No, definitely not a time share, LOL. I own two time shares LOL and I know.
With the purchases you can play this game forever, without paying anything more.
For a timeshare, there are maintenance fees that you have to pay every year, roughly around $1000 to $2000, say for a 2 bed room; EVEN IF YOU DO NOT STAY OR USE IT.
For a timeshare, you can rent out for earning money back say $600; or you can trade it for points or trade it to other places, like if you own Hawaii and wanted to go to Italy, you can trade; paying a minimal exchange fee of 250$, you can stay in a two bedroom condo in Italy for one week.
You cannot do that with DDO. Say, you're tired of playing DDO as a multi-life capped level 32 with some reaper points. How about trading one week of DDO play time to say another game, say; Final Fantasy XIV as a level 90 capped character. You can't do that, LOL, so not a timeshare.
As not to get off topic, for the wish of Inheritance. Personally I think no raid loot is worth 30 dollars, unless we're talking about the EROSS 10 years ago.
Just run the raids on the character that wanted it; your character will get it soon enough. Some kind people on Orien will even pass out Legendary raid timer bypasses so you can do multi-runs in if they're doing multiple runs.
Wish of Inheritance for 1995 points? Wouldn't that be nice, eh?