Hello everyone!

Today I transferred to Orien, and I thought it might be a good opportunity to attempt an idea of mine, which is to form a Christian guild in DDO. I feel like Christians, and Christianity as a whole, have gotten a bad name, through experiences with people who wear the mantle of Christianity, without any of the love, grace, or focus on self-improvement. Thus, I am hoping this could be an opportunity to change some of these perceptions.

A few disclaimers:
-This is not a place of judgment and condemnation. This is a place for believers to build each other up, not tear one-another down. This includes how we interact with others outside the guild. I believe you can disagree with someone and still show respect to them.

-This is not a place of bashing alternative religions. Nothing positive can come from attacking someone else's religion, even if you believe it is justified, and consequently that is not acceptable behavior.

-This is not a checkbox to make yourself feel better. If you want to join, and everyone is welcome, then you are committing to publicly (in DDO) represent Christianity. Everyone will make mistakes, and that is expected, but as Christians we are called to ask forgiveness when we wrong others.

I know a lot of people play DDO to get away from the responsibilities of everyday life. I know this idea will not speak to everyone. But I believe, or at least I hope, that there are people out there who enjoy the game as a hobby, but also want to improve themselves continually.

If there is interest you can reply to this thread, or shoot an in-game message or mail to Sheikra.
(I have a couple ideas for names currently, but I want to wait to see if there is interest before I lock in on anything -- name ideas welcome )

Thanks guys! Hope to hear back from you.