Regarding the title,
Meanwhile, in the real world:
First of all, it's been the default server for less than a week. That's like claiming a 5-year drought is over because it rained for 5 minutes... If being the default server is actually going to help Ghallanda, it's going to take months and more likely years to do so. Think not? Just wait until the next HCL comes along and kicks the chair out from under it.
Secondly, contrary to what seems to be popular belief these days, stating (and showing) actual facts contrary to someone else' opinion isn't "trolling". As best I can tell, "you're just trolling" is the only defense they can come up with. It's weak.
In fact, stating Ghallanda is doing great when it's demonstrably not is far more of a troll. Afterall, people who say that are trying to entice people to stay on a bottom-tier population/performance server under false statements.
I'm all for anyone who wants to stay, whatever their reason, nostalgic attachment or other random sob story are. Good on them, but they shouldn't t make stuff up about the health of the population when it's so easy to disprove.