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  1. #1
    Community Member Amideus's Avatar
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    Mar 2014

    Default Make the bonus weeks a standard rotation

    Recently I was looking to shore up some of my missing items during my comeback to the game and my TR experiences. I never got more than one of the eternal flasks from the Card Anniversary (the best anniversary event ever IMO) and wondered where I might get the Stoneskin one. I saw it could be bought with 10k remnants which I just so happened to have, only to discover it's not available all the time. Not a big deal, I'll just check to see the next time it will appear... oh that's right you can't EVER plan around it because it's completely random and there's no control over it.

    As someone that has played this game since the release of Monk and has kept their VIP for an insanely long time, most of my time spent playing is in rotations. I quit for a bit, come back, do some TR grinding, check out the new content and maybe hunt down new named items, then I leave again. I play in waves, and I assume most people do. And the reason is that it's hard for this game to hold my attention or make me want to come back at set intervals. I show up for the anniversary event and even that is getting less and less common since it's just such a GRIND to get anything from it with the new way it's handled. The quest is a cool nod, I love that we fight the devs. Cool concept. But having to run the same quest EIGHT TIMES just for one of the primary items is just boring. I miss the login rewards with the cakes and the card anniversary. Sure it was complex but it was something that made me log in every day to do, and then I would go and quest after. Now I just think about grinding the same boring challenge quest and I don't want to do it.

    Put these bonus weeks on a rotation. Either make every week a rotating bonus week, or make it once a month, or make it rotating on the weekends and make the venders available all the time. Having it on a set schedule that happens regularly would not only make it way more reliable for your players, but it would also give them incentives to log in and play and do specific content. R1 grinds happen a lot, but the population is so abysmal it's hard to find groups. You need something to bring in the players. EXP boost weekends will fill the LFG. Remnant farming groups will do the same. Giving these bonuses on set and regular rotations are a great way to start retaining interest, and keep the wishy washy players like myself coming back more consistently and more often.

  2. #2
    Community Member ahpook's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Amideus View Post
    Recently I was looking to shore up some of my missing items during my comeback to the game and my TR experiences. I never got more than one of the eternal flasks from the Card Anniversary (the best anniversary event ever IMO) and wondered where I might get the Stoneskin one. I saw it could be bought with 10k remnants which I just so happened to have, only to discover it's not available all the time. Not a big deal, I'll just check to see the next time it will appear... oh that's right you can't EVER plan around it because it's completely random and there's no control over it.

    As someone that has played this game since the release of Monk and has kept their VIP for an insanely long time, most of my time spent playing is in rotations. I quit for a bit, come back, do some TR grinding, check out the new content and maybe hunt down new named items, then I leave again. I play in waves, and I assume most people do. And the reason is that it's hard for this game to hold my attention or make me want to come back at set intervals. I show up for the anniversary event and even that is getting less and less common since it's just such a GRIND to get anything from it with the new way it's handled. The quest is a cool nod, I love that we fight the devs. Cool concept. But having to run the same quest EIGHT TIMES just for one of the primary items is just boring. I miss the login rewards with the cakes and the card anniversary. Sure it was complex but it was something that made me log in every day to do, and then I would go and quest after. Now I just think about grinding the same boring challenge quest and I don't want to do it.

    Put these bonus weeks on a rotation. Either make every week a rotating bonus week, or make it once a month, or make it rotating on the weekends and make the venders available all the time. Having it on a set schedule that happens regularly would not only make it way more reliable for your players, but it would also give them incentives to log in and play and do specific content. R1 grinds happen a lot, but the population is so abysmal it's hard to find groups. You need something to bring in the players. EXP boost weekends will fill the LFG. Remnant farming groups will do the same. Giving these bonuses on set and regular rotations are a great way to start retaining interest, and keep the wishy washy players like myself coming back more consistently and more often.
    This would be very nice.

    However, I am now happy when it gets posted to the forums on the Thursday what the weekend bonus is. Your request seems so very far from where we are now....

    Lowered Expectations! No matter how low, they can always get lower.

  3. #3
    Community Member ahpook's Avatar
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    I realize that last post was rather negative. So lets put it into a positive spin.

    If SSG comes up with a 10 to 16 week rotation of Bonus Days benefits that they can cycle through, then they just have to post it once and sticky it. They never have to announce the weekly DDO bonus on the forums again if they stick to the schedule. Less work and less need to communicate here! Yay! Yay?

  4. #4
    Community Member Ramecles's Avatar
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    Jun 2014


    I was actually just looking to see if a standard rotation list existed. For me I like the Mimic event and I always like the level 10 veteran character event. I'm sad to learn they are not set to a specific rotation. I just assumed they were and I just never kept track. It would be nice if they could do that as then it would be nice to plan what week to log in. I almost always have a VIP subscription up, but I only play on and off again so I don't see when the events pop up that I'm looking out for.

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