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  1. #1
    Community Member Infinitedrift's Avatar
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    Default Inventory management is exhausting

    I've been playing this game for many years now.. and have spent much money on it.. and purchased lots of storage.. and it's still not enough. I have made multiple side characters to store things and take up like 15 slots.. and it's still not enough. Our storage space is massively constricted compared to the sheer number of items, and new items being constantly added. Swapping, mailing, and moving things around in the bank has become extremely tedious and time consuming. Like, I don't want to spend hours upon hours just managing inventory.. especially when I want to do a TR and have to deal with the cache. Can you guys fix this?? It's actually taking a lot of enjoyment out of the game. I shouldn't be having to run a warehouse, when I should be running dungeons. However, not being able to collect the items from the dungeon removes the reward for doing them other than xp, which would be irrelevant at level cap. There has got to be a way.. for us to select what cosmetic items we wish to wear from the character inventory screen without having to constantly swap and do all kinds of tedious back and forth. I know it's possible.. I have seen it in other games. The RPG "Rift" from Trion Worlds for example, has such a system. You can select any cosmetic you want to wear right there in a wardrobe tab of your inventory screen. It's so easy. It would be grand if we could do the same with weapons and items for each equip slot; click on a slot which opens a window that allows us to select from our arsenal of weapons, or armory of other items. Click on a necklace slot; every necklace you collected is an option. This would be a massive quality of life boost for this game. Quite honestly, the anniversary event is here.. and I would love to earn the items from it.. but I have no place to put it.. so what is the point? I do not wish to destroy the items I already collected. Some of them are even crafted items that can never be replaced. Inventory.. needs a complete overhaul because it is sucking the fun out of the game for me. I can't even get excited about new items because I have nowhere to put them..

  2. #2
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Infinitedrift View Post
    I've been playing this game for many years now.. and have spent much money on it.. and purchased lots of storage.. and it's still not enough. I have made multiple side characters to store things and take up like 15 slots.. and it's still not enough. Our storage space is massively constricted compared to the sheer number of items, and new items being constantly added. Swapping, mailing, and moving things around in the bank has become extremely tedious and time consuming. Like, I don't want to spend hours upon hours just managing inventory.. especially when I want to do a TR and have to deal with the cache. Can you guys fix this?? It's actually taking a lot of enjoyment out of the game. I shouldn't be having to run a warehouse, when I should be running dungeons. However, not being able to collect the items from the dungeon removes the reward for doing them other than xp, which would be irrelevant at level cap. There has got to be a way.. for us to select what cosmetic items we wish to wear from the character inventory screen without having to constantly swap and do all kinds of tedious back and forth. I know it's possible.. I have seen it in other games. The RPG "Rift" from Trion Worlds for example, has such a system. You can select any cosmetic you want to wear right there in a wardrobe tab of your inventory screen. It's so easy. It would be grand if we could do the same with weapons and items for each equip slot; click on a slot which opens a window that allows us to select from our arsenal of weapons, or armory of other items. Click on a necklace slot; every necklace you collected is an option. This would be a massive quality of life boost for this game. Quite honestly, the anniversary event is here.. and I would love to earn the items from it.. but I have no place to put it.. so what is the point? I do not wish to destroy the items I already collected. Some of them are even crafted items that can never be replaced. Inventory.. needs a complete overhaul because it is sucking the fun out of the game for me. I can't even get excited about new items because I have nowhere to put them..
    Inventory is much easier if you take a minimalist approach you will save your time too

  3. #3
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    Think of it from the perspective of a hoarder.

    House is full, no more rooms to store stuff in. Either build another addition onto the house to keep more stuff or have the epiphany and get rid of all the stuff that is either redundant or easy to farm up again the next life.

    You'd be amazed at how much stuff that is irrelevant to whatever you are playing now just drops casually as you go through the next life.

  4. #4
    Community Member Onyxia2019's Avatar
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    Look at it this way. If you ever apply for a job as a warehouse manager you on need to list under experience, "Played DDO of X number of years and managed 15 bank alts".

    In all seriousness it can be a challenge if you get in the mindset of needing to keep every blue item and up. Lot of the early stuff is worthless as newer items of the same level are more powerful. There are also items from packs like the borderlands that drop from ever rare chest. Anyone need a pair of "Travelers Bracers"?

    Focus on gear the works for multiple classes and then augment swap to customize for the class you are playing at the time. Once you get a good base set of gear. Other unused pieces will just collect dust and you will realize you don't need them. It is hard at first but if you have been playing for awhile you have already started to do this although you may not have realized it. Think about your last handful of TR's. Was there pieces of gear you seem to always reach for in you bank? When you hit level 8, 10 or 15 do you rush to the bank to grab that piece you always grab? There is also the gear that is really only good for a couple of levels as you have a much better piece waiting. Does it make sense to hoard a piece of gear that is only useful for a coupe levels?

    I do agree we could use more storage in the form of shared bank space. The hard part about managing multiple mules is the logging in and out to organize stuff.
    Maybe someday SSG will grant this wish.
    If it ain't broke, you're not trying hard enough.

  5. #5
    Community Member Antheal's Avatar
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    If there was a reliable way to re-obtain named loot, this wouldn't be an issue.

    Because of the abysmal drop rates of named items, the game encourages hoarding.
    Those are not pebbles surrounding the urn filled with Human teeth. They are megaliths!

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Antheal View Post
    If there was a reliable way to re-obtain named loot, this wouldn't be an issue.

    Because of the abysmal drop rates of named items, the game encourages hoarding.
    I quite like ESO's system. They have a "collection book" of every set item in the game. Once you loot an item, it's unlocked in the book. You can then spend a generic currency obtained from running any dungeons to create a copy of it from the book. They even go a step further since there's thousands of items to farm and have a "smart drop" system where you always get a new piece of the set until you have everything collected. DDO could just thematically adopt this as "item reincarnation" and give an extra use to Heart Seeds.

  7. #7
    Community Member Gordo's Avatar
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    Default Set bonuses visible when hovering over...

    I'm sure we all have lots of materials for sentience sets in our crafting storage. We know what the top line bonuses are but we don't know what the set bonus is when we hover over it.
    Would be nice if we can know what that is before we take it from our inventory. Makes it easier to decide if that is the one we want.
    Gordion ~ Jaheira ~ Piccolo

  8. #8
    Community Member krimsonrane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Antheal View Post
    If there was a reliable way to re-obtain named loot, this wouldn't be an issue.

    Because of the abysmal drop rates of named items, the game encourages hoarding.
    Remember when the shard/scroll/seal loot got turned into essences that fit in your green bag? Maybe that would be a solution. The ability to deconstruct/reconstruct loot as necessary.
    Sometimes I pull one out just to watch it die over and over. That's how much I hate hires.

  9. #9
    The Hatchery
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    Quote Originally Posted by krimsonrane View Post
    Remember when the shard/scroll/seal loot got turned into essences that fit in your green bag? Maybe that would be a solution. The ability to deconstruct/reconstruct loot as necessary.
    This would be a good start.

    But there are also mythic and reaper bonuses, and those will probably not be included in such a system.
    DDO: If a problem cannot be solved by the application of DPS, you're not applying enough.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by KoobTheProud View Post
    Think of it from the perspective of a hoarder.

    House is full, no more rooms to store stuff in. Either build another addition onto the house to keep more stuff or have the epiphany and get rid of all the stuff that is either redundant or easy to farm up again the next life.

    You'd be amazed at how much stuff that is irrelevant to whatever you are playing now just drops casually as you go through the next life.
    That is not always the case. You can ransack a quest and use all 3 rerolls for like 21 chances to get in item and it never drops. As for adding an addition to the house.. the house has no more real estate to build on. Just named set items alone , heroic and legendary take up many mules. Then toss in all non named set items. Heroic and Legendary.

    Your making suggestions to put a band-aid on a gushing wound.. Also no one should have to toss items out they worked hard to get , especially if you get lucky and have nice ones with Reaper Bonus and Mythic Bonus. Toss in pots, cosmetics..and all the other tons of times in the game. There just isnt enough room, and they compound the problem by releasing more and more content with more items that has no room to go.

    I solved the issue though. I just stopped playing. Been like 2 months or so since I last played. But I will continue to criticize them for their lack of empathy and their silence on the matter. Them fixing the banking issues , might be enough incentive for me to play a little, but too many other fun games to play with out all the issues this one has
    Last edited by cmecu; 03-24-2023 at 09:20 AM.
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  11. #11
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    So... did anyone of the dev team see this post or any of the other multiple storage problem posts? Can you say something about future plans to fix this problem?

  12. #12
    Community Member magaiti's Avatar
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    They added bank upgrades 3 & 4 to DDO Store. Why are you still not happy?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oxarhamar View Post
    Inventory is much easier if you take a minimalist approach you will save your time too
    I did that for many years, but it makes the game far less fun. Passing every raid item I ever got because I had no place to put it and could only use it for a couple of levels before TRing, made raids pointless to run. The loot reward is a big part of the game and when every reward must either be passed or is a cursed object that will add to your headache, receiving named items becomes a chore. I used to dread seeing any named loot in the chest because it meant I had to make a decision whether to deal with the curse myself or throw it away.

    If they are going to constantly make new gear, they should give us a place to put it. This is not a normal game where your character only needs the best gear they have found. We TR, which means we need to keep gear for all levels, and there are 15 classes we need to play for past lives, which means we need gear for all classes. I have quit this game many times because the headache of figuring out how I was going to manage my inventory was so daunting that I just didn't log in for months. The game is significantly more enjoyable now that i have 16 mules with 160 inventory space each, but needless to say it is still an annoyance to have to log in a few different characters each time I want to put away some new gear I have found from a day of playing.

    The suggestion of the original post is definitely a good one. I would even be okay with gear that levels with you so you don't need to have multiple levels of gear. But at this point I have simply given up and taken to buying mules (something I refused to do for many, many years) and frankly the game is a lot more fun. Now I actually look forward to getting named loot and that is a massive improvement for me.

  14. #14
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by erethizon View Post
    I did that for many years, but it makes the game far less fun. Passing every raid item I ever got because I had no place to put it and could only use it for a couple of levels before TRing, made raids pointless to run. The loot reward is a big part of the game and when every reward must either be passed or is a cursed object that will add to your headache, receiving named items becomes a chore. I used to dread seeing any named loot in the chest because it meant I had to make a decision whether to deal with the curse myself or throw it away.

    If they are going to constantly make new gear, they should give us a place to put it. This is not a normal game where your character only needs the best gear they have found. We TR, which means we need to keep gear for all levels, and there are 15 classes we need to play for past lives, which means we need gear for all classes. I have quit this game many times because the headache of figuring out how I was going to manage my inventory was so daunting that I just didn't log in for months. The game is significantly more enjoyable now that i have 16 mules with 160 inventory space each, but needless to say it is still an annoyance to have to log in a few different characters each time I want to put away some new gear I have found from a day of playing.

    The suggestion of the original post is definitely a good one. I would even be okay with gear that levels with you so you don't need to have multiple levels of gear. But at this point I have simply given up and taken to buying mules (something I refused to do for many, many years) and frankly the game is a lot more fun. Now I actually look forward to getting named loot and that is a massive improvement for me.
    More or less fun is subjective

    I enjoy playing the game instead of playing the character mule bank shuffle

    Even makes emptying the TR cashe faster and less bank lag having less clutter

  15. #15
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    Game has gear. Lots. Then people say ignore almost all of it.

    You can play tens if not hundreds of builds. Kinda point of the game. But of course you can also grind 300 lives as the same class & build.

    You can keep the named gear you find. So you have it ready for whatever life. Or you can every life spend 200 hours grinding it (while you could already have it on a mule)

  16. #16
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    Yes, the inventory system in this game just doesn't work. It takes too many mules and too much time to search through and categorize everything

    The only MMO with similar inventory issues I ever played is FFXI, but it has with PS2(!) era code and dial up speed server upload cap and even they introduced "storage slips" and additional storage. (it's also a game where you play many classes typically and have to store much gear)

    Please do something, SSG. More storage, easier re-aquirement of named items, collection system, housing as storage. Or at the very least a way to scan and output all your gear to a list.

    Thank you.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oxarhamar View Post
    More or less fun is subjective

    I enjoy playing the game instead of playing the character mule bank shuffle

    Even makes emptying the TR cashe faster and less bank lag having less clutter
    Fun is definitely subjective. Gear is an obnoxious pain in the bum that I wish didn't exist. All power should be inherent character power and gear shouldn't matter. But sadly, I am nearly the only person that thinks that and I have to play games designed for people that love gear.

    Emptying the TR cache is definitely faster now that I have mules. TRing used to be a multi-hour process as I needed to keep gear for a dozen classes on one character. Now I don't even keep that much stuff on my main guy so TRing is quick. I used to dread TRing and now it goes by fast.

    Don't get me wrong, I still hate gear. I still would switch to a system where all power comes from the character itself in a heartbeat. But if I have to play this game with item sets and new gear released with every single quest pack, I would much rather have a place to put it in an orderly fashion. I absolutely despise farming for gear. I run every quest once per life only. When it comes time to switch gear sets I want to already have the entire set and that can only happen by keeping it as I find it.

    DDO doesn't have a great system, but having space to store things is far and away better than not having it. It would be nice if the game had a orderly way to keep track of what items you have found, but I will have to settle for typewritten lists in the meantime. Is it fun having to write out the lists? No, not really. But overall it is less miserable than the nightmare of trying to figure out exactly what is important enough to keep in one character's inventory.

    When the servers come back up I am going to be running the level 3 Gatekeeper's quests and Saltmarsh on R6 to try and get some gear with good bonuses. I'm looking forward to it. It sounds fun. And it would absolutely never happen if I didn't have the place to keep a set of level 3 gear. The fun I am about to have is only made possible by having the space to store the gear with nice bonuses that I am about to find.

    I am here to support a better system. I am not telling anyone to do what I am doing. What I am doing is a Band-Aid on a poorly designed system. What we need is something better. People are regularly suggesting better systems and it is high time we implement one of them. This is a much easier fix than the lag so let's spend a patch prioritizing this one.

  18. #18
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by erethizon View Post
    Fun is definitely subjective. Gear is an obnoxious pain in the bum that I wish didn't exist. All power should be inherent character power and gear shouldn't matter. But sadly, I am nearly the only person that thinks that and I have to play games designed for people that love gear.

    Emptying the TR cache is definitely faster now that I have mules. TRing used to be a multi-hour process as I needed to keep gear for a dozen classes on one character. Now I don't even keep that much stuff on my main guy so TRing is quick. I used to dread TRing and now it goes by fast.

    Don't get me wrong, I still hate gear. I still would switch to a system where all power comes from the character itself in a heartbeat. But if I have to play this game with item sets and new gear released with every single quest pack, I would much rather have a place to put it in an orderly fashion. I absolutely despise farming for gear. I run every quest once per life only. When it comes time to switch gear sets I want to already have the entire set and that can only happen by keeping it as I find it.

    DDO doesn't have a great system, but having space to store things is far and away better than not having it. It would be nice if the game had a orderly way to keep track of what items you have found, but I will have to settle for typewritten lists in the meantime. Is it fun having to write out the lists? No, not really. But overall it is less miserable than the nightmare of trying to figure out exactly what is important enough to keep in one character's inventory.

    When the servers come back up I am going to be running the level 3 Gatekeeper's quests and Saltmarsh on R6 to try and get some gear with good bonuses. I'm looking forward to it. It sounds fun. And it would absolutely never happen if I didn't have the place to keep a set of level 3 gear. The fun I am about to have is only made possible by having the space to store the gear with nice bonuses that I am about to find.

    I am here to support a better system. I am not telling anyone to do what I am doing. What I am doing is a Band-Aid on a poorly designed system. What we need is something better. People are regularly suggesting better systems and it is high time we implement one of them. This is a much easier fix than the lag so let's spend a patch prioritizing this one.
    I don’t think not having gear would make the game more fun

    Equipping your character is an integral part of role playing

    If you feel like you have to keep everything incase you want to use it later that’s fine but it’s much less stress to go minimal especially if you hate gear

    I also think it’s annoying that we get new items constantly with nowhere new to store them I just don’t collect everything

  19. #19
    Community Member DarkSkysz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oxarhamar View Post
    Inventory is much easier if you take a minimalist approach you will save your time too
    I agreed with that.

    No point is storing every single piece of loot you get. Or even outdated stuff that is not useful anymore.

    "Ah but they can get a rework in the future and be useful" Then you can farm the new items again.

    I have 6 bank toons, for better management (since they have plenty of space available), one for heroic armor, one for heroic weapons, epic armor, epic weapons, one for trinkets in general (necklaces, rings and things like that) and one for consumables/cosmetics (pots, boosters, mirrors).

    This make easy to find what I want, when I want and I still have plenty of storage available for future updates (and I may also discart some trash items in the process).

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oxarhamar View Post
    Inventory is much easier if you take a minimalist approach you will save your time too
    translation: Stop Hoarding

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