Hey all, Tomkin TUF_rpg here

My guild VGL_Privateers has been around since the very beginning of guilds in the game. I made it originally so I could keep in contact with my sons via the game while I was on patrol (am retired US Coast Guard). Now my kids are all adults and my guild was feeling lonely, so I have opened the doors. I would love to build a guild of friends that can run quests and raids together. We are currently very small. maybe 8 real people. we are only level 77 but we have the biggest shard ship and all the buffs, they just don't last as long as the big guilds. We don't care if you are new or old to the game, we will help you grow and let you help us too. get in on the ground floor

VGL means Virtual Geographic League and is a hold over from my Mechwarrior guild and an homage to an long gone came company VWE who ran game pods in warehouses turned soda bars back in the 1990's