So first time I died due to the summon bug it was annoyingly amusing but I didnt rush out to try it myself, now I logged on a mule to post some auctions and it was done to him more that once at the bank them trying to post stuff on AH and some of the Stuff it was going to auction took PERMAMENT DAMAGE, making the stuff unsellable from non named goods, so its not just an annoying joke you can actually mess ppls stuff up and if your doing this, do you really think it gives a good fist impression to new starting players as they arrive in the harbor, so if you still this after reading this your being RUDE and need to cut it out, I know the devs if they make and effort they can read the logs to see the summons and you logging out to cause it to happen so I hope the ban/suspend all of you griefing idiots who continue to do this,as they may end up turning that summons off until they can fix it which will inconvenience ppl who actually use it as intended.
So grow up and stop doing it , its not funny anymore! and wasn't in the first place to most ppl