Blood Scented Axe Body Spray (Thelanis)Aelonwy - Wydavir - Metaluscious - Aertimys - Phantastique - Kaelaria - Lunaura - Aelurawynn - Saurscha - Crystalorn - Aurvaeyn - Vaelyns - Wyllowynd
Looking on the wiki, the legendary bloat is worst at level 32. They *need* to space that all out.
level 30: 14 quests
level 31: 30 quests
level 32: 76 quests (by the way, there are 708 quests IN TOTAL. More than 10% of all quests are for level 32.)
level 33: 16 quests
level 34: 10 quests (plus 10 more, probably)
I agree with the ones you included, but honestly? I'd make Pit legendary. Not sorry.
Stormcleave: level 25. A cute accessory to Gianthold, in case you actually want to fight giants and not dwarves/rakshasas/orcs/hobgoblins.
Seconding whoever said Harbinger of Madness.
POI/DD. Level 27.
I also miss when they would actually switch things up between Heroic and Epic versions. 3BC did this very well, so that the quests may technically be the same quest, but you'd have very different loot and the enemies are also very different. Unfortunately that's too much effort for Turbine these days...
VALEVALEVALEVALE: level 26. I mean, I have a love/hate relationships with those quests but RWTD is fun and Coal Chamber too when you get in the swing of it.
Xorian Cipher: Xoriat stuff was super brutal in early heroics. Those bloody chaos orbs. Level 23.
Dreams of Insanity: Level 24. Complementary to Cipher.
Irestone Inlet: Level 24, complementary to 3BC. Spice it up and change the enemies. Add some trolls, some half orcs, some paragon kobolds, some yuan ti, y'know...
Made To Order: Level 23, complementary to VON4. Pretty much a sequel to that quest, so it should be brought back to epics.
Relic of Sovereign Past: Level 27. Kill dwarves.
Disciples of Shar arc: Level 26. A prequel to the Shadowfell Wheloon arc. Idk why they didn't epic it as well.
In the Demon's Den: What the Zawabi raid could've been like... but thankfully isn't. Level 28.
Reaver's Reach: HUGE ADDENDUM HERE: The quests need to be reworked and dragontouched gear should be replaced with decent named stuff. Assume the changes I mention extend to heroic as well:
- Prey on the Hunter: Frost giant spawns don't endlessly spawn. Aussircaex is not hostile to you; she can't aggro you nor can she be harmed by you UNTIL the end fight is over and you choose the optional.
- Enter the Kobold: Stop the bosses from rubberbanding. Nerf the bosses health. Nerf the living spells. Living spells dont endlessly respawn.
- Monastery of the Scorpion: Nerf the traps. Drow don't endlessly spawn. If you're going to make the boss Epic-strength, give him a purple name. Make it so that hitting him doesn't burn out the puzzle so you can actually kite him and have someone solve the puzzle (and add an optional for killing him via brute force). Boss doesn't randomly heal to max.
Agreed, we definitely could use some more epic quests. I have been focusing primarily on epic past lives as much as possible and I find myself getting increasingly more dismayed at the lack of variety versus the heroic portion of the game.
Dragnilar, Follow of Bahamut
Server: Khyber
Guild: ClanNotAGuild
Milacias of Kyber
Leader of the Crimson Eagles Kyber
The Myth- TR will make my character powerful
The Reality- Those kobolds in Water Works won’t have a chance but nothing else cares-Learn to play your build and all its abilities in actual difficult content, get gear and reaper points in level 30+ content and raids.
Yeah seems like everyones on board with epicification of heroic quests for mid epic levels, and I am too. This is a layup win for devs - new playability without having to build new content ground up
Necro 1-3 would be great to slot in starting at 20 and working up to where 4 is now. Silver flame trinket would be another possible one slot artifact for level 20. It would be a chance to give forbidden and definitely tormented some much needed updating, too. And I know everyone would love having epic Shadow Crypt for their ETR
Im a big fan of making older chains epic like um tangleroot/STK/epic WW would be great fun... just make an epic version of every lowbie quest!!! Also the desert should be epic as well! Desert(slayers explorers and side quests) seems like an easy choice!!
Outatime Exodus-Cradle of Life:Thelanis
This character is dedicated to a once great game destroyed by a greedy corperation.. Goodbye Star Wars Galaxays!
I'd love to see some of the classic quest's get the Epic treatment. Just change the story slightly so we are not just running the same quests with a slightly higher CR rating and a tweak in gear.
It would be interesting to do a "Sewers of Stormreach" expansion where you need to go back through all the sewer quests to find out what is gunking up the waters there.
Starts in Water Works, House D sewer series, Invaders, and ending with The Pit. Reuse the maps, but make a new story about Yuan-ti taking over the sewers and causing havok. Ending with facing their "god" at the bottom of the Pit.
Member: Circle of Night (Cristyle Sunn, Grygor Sunn, WarChild Sunn)
Magic is a curious thing; full of hope and promise one minute, then someone summons a t-rex jet fighter to kill you.