Hello all!

I am not active on the Forums but some of you may know or have seen my main toon from Khyber, Greasyphil Collins, from the guild WanderLust. I and another guildie (Aneeya/Niyo) have decided to journey over and start anew on Orien. We wanted to start a new guild that felt simillar in name, as well as a name that encapsulated and represented our decision to move over.

Resfeber is looking to recruit 6-12, preferably, Ex-Khyber players. There are no specific requirments. Our hope is to find some of the refugees from Khyber, or possibly other servers, and give them a new home. As well as make some new friends.

We are well experienced, and active players than run a bit of everything (Raids, R10s, PL grinding).

If this interests you at all please reach out here or to either of us in-game!

My toons:

Aneeya's Toons: