Here's the VIP perks being looked into for mid-year (from today's Q&A stream with Sev) for those who missed it. I'd recommend checking out the archived twitch stream for anyone who missed it.
Here's the VIP perks being looked into for mid-year (from today's Q&A stream with Sev) for those who missed it. I'd recommend checking out the archived twitch stream for anyone who missed it.
Whatever they come up with, I don't want rotating perks. Too complicated and it's going to cause me anxiety as things I like (or don't like) come and go. I want the same perks every month while VIP.
It's not rotating, it's progressive; where you just move further along the reward track when your VIP is active and when VIP isn't active the reward track is paused/resumed when you restart VIP where you left off. They just don't have months 13 thru infinity's rewards listed yet.
The crafting XP boost is a waste. Most are likely maxed out and if they are not they could do it in a crafting XP weekend.
This is a huge disaster/ disappointment/ let down. Call it what you will.
I really hope they look at it again. If these are going to be what the VIP bonuses are I'm going to spend less money on the game. These feel like a slap in the face to VIPs .
What a big yikes.
Main ~ Killsteal
Wow, those are really bad.
The 11 months reward is decent - a 50% 12 hours potion (though 4x 3 hours would be better) or a +20 heart is decent - but that is ONE decent reward during the entire year and it is not really speciel. Everything else is really poor - and infringing on the bloody footsteps by giving all VIP a trailing light is not a good idea. That simply devalues something that should be speciel.
Sorry SSG, those cant be it. Kindly consider real perks:
- up 10% vip xp to 25%
- allow VIP to start at level 4 after a TR.
Member of Spellswords on Ghallanda
The stuff in the Box of Many Things is mostly underwhelming.
The feat swap crystal might be nice, though.
10% Fletching is almost useless, even if it stacks with other sources of Fletching.
Returning ammo is not a problem with items like the Void bow (returning cold arrows clicky) and The Hallowed Splinters X-bow (returning radiant bolt clicky).
If you don't run raids, I suppose 10% Fletching might have at least some utility.
I admit that people will get more out of certain things but if they are going to go with a 12 month reward track for consecutive VIP sub time, each month should be something useful to the general public and not something that a select set can take advantage of.
If they are looking at this for suggestions...
Months 6 and 12 you get a Greater Chest
Months 3 and 9 you get a Lesser Chest
Months 1 and 7 you get 500 bonus points
All other months you get +15% XP Bonus
Simple, everyone can use everything listed. Extra Hierling time, crafting, fletching, character slots and come on, cosmetics. Sorry, not useful.
Last edited by Baahb3; 03-03-2023 at 05:18 PM.
Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. -Seneca the ElderIryklaunavan, Karaskkesir, Desideratum, Gregorii, Jhasmyne, VisUbique eo, invenio me esse ducem hominium.
My initial reaction was "eh, not bad, decent start". Box of Many things is...meh (at least for me).
But not applying retroactively is....not a great decision.
I don't think this is what most people had in mind for VIP perks. I thought more along the line of more types of stacking global bonuses.
This really sucks for people who sub on a month-to-month basis.
I'm glad they did this today as my vip status ends on the 8th.
Plain and simply they are giving you 1 extra char slot (up from 4 bonus while vip to 5) after your 3rd month, 500 bonus DDO slots and basically 1 +20 heart.
The others are freaking silly. Less damage to equipment is pointless especially in epic content, I literally never need to repair anything unless I die, and money is pointless, and you have to go and sell junk anyway so it's not even a second out of your way.
Bonus hireling time is again, pointless, whats it gonna do, even if you sub 5 years and get it to 100% increased time, that would only save you 1 inventory slot lol. Does absolutely nothing for anyone.
Fletching is even worse, you only ever are going to need it on a ranged based char and they all have summoned/returning arrows, and it does absolutely nothing for any non-ranged character. It's worthless.
The normal box of many things is also pretty much worthless (at least to me) sentient xp isn't bad but with legendary items, that isn't really a big amount.
So that leaves month 1, 3 and 11 as actually giving you anything useful. But again that isn't coming anywhere near the amount of DDO points you can get for the same money spent.
Going back to the current DDO perks, you get 2 things you can't buy with DDO points from it, the universal xp bonus (which you can buy xp potions easily to give the same or a much larger bonus, and again, 10% is actually less than a 2% increase when compared to all the other bonuses you get to xp already), and Saga Skip (which doesn't let you actually skip the saga the quest the first time you do a saga, unless it's the last quest in it).
You do get xtra char slots (4, worth 2k ddo points ONCE ever), you unlock classes/races etc, but again the ddo points you spent on VIP could have bought all that many many times over if you are a long time VIP player (like me). Oh and for new characters you can open quests on elite (except tons of people dual box so you could just open the quest with a char that has reincarnated a few times already for a new character you decide to play, or get someone else to open it, or like me, have plenty of chars that are already on 3rd+ life and never need it).
The problem is they are not caring I guess, or realizing that long term players need value as well. In addition they have never fixed it so you could buy content/races/classes etc that are on sale while you are VIP, locking people in to being VIP to actually play those characters (or causing them to at least miss sales and have to buy that at full price when they stop being VIP).
I don't have alchemist for instance, have all the other classes, but I have always been VIP, so when Alchemist was on sale for 75%, I couldn't buy it. I have pretty much everything else.
My VIP runs out on the 8th, and there are bonus DDO points right now. I could resub, or instead buy the DDO points, but 4 char slots for 2k, buy alchemist (if I even bother) for however much it costs (Can't tell cause I'm VIP), and still have a freakton of points left over. I could buy 100 stacks of 3 hour 10% xp potions and 10 stacks of 50% xp potions for instance and still probably have enough points to nab the 2 iconics I don't have yet.
VIP is fine as it is for new players, who don't have tons of content yet etc, but even then, new players should be able to buy ANY content they want when on sale, even if they get it from VIP. It's totally NOT worth it for long term players though, and it does not look like they are planning on making it worth it.
Anyway very disappointed.