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  1. #21
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bunker View Post
    Cosmetics should have their own area in shared banking. Currently shared banking have 3 areas. (plat, item storage, crafting storage)

    If they simply just added a cosmetic tab with roughly the same amount of available space as crafting storage, I think that would satisfy the playing community. Cosmetic only TAB.
    If they are going to do that they may as well add a tab that you can put all gear in (whether cosmetic or not) and truly satisfy all of the playing community.

    When it comes to minimalism, I follow it strictly when it comes to cosmetics. They have no real value, so I am fine tossing them out. But your point still stands, we need a large section of storage for holding all of this stuff (whether cosmetic or not).

  2. #22
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    The "minimalist" approach would work great... if it didn't occasionally take 150+ hours of gameplay to get a single item. They either need to fix inventory or fix drop rates, but so far it doesn't seem SSG is keen to do either.
    If I can read the dev tracker, you can too.

  3. #23
    Community Member krimsonrane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Infinitedrift View Post
    I've been playing this game for many years now.. and have spent much money on it.. and purchased lots of storage.. and it's still not enough. I have made multiple side characters to store things and take up like 15 slots.. and it's still not enough. Our storage space is massively constricted compared to the sheer number of items, and new items being constantly added. Swapping, mailing, and moving things around in the bank has become extremely tedious and time consuming. Like, I don't want to spend hours upon hours just managing inventory.. especially when I want to do a TR and have to deal with the cache. Can you guys fix this?? It's actually taking a lot of enjoyment out of the game. I shouldn't be having to run a warehouse, when I should be running dungeons. However, not being able to collect the items from the dungeon removes the reward for doing them other than xp, which would be irrelevant at level cap. There has got to be a way.. for us to select what cosmetic items we wish to wear from the character inventory screen without having to constantly swap and do all kinds of tedious back and forth. I know it's possible.. I have seen it in other games. The RPG "Rift" from Trion Worlds for example, has such a system. You can select any cosmetic you want to wear right there in a wardrobe tab of your inventory screen. It's so easy. It would be grand if we could do the same with weapons and items for each equip slot; click on a slot which opens a window that allows us to select from our arsenal of weapons, or armory of other items. Click on a necklace slot; every necklace you collected is an option. This would be a massive quality of life boost for this game. Quite honestly, the anniversary event is here.. and I would love to earn the items from it.. but I have no place to put it.. so what is the point? I do not wish to destroy the items I already collected. Some of them are even crafted items that can never be replaced. Inventory.. needs a complete overhaul because it is sucking the fun out of the game for me. I can't even get excited about new items because I have nowhere to put them..
    I agree with you. It is a real issue. It should be a priority. No, it's not up to us to create tedious and expensive workarounds. I'm so sick of it I've considered giving up on the game entirely due to this issue alone.
    Sometimes I pull one out just to watch it die over and over. That's how much I hate hires.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by krimsonrane View Post
    I agree with you. It is a real issue. It should be a priority. No, it's not up to us to create tedious and expensive workarounds. I'm so sick of it I've considered giving up on the game entirely due to this issue alone.
    You wouldn't be the first and you won't be the last.

    But if the devs have taught us anything of late its that they don't give a single solitary dump what we need. The recent spate of communication should prove that.
    If I can read the dev tracker, you can too.

  5. #25
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boredGamer View Post
    The only one being rude is the one responding with a hostile attitude to some people giving you friendly suggestions on how they deal with it.
    Friendly in intention but not realistic, nor well thought out.

    I hope we can all agree that "fun" is self-defined, by each and every player, individually and for themself. Your fun doesn't have to be my fun or their fun - but it's still all "fun".

    Many people view "a complete collection" (by some definition) as part of their game's goals, part of how they "find fun" in the game, and that's not unreasonable. Which is not to say that "their" game is yours or mine or anyone else's, but it is to say that it should be an expected "part" of the game, and that part will not be (voluntarily) ignored or willingly abandoned by some % of the player base.

    As it stands, the game prohibits that reasonable goal for fun, or at least goes counter-current to it.

    Hence the valid complaint by the OP, and an equally valid objection and resentment to anyone who casually dismisses it with "an easy solution", which is in fact an awkward and unwelcome workaround (again, depending on your point of view).

    Haff fun stomin' da cassul - however you define that.

  6. #26
    Community Member Drunkendex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-Dog View Post
    Friendly in intention but not realistic, nor well thought out.

    I hope we can all agree that "fun" is self-defined, by each and every player, individually and for themself. Your fun doesn't have to be my fun or their fun - but it's still all "fun".

    Many people view "a complete collection" (by some definition) as part of their game's goals, part of how they "find fun" in the game, and that's not unreasonable. Which is not to say that "their" game is yours or mine or anyone else's, but it is to say that it should be an expected "part" of the game, and that part will not be (voluntarily) ignored or willingly abandoned by some % of the player base.

    As it stands, the game prohibits that reasonable goal for fun, or at least goes counter-current to it.

    Hence the valid complaint by the OP, and an equally valid objection and resentment to anyone who casually dismisses it with "an easy solution", which is in fact an awkward and unwelcome workaround (again, depending on your point of view).

    Haff fun stomin' da cassul - however you define that.
    Well said.

    I responded with hostility because those "clever" workarounds are TBH insulting.

    I'm not discarding piece of gear it took 2 months to farm only because I don't plan on using it in next 5 lives.

    And I'm glad "clever" people got butthurt over me not being happy with their "clever" solutions.

  7. #27
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drunkendex View Post
    Well said.
    (thx, who woulda thunk it? )

  8. #28
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    Well to add to this, I found a bug today. On one of my characters House K rep no longer allows me to unlock additional bank space, and logging out and back in actually made bank upgrades 2 and 3 disappear, those slots are no longer available.

    More on topic, one of the core gameplay loops of this game is hunting rare gear. Another core loop is trying out different builds with wildly different gear requirements.

    The very design of the game encourages people to collect gear, to a greater extent than almost anything I have ever played. In most MMOs, low level gear is entirely useless once you out level it. Here, we need gear for a variety of level ranges and for many different builds. On top of that, there is a ton of rare gear to hunt down, and specific pieces can be quite hard to come by. It's not realistic to expect everyone to be fine with the absurdly limited storage we have.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drunkendex View Post
    Well said.

    I responded with hostility because those "clever" workarounds are TBH insulting.

    I'm not discarding piece of gear it took 2 months to farm only because I don't plan on using it in next 5 lives.

    And I'm glad "clever" people got butthurt over me not being happy with their "clever" solutions.
    Someone gives advice like on all other forum topics, you don't like it, so they are insulting. Sounds like you have the attitude because it wasn't what you wanted to hear. If you don't want to hear suggestions, don't want to have people comment on your posts, don't post. Really simple.
    People weren't telling you how to play the game, they were making suggestions based on how this game works and the Devs response to our inventory woes.

  10. #30
    The Hatchery
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eantarus View Post
    The "minimalist" approach would work great... if it didn't occasionally take 150+ hours of gameplay to get a single item. They either need to fix inventory or fix drop rates, but so far it doesn't seem SSG is keen to do either.

    Quote Originally Posted by C-Dog View Post
    Friendly in intention but not realistic, nor well thought out.
    Indeed. The game itself works heavily counter to this "minimalist" approach.
    DDO: If a problem cannot be solved by the application of DPS, you're not applying enough.

  11. #31
    Community Member Antheal's Avatar
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    If there was a reliable way to re-obtain named loot, this wouldn't be an issue.

    Because of the abysmal drop rates of named items, the game encourages hoarding.
    Those are not pebbles surrounding the urn filled with Human teeth. They are megaliths!

  12. #32
    Pale Fox
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    This "let's all move to Orien" happening is forcing me to go through all my inventory and tr-caches.
    Swapping things around I notice that I have a lot of doubles and also some strangely singular items.
    From quests that are part of the tr-rotation on a regular basis.

    Anyway, just past half my characters now.
    And am surprised that I have now 10 characters with random generated loot.
    Mostly old stuff with sentimental value.
    Like all those items with weighted compound affixes, as in nightmare, thousand suns, devastation etc etc.
    Or the rare clickies, gloves with way to much fort for their level, etc etc.

  13. #33
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eantarus View Post
    The "minimalist" approach would work great... if it didn't occasionally take 150+ hours of gameplay to get a single item. They either need to fix inventory or fix drop rates, but so far it doesn't seem SSG is keen to do either.
    Works even better when you don’t spend 150+ hours for an idea you don’t need anyway

  14. #34
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by erethizon View Post
    I did that for many years, but it makes the game far less fun. Passing every raid item I ever got because I had no place to put it and could only use it for a couple of levels before TRing, made raids pointless to run. The loot reward is a big part of the game and when every reward must either be passed or is a cursed object that will add to your headache, receiving named items becomes a chore. I used to dread seeing any named loot in the chest because it meant I had to make a decision whether to deal with the curse myself or throw it away.

    If they are going to constantly make new gear, they should give us a place to put it. This is not a normal game where your character only needs the best gear they have found. We TR, which means we need to keep gear for all levels, and there are 15 classes we need to play for past lives, which means we need gear for all classes. I have quit this game many times because the headache of figuring out how I was going to manage my inventory was so daunting that I just didn't log in for months. The game is significantly more enjoyable now that i have 16 mules with 160 inventory space each, but needless to say it is still an annoyance to have to log in a few different characters each time I want to put away some new gear I have found from a day of playing.

    The suggestion of the original post is definitely a good one. I would even be okay with gear that levels with you so you don't need to have multiple levels of gear. But at this point I have simply given up and taken to buying mules (something I refused to do for many, many years) and frankly the game is a lot more fun. Now I actually look forward to getting named loot and that is a massive improvement for me.
    More or less fun is subjective

    I enjoy playing the game instead of playing the character mule bank shuffle

    Even makes emptying the TR cashe faster and less bank lag having less clutter

  15. #35
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    Game has gear. Lots. Then people say ignore almost all of it.

    You can play tens if not hundreds of builds. Kinda point of the game. But of course you can also grind 300 lives as the same class & build.

    You can keep the named gear you find. So you have it ready for whatever life. Or you can every life spend 200 hours grinding it (while you could already have it on a mule)

  16. #36
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    Yes, the inventory system in this game just doesn't work. It takes too many mules and too much time to search through and categorize everything

    The only MMO with similar inventory issues I ever played is FFXI, but it has with PS2(!) era code and dial up speed server upload cap and even they introduced "storage slips" and additional storage. (it's also a game where you play many classes typically and have to store much gear)

    Please do something, SSG. More storage, easier re-aquirement of named items, collection system, housing as storage. Or at the very least a way to scan and output all your gear to a list.

    Thank you.

  17. #37
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    Fwiw, I have 2 characters, no mules, and all the storage i could get for the two. Shared, personal. It is exceedingly cumbersome to do this with the space I have. Either I have to give up things to make room for new things, or something carry fewer and fewer consumables.

    My ability to keep enough gear to support a char from 5-20 is limited by the fact that a. i cant run 2 chars of the same "type" (caster, specialist, etc) at the same time, because I just don't have room for copies of gear to support that, b. new gear that shows up i find and really like never stops coming.

    Mules don't work for me because character tetris. Ive done it before for years, and I am tired of it. Would more slots in shared bank fix it? HELL YES. What that number should be I do not know.

  18. #38
    Community Member eightspoons's Avatar
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    Agree with all criticisms of inventory and item storage noted here. I think it's testing the patience of many players at this point.

    However, the deafening silence of staff in threads like these doesn't imbue me with very much confidence there'll ever be (noteworthy) changes.
    On a break. BRB maybe.

  19. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Antheal View Post
    If there was a reliable way to re-obtain named loot, this wouldn't be an issue.

    Because of the abysmal drop rates of named items, the game encourages hoarding.
    I quite like ESO's system. They have a "collection book" of every set item in the game. Once you loot an item, it's unlocked in the book. You can then spend a generic currency obtained from running any dungeons to create a copy of it from the book. They even go a step further since there's thousands of items to farm and have a "smart drop" system where you always get a new piece of the set until you have everything collected. DDO could just thematically adopt this as "item reincarnation" and give an extra use to Heart Seeds.

  20. #40
    Community Member Gordo's Avatar
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    Default Set bonuses visible when hovering over...

    I'm sure we all have lots of materials for sentience sets in our crafting storage. We know what the top line bonuses are but we don't know what the set bonus is when we hover over it.
    Would be nice if we can know what that is before we take it from our inventory. Makes it easier to decide if that is the one we want.
    Gordion ~ Jaheira ~ Piccolo

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