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  1. #1
    Community Member Bacab's Avatar
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    Oct 2006

    Default Ghallanda being the new default server is working.

    I am, really happy that Ghallanda is new default server. I haven't seen so many new players since 2009.

    Ghallanda has been my gaming home since 2006 since a real life buddy picked it because it sounded cool.

    I have characters that are almost old enough to vote.

    To some people, this whole server transfer thing was a joke and they relentlessly trolled us. I don't understand that guy, not gonna name him.

    For some of us, we have an emotional attachment to this place. About 95% of all my video game time since 2006 has been split between 3 games. DDO, Final Fantasy XI and the Dark Souls games.

    To any new players on Ghallanda that see this, hit up "Hireling" for some starter platinum if you want to.

    Hireling is my character's name, its not some NPC btw...thats the joke.

    If I can figure out how to, I am gonna post a screenshot of LFM on a random Tuesday morning.

    I can't get it to work, maybe someone else can do that?
    "Hireling" and "Hjealer"
    Member of THACO on Ghallanda

  2. #2
    Community Member Thumbed_Servant's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Thumbs up Good community post!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by bacab View Post
    i am, really happy that ghallanda is new default server. I haven't seen so many new players since 2009.

    Ghallanda has been my gaming home since 2006 since a real life buddy picked it because it sounded cool.

    I have characters that are almost old enough to vote.

    To some people, this whole server transfer thing was a joke and they relentlessly trolled us. I don't understand that guy, not gonna name him.

    For some of us, we have an emotional attachment to this place. About 95% of all my video game time since 2006 has been split between 3 games. Ddo, final fantasy xi and the dark souls games.

    To any new players on ghallanda that see this, hit up "hireling" for some starter platinum if you want to.

    Hireling is my character's name, its not some npc btw...thats the joke.

    If i can figure out how to, i am gonna post a screenshot of lfm on a random tuesday morning.

    I can't get it to work, maybe someone else can do that?

    Thumbed_Servant (to my cats ) I LOVE playing a healer (nannybot to the derisive folks)
    Leader: Order of Sunlit Rose on Argonnessen server
    Current active toons: Muhther....going through the Passed Lives grind at my own pace...currently lvl 28

  3. #3
    Community Member Oliphant's Avatar
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    That's awesome. Agree the mean spirited trolling has been pointless and bizarre.
    Please consider the environment before printing this post

  4. #4
    Community Member TitusOvid's Avatar
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    That is very good news. I am happy for Ghallanda. Go make it work. It won't be easy but you got some good people on the server.

    Playing since 2010 | Don't do the fun wrong | New to Orien? Join the ingame Titan Channel | Soko Irrlicht freut sich immer über neue Mitglieder | Deutscher DDO Discord | Orien Raiding Discord | Toons: Titus Ovid , Bruder, Upload, Zzed, (Rubbel)

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bacab View Post
    I am, really happy that Ghallanda is new default server. I haven't seen so many new players since 2009.
    To some people, this whole server transfer thing was a joke and they relentlessly trolled us. I don't understand that guy, not gonna name him.
    Regarding the title,

    Meanwhile, in the real world:

    First of all, it's been the default server for less than a week. That's like claiming a 5-year drought is over because it rained for 5 minutes... If being the default server is actually going to help Ghallanda, it's going to take months and more likely years to do so. Think not? Just wait until the next HCL comes along and kicks the chair out from under it.

    Secondly, contrary to what seems to be popular belief these days, stating (and showing) actual facts contrary to someone else' opinion isn't "trolling". As best I can tell, "you're just trolling" is the only defense they can come up with. It's weak.

    In fact, stating Ghallanda is doing great when it's demonstrably not is far more of a troll. Afterall, people who say that are trying to entice people to stay on a bottom-tier population/performance server under false statements.

    I'm all for anyone who wants to stay, whatever their reason, nostalgic attachment or other random sob story are. Good on them, but they shouldn't t make stuff up about the health of the population when it's so easy to disprove.
    Last edited by LT218; 03-14-2023 at 10:18 PM.

  6. #6
    Community Member Bacab's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LT218 View Post
    Regarding the title,

    Meanwhile, in the real world:

    First of all, it's been the default server for less than a week. That's like claiming a 5-year drought is over because it rained for 5 minutes... If being the default server is actually going to help Ghallanda, it's going to take months and more likely years to do so. Think not? Just wait until the next HCL comes along and kicks the chair out from under it.

    Secondly, contrary to what seems to be popular belief these days, stating (and showing) actual facts contrary to someone else' opinion isn't "trolling". As best I can tell, "you're just trolling" is the only defense they can come up with. It's weak.

    In fact, stating Ghallanda is doing great when it's demonstrably not is far more of a troll. Afterall, people who say that are trying to entice people to stay on a bottom-tier population/performance server under false statements.

    I'm all for anyone who wants to stay, whatever their reason, nostalgic attachment or other random sob story are. Good on them, but they shouldn't t make stuff up about the health of the population when it's so easy to disprove.

    This morning, there were 10 lfms up.
    Usually there are 1 to 3.
    It has gotten better.
    Never said "it's fixed"
    I am excited that I am seeing low level, non TRed people posting LFMs for quests on normal.
    It may diminish over time.
    It makes me generally "feel" better about the long term prospects of this game.
    It would be great if Ghallanda had the same number of players as Orien or Sarlona.
    But it doesn't.

    You do you.
    Maybe you got me confused with someone else.
    "Hireling" and "Hjealer"
    Member of THACO on Ghallanda

  7. #7
    Community Member Stradivarius's Avatar
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    I'm slowly swaying back that G-Land may in fact end up rivaling Orien for top spot after the movie hits.

  8. #8
    Community Member ShotCaller's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LT218 View Post
    Secondly, contrary to what seems to be popular belief these days, stating (and showing) actual facts contrary to someone else' opinion isn't "trolling". As best I can tell, "you're just trolling" is the only defense they can come up with. It's weak.
    Let's get to the heart of this: you ARE trolling, and you're trying to smokescreen it by saying you're "just stating facts". The tone of your posts related to this has been arrogant and contemptuous, and I don't even have to go outside this thread to prove it (Exhibit A: Willy Wonka, Exhibit B: "I'm all for anyone who wants to stay, whatever their reason, nostalgic attachment or other random sob story are.")

    You want Ghallanda to disappear. Just come right out and say it. So here comes the question once again: what are you getting out of this? Are you angry because some people aren't going along with the plan? Is it some feeling of superiority in posting Orien LFM screenshots alongside those from Ghallanda to show how insignificant and unworthy we are? If this is part of some subtle plan to force a server merge, that's an SSG problem, not a Ghallanda problem.

    Want to get me to Orien? That's going to take an SSG-mandated (i.e. server merge by design) 100% zero-loss transfer, and that includes carrying over my guild intact. Can't deliver? Then we have nothing to talk about.
    "It's not the lash they fear. It is my Boots of Divine Power."

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShotCaller View Post
    Let's get to the heart of this: you ARE trolling, and you're trying to smokescreen it by saying you're "just stating facts". The tone of your posts related to this has been arrogant and contemptuous, and I don't even have to go outside this thread to prove it (Exhibit A: Willy Wonka, Exhibit B: "I'm all for anyone who wants to stay, whatever their reason, nostalgic attachment or other random sob story are.")

    You want Ghallanda to disappear. Just come right out and say it. So here comes the question once again: what are you getting out of this? Are you angry because some people aren't going along with the plan? Is it some feeling of superiority in posting Orien LFM screenshots alongside those from Ghallanda to show how insignificant and unworthy we are? If this is part of some subtle plan to force a server merge, that's an SSG problem, not a Ghallanda problem.

    Want to get me to Orien? That's going to take an SSG-mandated (i.e. server merge by design) 100% zero-loss transfer, and that includes carrying over my guild intact. Can't deliver? Then we have nothing to talk about.
    Nope. The Wonka meme is an appropriate response. They posted a wall of "feels". I'd like to see some consistent facts and trends (if you can even show a trend with a few days of random sample sizes).

    I don't care what peoples' reasons for staying are. But if they're going to make posts about how great the grouping scene is on Ghallanda, they should at least support it with some facts and trends.

    Every time I check the LFM counts, it's the exact opposite of what they say. I've posted randomized samplings of the LFM counts on Orien vs Ghallanda the past few weeks showing that every time I look is significantly better, to the tune of 2-3 times the number of LFMs. Feel free to start checking and post screenshots showing otherwise if you can.

    Odd, someone else made the same "you just want Ghallanda to be deleted" comment yesterday I think. Sock of yours or are you just regurgitating that same ridiculous point? That's a huge strawman fallacy and deserves a bit of contempt in my opinion.

    To quote myself:
    Quote Originally Posted by LT218 View Post
    What petition? Want G-Land dissolved? That's just stupid. You're making stuff up at this point.

    Our DDO friends and acquaintances who have chosen not to transfer are the only real downside for us. It's their choice though and they're good people so I wish them the best.
    On top of that, SSG isn't going to delete a server. How many years has Wayfinder been a ghost town? It's still there, isn't it?

    We can't even get them to fix significant game-impacting performance and bugs half the time. In what bizarro world do you think they would do the large amount of work to forcefully migrate several hundred players and delete a server with a higher population?

    I don't particularly want you to move to Orien. I'd have to know who you are in-game to decide that. I do think you, and others, should be aware of the actual facts and average players and LFMs on each server though so you can make an informed decision rather than basing it off assumptions and incorrect info people are posting.

    For the record, here's 3:55 AM EST. Make of it what you will.

  10. #10
    The Hatchery
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    I hope this helps Ghallanda. Sadly, it's too late for a lot of us, but best of luck to those who remain.
    DDO: If a problem cannot be solved by the application of DPS, you're not applying enough.

  11. #11
    Community Member Bacab's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LT218 View Post
    You are right. This game is about feels. I have real life to take seriously and be analitical. Have a mortgage. A tree fell down on my property that I have to take care of. One of my horses has an abscess on her foot/hoof. My job in the hospital can be frustrating.

    DDO is my escape man.

    Ghallanda has been my home. I tend to play 6 months to a year, and then take 6 months to a year off. Come back and buy whatever I missed. I have friends who are "on break". I want to be here when they return. That's why I don't want to swap.

    Ghallanda was a ghost town last week. The number of LFMs up has greatly increased (anecdotally). Just now I played with a new player and helped him. He is new to DDO, but not MMOs. I think hes a pen and paper DnD player. I am trying to make him feel welcome on Ghallanda. He started on Ghallanda...because it was the default.

    LT you aren't the troll I was referring to. It was someone else.

    Let me paraphrase them: "Sorry your friend died...maybe I shouldn't have held their head underwater"

    I wish I could say "it doesn't bother me". But it does because its just annoying. I generally try to be positive on here man.

    When Cordovan has to pop in and say "hey, I am closing all your spam/troll threads about server transfers" have been blatent. Cordovan generally hangs back and tries not to be heavy handed.

    SSG does a great job with the resources they have. The game is still fun. Are there things I wish were better/changed? Of course.

    Anyway, enjoy Orien or Wayfinder or wherever you play. Or you could roll a toon on Ghallanda and I'd quest withya. No hard feelings about this.
    "Hireling" and "Hjealer"
    Member of THACO on Ghallanda

  12. #12
    Pale Fox
    LightBear's Avatar
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    This picture

    Is exactly why I am considering to move to Orien.

  13. #13
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    I have no skin in the server transfer debate but if SSG needs to take anything away from all this is that the game is more fun when we can group. Their priority needs to be to make it easier to group with other players. Whether that is server merges or cross server grouping or level squish something needs to be done.

  14. #14
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Fantastic, glad to see it and hope the trend continues!
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
    Max DC Illusionist Reaper Build (U48)

  15. #15
    Community Member ShotCaller's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LT218 View Post
    Nope. The Wonka meme is an appropriate response. They posted a wall of "feels". I'd like to see some consistent facts and trends (if you can even show a trend with a few days of random sample sizes).

    I don't care what peoples' reasons for staying are. But if they're going to make posts about how great the grouping scene is on Ghallanda, they should at least support it with some facts and trends.

    Every time I check the LFM counts, it's the exact opposite of what they say. I've posted randomized samplings of the LFM counts on Orien vs Ghallanda the past few weeks showing that every time I look is significantly better, to the tune of 2-3 times the number of LFMs. Feel free to start checking and post screenshots showing otherwise if you can.

    Odd, someone else made the same "you just want Ghallanda to be deleted" comment yesterday I think. Sock of yours or are you just regurgitating that same ridiculous point? That's a huge strawman fallacy and deserves a bit of contempt in my opinion.

    On top of that, SSG isn't going to delete a server. How many years has Wayfinder been a ghost town? It's still there, isn't it?

    We can't even get them to fix significant game-impacting performance and bugs half the time. In what bizarro world do you think they would do the large amount of work to forcefully migrate several hundred players and delete a server with a higher population?

    I don't particularly want you to move to Orien. I'd have to know who you are in-game to decide that. I do think you, and others, should be aware of the actual facts and average players and LFMs on each server though so you can make an informed decision rather than basing it off assumptions and incorrect info people are posting.
    You're still not answering the question: why does anything taking place on Ghallanda matter to you? Do you have friends on Ghallanda that you're trying to convince to move to Orien and feel that anything remotely positive happening on Ghallanda--real or imagined--frustrates this effort? By your own admission, this seems unlikely ("I don't care what peoples' reasons for staying are"). Still, you want "facts and trends" regarding a server you don't occupy reported to you as if players on Ghallanda are required to answer to other servers somehow. If all the players on another server want to wear pink tutus and run nothing but Ghola-Fan on infinite loop, that's their business and doesn't affect me in any way. If players on Ghallanda want to believe in the Tooth Fairy and make statements about population increases--real or imagined--that's our business.

    Not that I ever denied it in the first place, but I will gladly concede the following: ORIEN HAS A GREATER PLAYER POPULATION AND FAR MORE LFM ACTIVITY THAN GHALLANDA AND ITS NOT CLOSE. The point has been made repeatedly. Got it. If someone else needs to see more screenshots, that's on them. I am aware of the actual facts and have made an informed decision: unless my conditions are met, I'm staying on Ghallanda. The information has been enlightening and, as it happens, completely ineffective. You've done all you can do, but it still doesn't address why you're doing it.

    You've been accused wanting to get rid of Ghallanda and counter this by saying SSG wouldn't allow this to happen. Not the same thing. Straw man fallacy, indeed.

    Lastly, I don't use sock accounts, and implying that I do deserves a bit of contempt right back at you. Enough people have expressed their opinion and I don't feel the need to pad the numbers.
    "It's not the lash they fear. It is my Boots of Divine Power."

  16. #16
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bacab View Post
    You are right. This game is about feels. I have real life to take seriously and be analitical. Have a mortgage. A tree fell down on my property that I have to take care of. One of my horses has an abscess on her foot/hoof. My job in the hospital can be frustrating.

    DDO is my escape man.

    Ghallanda has been my home. I tend to play 6 months to a year, and then take 6 months to a year off. Come back and buy whatever I missed. I have friends who are "on break". I want to be here when they return. That's why I don't want to swap.

    Ghallanda was a ghost town last week. The number of LFMs up has greatly increased (anecdotally). Just now I played with a new player and helped him. He is new to DDO, but not MMOs. I think hes a pen and paper DnD player. I am trying to make him feel welcome on Ghallanda. He started on Ghallanda...because it was the default.

    LT you aren't the troll I was referring to. It was someone else.

    Let me paraphrase them: "Sorry your friend died...maybe I shouldn't have held their head underwater"

    I wish I could say "it doesn't bother me". But it does because its just annoying. I generally try to be positive on here man.

    When Cordovan has to pop in and say "hey, I am closing all your spam/troll threads about server transfers" have been blatent. Cordovan generally hangs back and tries not to be heavy handed.

    SSG does a great job with the resources they have. The game is still fun. Are there things I wish were better/changed? Of course.

    Anyway, enjoy Orien or Wayfinder or wherever you play. Or you could roll a toon on Ghallanda and I'd quest withya. No hard feelings about this.
    It's all good.

    Completely respect the friends on break angle. It's why they should never have done this global free transfer thing in the first place. There had to be better, less chaotic ways to fix the HCL toon transfer issue.

    That was a big concern for us too and one of the worst parts about how SSG has handled this imo. Luckily, we were able to get in touch with most of our AFK members and let them know before we moved.

    Always had good experiences with any THAC0 people on G-Land. I really do wish you and any others who stayed the best. Hopefully being the default server does help Ghallanda a bit, it definitely needs it.

  17. #17
    Community Member mbartol's Avatar
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    I see these LFM screenshots as an indirect measure of lag.

    I am happy to remain on Ghallanda since I don’t care to PUG, and every propaganda post makes me happy I don’t.
    Ghallanda: Tervail (solo player)

  18. #18
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Apr 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Bacab View Post
    This morning, there were 10 lfms up.
    Usually there are 1 to 3.
    It has gotten better.
    Never said "it's fixed"
    I am excited that I am seeing low level, non TRed people posting LFMs for quests on normal.
    It may diminish over time.
    It makes me generally "feel" better about the long term prospects of this game.
    It would be great if Ghallanda had the same number of players as Orien or Sarlona.
    But it doesn't.

    You do you.
    Maybe you got me confused with someone else.
    Bottom line is that Orien lfms went way up as a result of being the default server for so long, and so will Ghallanda. It's great to hear the reports from Orien, but I think that also means it's unlikely to be the default server any time soon and Ghallanda may deserve to be the default server for a year and probably more.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
    Max DC Illusionist Reaper Build (U48)

  19. #19
    Community Member Malveaux's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShotCaller View Post
    You've been accused wanting to get rid of Ghallanda and counter this by saying SSG wouldn't allow this to happen. Not the same thing. Straw man fallacy, indeed.

    Lastly, I don't use sock accounts, and implying that I do deserves a bit of contempt right back at you. Enough people have expressed their opinion and I don't feel the need to pad the numbers.

    Quote Originally Posted by LT218
    I don't particularly want you to move to Orien. I'd have to know who you are in-game to decide that. I do think you, and others, should be aware of the actual facts and average players and LFMs on each server though so you can make an informed decision rather than basing it off assumptions and incorrect info people are posting.

    Don't you also find it funny ShotCaller. That the come to Orien transplants were at one time claiming a kumbaya moment on a new server. Just imported the same exclusivity that killed off Ghallanda. lol lol. The ones that claimed that ghallanda was dead are the same ones that didn't post lfms. lol You can't make this stuff up.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by slarden View Post
    Bottom line is that Orien lfms went way up as a result of being the default server for so long, and so will Ghallanda. It's great to hear the reports from Orien, but I think that also means it's unlikely to be the default server any time soon and Ghallanda may deserve to be the default server for a year and probably more.
    Yeah no this isn't true at all. They had a large spike in population April 2020 but by Hardcore season 3 they they were back below March 2020 levels. So unless SSG do another DDOFREEQUESTS I wouldn't expect being the default server will have much impact. The truth is not many new players stick around.

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