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I agree that the builder/spender stuff is bad, especially when what you get for 'spending' isn't all that great for how much it takes to 'build' the weapon bond stacks. That being said, I feel like Occult Slayer has lots of great passive benefits.
Ravager on the other hand... several abilities don't really work or have not worked for a long time. For being one of the signature features of the tree, Cruel Cut has a very long cooldown, some of its upgrades don't seem to work, and stat damage quickly becomes irrelevant. I think the only nice things I can recall from Ravager is that the Aura of Fear that debuffs enemy stats will occasionally make some undead mobs automatically helpless. I only ever spend points in Ravager on my barb tank for the extra hp from cores.
My additions in no particular order:
1. Renegade Mastermaker: It's not terribly clear what this tree is trying to do. You get some nice tanky stuff, some cool tactical abilities that would make more sense in Battle Engineer, a builder/spender system that is useless. It's nice to dip into for tank builds but not much else. I guess the admixture SLAs could be nice if they weren't so slow to cast? I will say the capstone is very cool. There's some good stuff but you always feel like you're wasting AP to get to that good stuff.
2. Mechanic: Again, got some great passives, it's not a horrible tree. But all the cool things the tree gives you to use are all worthless. The alchemical trap attacks are clunky, and have minimal benefit even if you manage to get the DCs workable. They're cool in concept but not fun to use. The capstone clicky is pretty bad too, people pretty unanimously splash 2 artificer over taking that capstone.
3. Harper agent. Lol, what are you even doing in this tree beyond taking KtA?
4. Soul Eater: Consume/Stricken scale terribly. Also, they're slow moving projectiles that require a hard target and easily miss, what? Oh boy, blind and burning blood SLAs. The cone shape, Finger SLA, and debuffs are nice though.
5: Tainted Scholar: The depravity system is just bad, and the depravity spenders are bad too. The cores and the spell crit damage are pretty good, other than one core making you lose hp? Lol.
Also, shout out to the first core of Angel of Vengeance, which now does nothing on its own except 1 universal spell power and 2 sp! Oh boy!
For real though, most trees are not 'bad' but have aged with this game very poorly or are so bug-ridden that they essentially don't function how they're meant to. Most of them have great ideas, they just need to be migrated to the current state of the game, and actually work as advertised.