This happened to me on Orien, while distracted at the bank. Died. It's definitely a thing that people are doing to mess with others.
This happened to me on Orien, while distracted at the bank. Died. It's definitely a thing that people are doing to mess with others.
You can see there someone doing it intentionally. They summon the raptor, then port out which leaves it as aggro.
In that link, the "griefer" was doing it simply to demonstrate to the streamer how the bug works - I don't know that they are definitively the one running around Korthos and the harbor unleashing dino-havoc.
Founder, The Circle of Night (Now on Orien!): Daerius (FvS), Khrandok (Alch/Arti), Branwynn (Brd), Vharcan (War), Alluriaan (Rog), et. al.
That would make a kind of amusing twist on the next Hardcore league, if each "public area" was populated with random monsters that could and would jump out at you.
Maybe keep them lower level, so they are a genuine threat at low levels, but of course when you are higher, they're just a nuisance.
-Ozmar the Monster Hunter
I can has no signature. Alas!
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That might have been it.
In regard to the griefer calling for bannings, grow up. It's a video game. Whining over something like this just results in the game going offline for an extended period of time, only to come back up with more bugs.
To further my point, the devs have been known to drop into public places and release mobs that kill people. As others have said, it hasn't happened in a long time. And how long were players killing one another with pots of wonder?
First world problems.
well, finally something new ..and fun
please leave it as is it XD