Fantasy Houses, Fantasy Nations, Fantasy... Families?
Even in the DM narration of DDO I've heard House Deneith and House Kundarak pronounced at least 3 different ways each.
Kuhn-DAR-ak (maybe also with emphasis on first syllable rather than second)
Pronunciation and even spelling can be regional. Color/colour, gray/grey
And how many misspellings or misusage are actually just poor typing rather than poor language skills? how many are English is not the first language issues?
The Community Rules link on the forums is STILL NOT working for me but I'm pretty sure any actual consistent correction of others over their spelling, grammar, or typing skills is probably frowned upon. I suppose a separate thread like this where you can correct the forum populace in general and no one particular is the best, most appropriate response to a pet peeve. Your signature is a good example of that peeve too.
Take a deep breath someday... when technology has taken over everything we'll all be linked to our computers and just think directly to each other. Perhaps spelling and grammar will be less an issue when we're all communicating in imagery and concepts. Or perhaps emojis will take over language and we'll all be speaking in modern hieroglyphics. Hmmm. Okay, less peaceful deep breaths... time for panic breathing.