At level 15, what should they skills stats be for a rogue? Are hhigh 49's good enough for grouping?
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At level 15, what should they skills stats be for a rogue? Are hhigh 49's good enough for grouping?
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With or without equipment?
Maybe just have a look at this wiki entry:
I assume you run base lvl 13 quests on elite and/or reaper. Ideal character level is 15 on heroic. DCs might differ in reaper, means it gets harder.
I hope that helps.
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For Traps/Disabling, don't forget your Thieves' Tools, which are not added* under Skill totals. +5 Tools give a +7 bonus (yes, I know, I didn't create them)
(* The game uses the first set of tools in the inventory (reading left to right, top to bottom). You can have many different sets in inventory, and the game doesn't know which you'll be using until you actually click on the trap, which is when that geographical first set gets used and added in to the Total.)
Also, for all skills, remember to gear swap and add in any Skill Boosts or buffs (Heroism, Bard songs, etc etc) that you reliably use.
And this for Spot/Search
(Here's the home page for the Info Project, lots of other categories: )
In general, if you have your skill points fully invested (disarm, search, and spot), have tools+5, and you're wearing ONE trapping item (eg. Keylock Ring), you will always succeed on all traps from L1 to L28.
Things don't start to become hard until you hit the legendary quests. That's where you might start needing to add in extra trap swaps like the Legendary Tiara of Madness as well as a standard trap item.
If you're new to trapping and in doubt, check with your group before trying to disarm any traps. It's always OK to try if you're the only trapper, but it might not be obvious that you are the only one. There are some quests at cap where "trying" and failing means you won't get the trap bonus for that quest. There are raids where breaking a trap is pretty annoying, too (eg. LVOD). Might be rather embarrassing to break a box and lost the XP bonus right in front of another trapper that could have disarmed it. Best to ask to make sure.
The 'Reaper mode' does not increase required: Spot, Search or Disable DC values for traps. Reaper is no different to Elite for those DCs; it's just that a trap's damage output is potentially greater.
As a general rule for heroic [F2P] quests for Elite difficulty the 'Spot and Search' DCs tend to increase by either: +2 or +3 DC per quest level. There are odd exceptions to the rule "outliers". Epic onwards follows the same pattern.
Though that is the generic pattern they tend to follow within many heroic quests. The generic Disable DC tends to be ~ +10 higher than Search DC but Disable DCs will typically vary a lot more with quests. For example the quest; Prove your Worth (Epic Elite), comes to mind there where the Trap DCs vary significantly.
The Level 15 quest 'Creeping Death' is officially bugged regarding DCs, with one trap having a Search DC of 10 and one with a Search DC of 54. The default value for Level 15 Elite should be near 46, some newer heroic quests (that also have Legendary content versions) often tend to be 2 to 4 DC higher than default.
Note: Also, remember: you cannot Disable a trap control panel; if you fail to meet the Search DC value for the Control Panel. Loosely for many traps if your Disable Device before you apply; +5 Thieves' Tools, (without temporary buffs) is equal or better to your standing Search (and you can find the trap control box) it's extremely unlikely you'd Critically fail ~ 95%+ of heroic traps. I don't bother with +5 in most [99.9%] heroic quests just +4 Free Agent Thieves' tools. I'm not a "Trapper build", I'm DEX based and don't have super gear.
So if you can make your build at the bare minimum; to be over those Search value requirements, you are going in the right general direction.
NB: Any 'extremely high outliers' have been 'manually edited' by a DDO Developer's hand rather than obeying the quest's default difficultly.
Only perhaps a few outliers don't follow the rule but the [Spot/Search] rule probably accounts for 95% or more, of most generic [F2P] Heroic traps. :D
I mentioned prior; 'Reaper mode' does not increase required: Search or Disable DC values.
Last edited by DYWYPI; 03-17-2023 at 05:46 AM. Reason: Legendary.
Trapper gear is very low level for crafting and uses common collectables. Here is a good gear planner to use. The values you can make are very close to the best found gear.
I often make helms with wisdom and spot; then swap another with int and search once I spot something. A pair of goggles with disable and open lock with the int helm and you're good to go. Put your combat gogs back on to continue questing.