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  1. #1
    Community Member painkiller3's Avatar
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    Default dark hunter ideas? 18 DH/1 monk/1 rogue

    i really like some of the stuff from tier 4 dark hunter (smoke bomb, slayer in the dark, lupine instincts) but i ran out of points. the best i could come up with (but was still short of points) was 18 DH/1 rogue/1 monk shadar-kai (i like the chain for extra AOE). i had tier 5 tempest for 25% hp and dance of death, 21 in vistani for + to range/multiplier (using daggers centered), monk for +1 to 19-20 crit multiplier. same problem would be if i had 21 in deepwood stalker instead of vistani. i don't think the tier 5 dark hunter stuff is as good as tempest, so i guess i can't get everything i want i think the slayer in the dark is strong (theoretically) but haven't used it yet. i don't think this is the greatest (still on my first coffee), just wondering who else has some ideas out there.

    Enhancements: 80 APs, Racial 16, Universal 1
    Vistani Knife Fighter - Points spent: 21
    Core1 Knife Expertise
    Tier1 Mist Stalker I
    Tier1 Undead Hunter
    Tier1 Rapid Attack
    Core2 Knife Juggler
    Tier2 Mist Stalker II
    Tier2 Vistani Knife Training II
    Core3 Quick Reflexes
    Tier3 Vistani Knife Training III
    Tier3 Mist Stalker III
    Tier3 Deadly Blades
    Tier3 Gifted I: +1 Dexterity
    Core4 One With Blades
    Tempest - Points spent: 36
    Core1 Shield of Whirling Steel
    Tier1 Whirling Blades I
    Tier1 Improved Defence - 3 Ranks
    Core2 Tempest
    Tier2 Improved Parry - 3 Ranks
    Tier2 Whirling Blades II
    Tier2 Action Boost: Haste Boost - 3 Ranks
    Core3 Graceful Death
    Tier3 Ability I: +1 Dexterity
    Tier3 Whirling Blades III
    Tier3 Storm Dancer
    Core4 Deflect Arrows
    Tier4 Whirling Blades IV
    Tier4 Ability II: +1 Dexterity
    Tier4 The Growing Storm - 3 Ranks
    Core5 Whirlwind
    Tier5 Dance of Death - 3 Ranks
    Tier5 Dual Perfection
    Dark Hunter - Points spent: 24
    Core1 Underdark Stalker
    Tier1 Sneak Attack Training I
    Tier1 Dark Wolf - 2 Ranks
    Tier1 Wolf Hide - 2 Ranks
    Core2 Smoke Trap
    Tier2 Sneak Attack Training II
    Tier2 Furor of the Hunter - 1 Ranks
    Core3 Underdark Defenses
    Tier3 Sneak Attack Training III
    Tier3 Ability I: +1 Dexterity
    Tier3 Primal Energy - 1 Ranks
    Tier3 Use Magic Device - 3 Ranks
    Core4 Opportune Moment
    Tier4 Slayer in the Dark - 3 Ranks

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Apr 2013


    Basic DH AoE/Single target annihilating/healing First Life Alt for mid reaper/PUG raiding/funzies

    This was my idea to use DH. The PA and Magus mantles screw each other up if you have both, so you can only pick one or the other.

    Song of Fire and Ice

    20 DH Fallen Aasimar (CR32) (vacuum)
    20 DH Pet Ash Collar (CR32) (ash)
    Main Hand Tar Ooze (3xCR50) (ooze)
    Off Hand LGS Ooze (3xCR45) (unsure how this stacks)
    Dino Clicky (CR60)
    Wolf Click (CR50)
    PA Heart Summons (1.5xCR40) (unsure how this stacks)

    ED Mantle: Magus 1d6+6 Cold, 1d6+6 negative/CR Aura
    Total CR = 519*19 = 9861 *7 (600 Spell Power) = 69k AoE pulses before debuffs/helpless.
    ED Strike: Spring to Summer
    ED Spells: Reborn in Fire, Cold Zone
    T5: PA

    41 DH
    12 Harper (Int for spell power/color spray/reflex save synergy, we aren't going to use assassinate we have AoE annihilation)
    17 Aasimar Fallen, Magical Training, HAMP, vacuum
    10+1 Tome FI Color Spray

    Feats: Summons, Metamagics, insightful reflexes, IC: Pick whatever you like, Discipline (60% spell threat reduction)

    In an AoE scenario, color spray helpless may also kick in, pet on passive next to you serves as AoE and potion target to heal yourself. In a single target scenario, all the debuffs plus summon melee will kick in, boss in front of you serves as potion target to AoE heal around boss. Can get evasion from PA or from SD if you want.

    Gear: Hybrid, but you don't need elemental/negative crit or multiplier the abilities don't crit. Pet collar from THTH gives vulnerability, main/off give ooze debuff + shattered sentience. Have fun annihilating everything.
    Last edited by Tilomere; 04-24-2023 at 11:01 PM.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere View Post
    Basic DH AoE/Single target annihilating/healing First Life Alt for mid reaper/PUG raiding/funzies

    12 Harper (Int for spell power/color spray/reflex save synergy, we aren't going to use assassinate we have AoE annihilation)
    Can you break this down (non scourge race) and explain a bit what is going on here? I am a huge fan of heroic life and am trying to settle on my next DH life.

    DH will take int for all of there skills, or (dex, not all skills), or wis. That includes all the assassinate, (placeable) traps, etc.

    This seems like fun but I don't have scourge and have been on a kick with humans.

    Can you explain how this works in heroics, as I don't get what spellpower is used for here other than color spray. Elemental traps?'

    Does this only work at 15+?


  4. #4
    Community Member magaiti's Avatar
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    Dec 2016


    18 DH / 1 Wiz / 1 Ftr

    37 DH
    21+ DWS
    12 Harper (KtA, Int to hit/damage)
    6+ Gnome (Spray)
    4 Kensai (Haste Boost)
    1 Archmage (Invis SLA)

    THF or whatever

  5. #5
    Community Member spifflove's Avatar
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    I would stay pure for the tempest capstone but were I to split I’d go 2 monk, centered daggers with Vistani or 2 rogue for evasion. (Stuck with 2 rogue sdk not sure if tempest greater evasion will work or not. In theory it should)
    Last edited by spifflove; 03-18-2023 at 03:47 PM.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrag View Post
    Can you break this down (non scourge race) and explain a bit what is going on here? I am a huge fan of heroic life and am trying to settle on my next DH life.

    DH will take int for all of there skills, or (dex, not all skills), or wis. That includes all the assassinate, (placeable) traps, etc.

    This seems like fun but I don't have scourge and have been on a kick with humans.

    Can you explain how this works in heroics, as I don't get what spellpower is used for here other than color spray. Elemental traps?'

    Does this only work at 15+?

    Fallen Assumer is the non-scourge race.
    In heroics you use fan of knives for lvls 4-5, and Fan of Shadowblades SLA 6-20. To get it and have it have oomph at 6 you need magical training, maximize.

    On the way to 20, you can swap magical training to discipline for Magus ED synergy, and get magical training from Aasimar when it is convenient.

    Force spell power/crit is used in heroics for fan of knives/shadowblades, and int and illusion DC.

    This will work decently well 4+ due to having strong trapping, decent healing, and okish AoE, but the summons synergy won't kick in until cap, because most of the total CR is cap only.
    Last edited by Tilomere; 04-24-2023 at 11:02 PM.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tilomere View Post
    Fallen Assumer is the non-scourge race.
    In heroics you use fan of knives for lvls 4-5, and Fan of Shadowblades SLA 6-20. To get it and have it have oomph at 6 you need magical training, maximize, and empower feats.
    This is exceptionally informative and helpful, and taught me a lot about vistani knife fighting, which I never looked at because it didn't look interesting. Also, it clarifies the bit about Aasimar which I only see referenced without the fallen bit in ddowiki and other places. It was always confusing, and I couldn't tell if people were talking about the race, or the iconic.

    Thank you again very much!

  8. #8
    Community Member Aerendil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrag View Post
    This is exceptionally informative and helpful, and taught me a lot about vistani knife fighting, which I never looked at because it didn't look interesting. Also, it clarifies the bit about Aasimar which I only see referenced without the fallen bit in ddowiki and other places. It was always confusing, and I couldn't tell if people were talking about the race, or the iconic.

    Thank you again very much!
    It's a bit of a heavy feat tax, although you could arguably make it by with just Magical Training + Maximize. And at 20, or if you multiclass, you can easily obtain magical training and swap out that feat.
    That said, it does work, and works well for heroics. However, you could also argue it's a T4 enhancement, and at that point you're only about 4 or 5 levels from DoD. Still a long run from 7ish to 12 though, especially as enemies ramp up a bit in heroics, but doable.

    For a DH archer, though, with no reliable AoE and who may invest in some INT anyways? This is the way.

  9. #9
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    Oh yea, can only have maximize at 6, because you can't start stacking meta-magics until you can cast a spell at 4.

    Edit: and also forgot doggie summons, and updated summons CR, and that augments don't work on pet, so use THTH wraps as a collar.
    Last edited by Tilomere; 04-24-2023 at 11:03 PM.

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