Hi everyone!
Okay so to me it is somewhat new,
to the rest of you folks, maybe not so much...?
I am of course talking about the change they did
to all sorts of extra damage dice to your attacks.
Like for example Artificers would buff you with extra
elemental damage of their/your choosing, Lv.28
would give you lawful and/or chaotic damage,
and many many more sources, which you could all
stack neatly on top of eachother.
Now, i do understand the idea of cleaning things
up a bit, wanting to keep it simple...
What they ended up with though, i am not a fan of.
Let's say your class does NOT have their own imbue(s).
Fighters could still benefit from Artificer buffs & Filigrees,
but now those only give extra imbue dice. Meaning
if you don't have one to begin with, you get nothing
from it. Or in case of the aforementioned buff,
you could choose which element to get. Not anymore!
I would really love to know what their reasons
for this were, and whether or not they are planning
to tweak this new feature in future updates.
Maybe give EVERY class (at least) one imbue of their own.
And i am sure you could definitely find a fitting version.
Let's say... Fighters! Might not have much in terms of magic
going on... Maybe give them extra bleed damage?
Maybe force (because if their semi-mystical kensei tree)?
Or how about alignment base extra damage?
I mean please correct me on this if i am wrong, but like...
EVERYONE else has an imbue, no?