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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default How would this build fair in Legendar4y reapers?

    I'm looking to make a build that I can easily farm reaper points on. I'm worried this first build might be too fragile.

    Sorry, I don't know the proper way to format builds here.

    15 alchemist
    2 rogue
    3 ranger

    STR 8 -2 Racial, +8 Tome
    DEX 13 +8 Tome
    CON 17 +8 Tome
    INT 18 +2 Racial, +8 Tome
    WIS 8+8 Tome
    CHA 10 +8 Tome

    Rapid reload
    Precise shot
    Improved critical ranged
    Point blank shot
    Insightful reflexes
    Improved precise shot
    Rapid Shot
    Battalion Brew

    41 Inquisitor
    12 Vile chemist
    8 Harper agent (For Know the Angels)
    8 Assassin (for +3 imbue dice)
    12 arcane archer (+4 imbue dice)
    1 gnome (I have a tome)

    I could swap gnome for drow, and instead of ranger, take three levels of fighter. Instead of the 12 AA, I'd put 13 in Stalwart Defender, and 4 total in drow (for lower arcane spell failure chance), wear medium armor. I'd lost 4 imbue dice, I wouldn't be able to use my evasion, but I"d get +25 PRR (plus another 7 to 15, depending on if I was gonna use light, or cloth), and +25% hp. Be a bit sturdier. I'd take four points away from Vile Chemist to make up the loss. If I went this route, I might change Insightful reflexes to either Toughness, or Shot on the Run, something.

    Would such a build prosper in Legendary Reapers?

  2. #2
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    It could - but 80%+ of "success" at that level depends on gear. How's yours?

  3. #3
    Founder adamkatt's Avatar
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    regardless of build high end reaper is almost always better with a good tank. keyword almost mr dogg... you dont need to write an essay about when a tank is/isnt needed.

    Just trying to save you some time.
    Last edited by adamkatt; 03-05-2023 at 12:16 AM.
    Outatime Exodus-Cradle of Life:Thelanis
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  4. #4
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    I'm not sure that's an improvement over 18 alch 2 arti 41 inqui 31 vc 8 Harper

    You gain back 3 of those 7 imbue dice, plus rune arms that are effectively another 2-3 imbue dice plus can complete some useful sets, and lots of goodies in VC.

    Though it's mostly a sideways move. so you should be about as decent as a standard alch inqui

  5. #5
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    I'm not sure how Battalion Brew helps a crossbow? Isn't that simple weapons only?
    I took Harper 12 AP to get int for damage instead and only put 6 AP in vile chemist.

    I'd say embrace the glass cannon.

    Get Deflect Arrows. Gear for dodge.
    Wear light armor with a spell agility augment.

    At low reaper, kill them before they can touch you.
    At high reaper, the PRR you get from medium/heavy armor plus stalwart probably won't be enough to save you anyway if they get too close.
    But isn't that the point? That high reaper should require a team?
    The tank tanks, the DC casters crowd control. The healers heal. And the glass cannons do the DPS.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    I'm not sure that's an improvement over 18 alch 2 arti 41 inqui 31 vc 8 Harper

    You gain back 3 of those 7 imbue dice, plus rune arms that are effectively another 2-3 imbue dice plus can complete some useful sets, and lots of goodies in VC.

    Though it's mostly a sideways move. so you should be about as decent as a standard alch inqui
    I dunno. I wouldn't equate runearms to be as good as imbue dice (they base off ranged power). 4d8 Imbue dice, with 700 spellpower, averages to over 140 points of additional damage.

    And I don't really see nice goodies in tier 3 and 4 in VC, that I don't already have. I have t3 core, and wave of poison (for area of effect stripping immunity). to spend 30 points, I'd get...10 poison spellpower, and +16 PRR? +5% dodge cap. Just seems like I'd rather have an extra 144 damage per bolt.

    I'm not sure how Battalion Brew helps a crossbow? Isn't that simple weapons only?
    Crossbows are simple weapons.

    I'd say embrace the glass cannon.
    I think you're right.

    It could - but 80%+ of "success" at that level depends on gear. How's yours?

    I don't mind farming for what I need, and I have most content.

  7. #7
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    But ....if this is the build I'm gonna go with, I should plan out BiS (except raid stuff, or items from content I don't have) endgame gear for this guy. Run him mostly ranged, full INT, full null gear. Set bonuses, just gotta figure out which sets, which items with which. Probably just rock my boring lv20 sentient diplomancer until 32, then gotta figure out a BiS weapon to wake up.

  8. #8
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    It really depends on what your goal is. Soloing is very different from group R10s. R4 is very different from R10. Having 0 reaper points is different than 21, 35, 41, 62, 82 points. At each of those reaper point levels I felt an increase in power.

    I like casters and THF builds for soloing. For R10s or group runs in general a ranged build is a good intro build for reaper.

    As a ranged build in a group let the tank get aggro and caster drop cc before you start shooting. Typically a tank uses the shield throw from unyielding sentinel to get aggro.

    Watch for 1hp vengeance reapers. I like to bluff those so I can kill them without aggro'ing anything else and so nothing gets vengeance buffed. With 11 pts in bluff and a swap charisma/bluff/ins bluff item almost anyone can make bluff work. Recently I've noticed more 1 hp reapers and also they go to full when teleporting which also seems to be a recent change.

    As far as build, sometimes in a static group you might min/max, but if you are joining random lfms it's ok to sacrifice small amounts of dps for more utility or survivability. I usually like to target 90-95% of the max and if that improves my ability to cross-heal, cc, survive, etc. I generally view it as a good trade-off.

    Good luck and have fun!
    Last edited by slarden; 03-16-2023 at 09:03 AM.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
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  9. #9
    Community Member Bunker's Avatar
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    This build will do fine in legendary reaper. It has been said above, gear will make a difference.

    Depending on gear and feat selection, you will have 30+ imbue dice. Correct CC with gear/weapon will also help. But honestly this looks like the base setup for ranged dps. You will be fine.

    There are some comments about specific scenarios playing a ranges build in legendary reaper quests. Some good advice, but not necessarily needed as a build discussion. Either way. Good luck.
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  10. #10
    Community Member magaiti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    I'm not sure that's an improvement over 18 alch 2 arti 41 inqui 31 vc 8 Harper

    You gain back 3 of those 7 imbue dice, plus rune arms that are effectively another 2-3 imbue dice plus can complete some useful sets, and lots of goodies in VC.

    Though it's mostly a sideways move. so you should be about as decent as a standard alch inqui
    I fail to see much value in 31 vc, over 21. I'd rather put those 10 AP elsewhere (BE +3 boosts or go with rogue instead for +3 imbue dice & +2 sneak dice in Assassin)

  11. #11
    Pale Fox
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    Weird build and I'm to tired to look into it.

    My main advice for the OP, get a steady group.
    Most often there is a spot for Cleric, Tank and DPS.
    Ask your new found teammates what they need and roll that up... and be good at it.
    Do one round of R10s of level 29+ quests.
    Don't skip anything.
    ETR + TR or ITR and repeat.

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