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  1. #21
    2015 DDO Players Council
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bowmagus View Post
    I'm only seeing Masterminds of Sharn for 99 points. Obvs I'm taking it up, but not sure why I'm not seeing other expansions.
    Do you already own them? If so they shouldn't show up in the DDO store.

  2. #22
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    Just wanted to thank SSG for this. I know promotions like this can sometimes eat into potential sales but it helps trying to get friends to try/join DDO!

  3. #23
    Uber Completionist rabidfox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by axel15810 View Post
    Do you already own them? If so they shouldn't show up in the DDO store.
    All 4 expansions for 99 points show up for me despite owning all the cash versions; I suspect they're juryrigged in a way that it doesn't check existing cash packs.

  4. #24
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rabidfox View Post
    All 4 expansions for 99 points show up for me despite owning all the cash versions; I suspect they're juryrigged in a way that it doesn't check existing cash packs.
    Well yes and if you buy for 99 pts you see the xpac in your store options even if you own it.
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  5. #25
    Community Member FuzzyDuck81's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slarden View Post
    Well yes and if you buy for 99 pts you see the xpac in your store options even if you own it.
    I think that's deliberate though, iirc those are purely access to the quests, not the other things like races, classes, universal enhancement trees, bonus items etc. that come with the full version.
    I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.

  6. #26
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    Default Just curious

    Dungeoncrawl gift of thanks. ... ... So the free players are getting gifts for being there playing , but the vips are getting nothing for supporting the game? Is this correct? Or am i missing something? Dothey prefer free players or vips?

  7. #27
    Cosmetic Guru Aelonwy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cathimon View Post
    No, we all bought base editions, so we lost money and that's it... If that code includes all the non-expension adventure packs, we are going to have to decide if we keep VIP since we unlocked it for the packs and not for the benefits.

    Oh well. Cool for the others.
    I am only occasionally VIP, I own all but the most recent pack and Isle of Dread, so does my hubby, so does my son... almost so my daughter. We buy our expansion bundles almost exclusively in the cash shop, and top tier for the most part. Its when they do the generous things like this that I'm reminded they are trying to have a gaming community here and not just a soulless/grindfest/whale-squeezing-drain the last profit-go out with a whimper company.

    Yes, I give them grief occasionally when they make decisions that make no sense to me, or have missed opportunities even Drax would have seen were obvious or don't fix the gazillion things found on Lamannia before going live. But its when they make these gestures that I feel most comfortable buying expansions or large point bundles because these type gestures mean they are trying to grow the player base, trying to grow the game. It is at these times I have more consumer confidence to put money in knowing the game will be here awhile longer.
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  8. #28
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azeiha View Post
    Dungeoncrawl gift of thanks. ... ... So the free players are getting gifts for being there playing , but the vips are getting nothing for supporting the game? Is this correct? Or am i missing something? Dothey prefer free players or vips?
    It lets VIP get all content for free so if their situation ever changes they get a soft landing to premium.

    If someone bought all the content or grinded for points previously they get nothing. The idea is to get new people into the game not to favor any specific playstyle. DDO has a high cost of entry, this makes it much more reasonable for someone serious about playing the game.

    Every player - vip, premium, completely ftp should consider making an alt account. Even if you have no interest in using a 2nd account you might have a friend that wants to try out the game at some point and bringing a first-lifer from a fresh account might be more fun for both of you.
    Last edited by slarden; 03-23-2023 at 06:14 PM.
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  9. #29
    Community Member Onyxia2019's Avatar
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    While this does not benefit me directly as I bought the expansions in the cash store I still want to thank SSG for making this happen.
    This will open up new questing path for newer players and may even lead to more LGM posts to help explore these new areas.

    The way I see it, I bought the expansions that are currently available for 99 points and other than getting all the extra goodies I spent many months playing the content.
    I can say with all honesty I do not feel bad or upset that I paid cash for them when I did. Everything eventually goes on sale.

    I say just be happy for the new players who this will really help.
    If it ain't broke, you're not trying hard enough.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by slarden View Post
    It lets VIP get all content for free so if their situation ever changes they get a soft landing to premium.

    If someone bought all the content or grinded for points previously they get nothing. The idea is to get new people into the game not to favor any specific playstyle. DDO has a high cost of entry, this makes it much more reasonable for someone serious about playing the game.

    Every player - vip, premium, completely ftp should consider making an alt account. Even if you have no interest in using a 2nd account you might have a friend that wants to try out the game at some point.
    Bringing new players to the game is awesome. But new players who come, spend money to support the company and unlock adventure packs and immediatly after they shove their credit cards back into their wallet, it all goes free, is not so cool. Not the end of the world, we'll stay, but it feels wrong.

    And I imagine its the same for the groups of players who come to DDO in June, and they learn that everything was up for grabs in April, but they arrived 1 month late!

    At the end of the day, we're staying, we'll just drop VIP, probably, and be more cautious about buying stuff right before the release of a Hollywood movie, I guess...

  11. #31
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stradivarius View Post
    lol, wow I thought we wouldn't be having anymore free code stuff for the movie release. I was bamboozled into buying salt for 20 bucks. Cord specifically stated so in one of his "Friday's at Four".
    Quote Originally Posted by Cathimon View Post
    No, we all bought base editions, so we lost money and that's it... If that code includes all the non-expension adventure packs, we are going to have to decide if we keep VIP since we unlocked it for the packs and not for the benefits.

    Oh well. Cool for the others.

    Might as well try to get your money back. Worst case is they say no, which puts you right back here where you started. So why not attempt a refund?

  12. #32
    Chaotic Evil Mindos's Avatar
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    It is time to vote for which dungeon from today's PAX East panel gets brought into the game! Vote here: Voting continues until NOON EASTERN on Thursday, April 13th! #DDO

  13. #33
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cathimon View Post
    Bringing new players to the game is awesome. But new players who come, spend money to support the company and unlock adventure packs and immediatly after they shove their credit cards back into their wallet, it all goes free, is not so cool. Not the end of the world, we'll stay, but it feels wrong.

    And I imagine its the same for the groups of players who come to DDO in June, and they learn that everything was up for grabs in April, but they arrived 1 month late!

    At the end of the day, we're staying, we'll just drop VIP, probably, and be more cautious about buying stuff right before the release of a Hollywood movie, I guess...
    It makes no difference to me either way, but VIP also includes shared bank, 6 extra character slots that aren't otherwise purchasable, several monster manuals, some classes and races, 10% bonus xp and the 500 pts per month. You didn't actually pay for the content, you effectively were just avoiding having to buy it by being VIP. Now you own most of it except the most recent adventure pack. If you didn't buy any content, but instead just had Vip you benefited from this. You now have something you didn't previously have on your account.
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  14. #34
    Community Member Stradivarius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cathimon View Post
    No, we all bought base editions, so we lost money and that's it... If that code includes all the non-expension adventure packs, we are going to have to decide if we keep VIP since we unlocked it for the packs and not for the benefits.

    Oh well. Cool for the others.
    What I meant was the Ultimate version includes a lot of cool/power increasing stuff (inter-dimensional augment bag(you have no idea how useful this is) and the +1 AP univeral tree tome is like 5100 DDO points alone) and I believe it was like 35$ during the anniversary.

  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by slarden View Post
    It lets VIP get all content for free so if their situation ever changes they get a soft landing to premium.

    If someone bought all the content or grinded for points previously they get nothing. The idea is to get new people into the game not to favor any specific playstyle. DDO has a high cost of entry, this makes it much more reasonable for someone serious about playing the game.

    Every player - vip, premium, completely ftp should consider making an alt account. Even if you have no interest in using a 2nd account you might have a friend that wants to try out the game at some point.

    There are a lot of things to complain about in DDO, but SSG giving away the old content and packs for dirt cheap or even free is not one of them.

    This is one of the most new-player friendly things SSG can do at the moment and DDO needs all the new-player friendliness help it can get these days. Trying to convince any of my friends and acquaintances to try the game is an INCREDIBLY hard sell when they realize it would cost them upwards of $400 to buy all the content. It might even be $500+ these days?

    As someone who already owns all the packs and expansions, SSG doing this doesn't bother me in the slightest. I hope they do more things like this in the future.
    Last edited by LT218; 03-23-2023 at 05:44 PM.

  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cathimon View Post
    Bringing new players to the game is awesome. But new players who come, spend money to support the company and unlock adventure packs and immediatly after they shove their credit cards back into their wallet, it all goes free, is not so cool. Not the end of the world, we'll stay, but it feels wrong.

    And I imagine its the same for the groups of players who come to DDO in June, and they learn that everything was up for grabs in April, but they arrived 1 month late!

    At the end of the day, we're staying, we'll just drop VIP, probably, and be more cautious about buying stuff right before the release of a Hollywood movie, I guess...
    It always stings a bit when you buy something and it goes on a big sale a few weeks later, no matter what the product is.

    At the end of the day though, a thing is worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it. So if you thought DDO was worth the price you paid at the time you paid it, it should in theory still be worth that to you.

    Sometimes we get lucky on the timing of sales, sometimes we don't. That's the nature of sale prices and life in general.

  17. #37
    Community Member Stradivarius's Avatar
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    Seriously guys, if you are a vet player I would even go so far to say you have a duty to create at least 10 "Sharn on down" free accounts to giveaway to very interested new players!

  18. #38
    Uber Completionist rabidfox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stradivarius View Post
    Seriously guys, if you are a vet player I would even go so far to say you have a duty to create at least 10 "Sharn on down" free accounts to giveaway to very interested new players!
    I think a vet should have enough common sense to not post about how they're going to break terms of service in a public forum moderated by SSG. I'll be telling friends they should sign up (just like I've done in the past) and use the code.

  19. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    They just lost an incredible amount of credibility with me
    They had credibility with you? LOL

    I left when they dumped on VIPs and I'm playing better, more enjoyable games now so they've lost my financial support and I don't even have to get angry about them giving away stuff that VIPs are still paying for while giving them nothing to make up for it.

  20. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    Why would I ever buy another adventure pack a la carte? They've made it clear now it's only a matter of time before they give in to the complainers and give it all away again. Even if they say they won't ever do it again, clearly they still will
    You buy packs to have the opportunity to run them with friends and pugs. It can take years before they are offered for discounts. If you never fall off the TR train, I could see that packs are no longer needed.

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