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  1. #1
    Community Member shmagmhar's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Lightbulb character copy to a new server instead of transfer

    Someone I was playing with the other day brought up this idea . if you can copy your character to lamania why not copy your character to another server ? I know alot of people have been moving servers . this might be a better solution to give us best of both worlds

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by shmagmhar View Post
    Someone I was playing with the other day brought up this idea . if you can copy your character to lamania why not copy your character to another server ? I know alot of people have been moving servers . this might be a better solution to give us best of both worlds
    So from another POV, you want SSG to give the option to copy a character from one server (including all loot that's not in shared bank), then transfer it back to the original server, so you can not only have a line of characters of XXX-1, XXX-2, XXX-3, but also gain a cadre PL-heavy, well-equipped characters?
    For a fracture of the points it would take to do the same with XP-pots, boxes, tomes, and the like?

    Well, I guess many ppl would be into it. I wonder why?
    Nothing in this game is essential, unless you are a power-gaming & unimaginative lemming who follows everyone else, without having any form of creativity or original thought rolling around your brainpain...

  3. #3
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by shmagmhar View Post
    why not copy your character to another server ?
    You don't think that's exactly how it works? (only w/ an auto-delete of the character on the previous server)

    (Hint - these are files on a server somewhere, not physical beings, not even character sheets. )

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