This one was an absolute grind. Congrats to Cammy, Kanra, Dom, C, Kawzen, Gunga, Viamel, Jennafer "Big Deeps" Johnson, Fakkie, Deathrobot, Shavara and Sardonic.
Another huge shoutout to all those who helped with previous attempts and the endless planning/testing involved in this completion. Epic, Ying, Tanky, Acme, Madator, Speedy, Gisty, Tanky, Courtney, Liyandra, Drewphoria, Gil, Matty and Neo.
Endless build swaps until we landed on the perfect party composition.
Cammy - Aasi 17druid/2alch/1fvs - Heals, Salve, Icy Mantle
Kanra - Aasi 17fvs/3alch - Heals, Salve
Vampp - WF 20 ftr - Main Beefy Tank
Kawzen - Dwarf 13AotS/4ftr/3wiz - Undead Trash Tank T5AotS
Czzarina-1 - Trailblazer 16mnk/3ftr/1fvs - Monk Tank/Kiter
Boomph - Aasi 14sorc/6clr - CC with DI "Solid Fog Build" - Gunga
Viazen - Shifter 16da/3rgr/1sf - Melee DPS with DI
Trainwreckk Shifter 18ftr/1brb/1fvs - Melee DPS
Jennafer - Halfling 9rog/8ftr/3mnk - TWF deeps, knock
Deathrobot - Tabaxi 20 Pali - HW Bow DPS
Shavara - Halfling20 rgr - Dagger Thrower DPS
Sardonic - Trailblazer 20 Arti - Bubble extraordinaire, Beckon
Pictures attached. Video to follow if I ever get to uploading/editing.