for each individual quests in the below google sheets link which includes all time in seconds for all participants.

    Stay tuned for some 4-man Reaper Raids Challenge which will be posted in the coming days!

  13. #13
    Uber Completionist rabidfox's Avatar
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    That was a ton of fun. I love that my bubble arti (and druid partner) were able to do flawless on every quest; it was amusing using a build that normally doesn't get run by many people in high skull quests.

  14. #14
    Community Member Cardo's Avatar
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    It was a very fun challenge and we managed to hit our goal of getting a completion in all of the quests.
    We also decided to record a few of our runs, some runs a bit longer than other :P
    Leader of Brotherhood of Blades on Cannith

    Cardonator - Cardotar - Cardaloth - Cardoflame - Cardostar - Cardowald

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lava_Diver View Post
    AND that wraps up the 1st ever r10 duo challenge hosted by Lava Divers of Khyber.

    Thank you to everyone who participated over the last few weeks, all the viewers/supporters who came to watch on twitch, and to those who donated prizes. Special shoutout to Cordo for hooking up the top 10 participants with DDO point codes!

    Here is the final scoreboard of participants with more than two submissions. We had an absolute last minute frenzy as Dom and Jenn nearly pulled off a comeback for the ages in the last minutes of the challenge.

    Congratulations to the top 3 winners!
    1st - Cammy (20 aasi wraps monk) and Czl (20 dborn ice druid) (169 points)
    2nd - Dom (20 dborn ice sorc) and Jennafer (15pal/3wiz/2rog helf twf) (158 points)
    3rd - Viamel (11barb/8druid/1fvs bear) and Neo (20 dborn ice sorc) (108 points)

    The top times for each quest were completed flawlessly by:
    Night Falls on Stormreach - 4:27 by Dom and Jennafer
    Quarantine - 5:50 by Cammy and Czl
    The Madness of Crowds - 1:45 by Cammy and Czl
    The Age of Rage - 2:06 by Cammy and Czl
    Toxic Treatment - 8:19 by Dom and Jennafer
    The Archon's Trial - 6:49 by Dom and Jennafer
    Demon Assault - 4:53 by Cammy and Czl
    The Devil's Details - 7:03 by Dom and Jennafer

    Runs of 3 of the participants can be found at:

    Cammy -

    Dom -

    Jennafer -

    You can see breakdowns for each individual quests in the below google sheets link which includes all time in seconds for all participants.

    Stay tuned for some 4-man Reaper Raids Challenge which will be posted in the coming days!

    What were Forking & Lomi and Courtney & Tanky playing, as they did very good as well?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rull View Post
    What were Forking & Lomi and Courtney & Tanky playing, as they did very good as well?
    Forking was prolly 20 alchemist caster, dunno for sure what Lomi was but likely something with primarily rogue--source am on same server

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