Looking for help figuring out best ranged gear set for my inquisitive at cap, i have suulomades and tinkers set but dont know where to go with new gear from isle etc
Looking for help figuring out best ranged gear set for my inquisitive at cap, i have suulomades and tinkers set but dont know where to go with new gear from isle etc
I do not know how much applies to an Inquisitive, but here is my planned layout for wisdom based AA/Falc rogue/monkcher:
Weapons: Attuned Bone Longbow, Deadly Rain and Through the Mist swap
Boots: Osfield's Lightning Boots
Bracers: Leg Admiral's Wristwatch
Trinket: Leg Red Raptor Feather
Neck: Leg Pendant of the Sea
Armor: Dread Stalker Dinosaur Bone Outfit
Helm: Dread Stalker Dinosaur Bone Helmet
Cloak: Dread Stalker Dinosaur Bone Cloak
Goggles: Leg Blazing Sniper's Sights
Ring: Ring of the Silver Tongue
Ring: Sigil of the Triumvirate (+3wis) (Fili: +10RP +5RP +5RP)
Gloves: Leg Wildwood Gauntlets (+3wis)
Belt: Leg Belt of Sure Strikes (+3wis)
Quiver: Epic Purifying Quiver
I am still farming upgrades for my dino gear so havent updated my build thread yet. And also I dont fully grasp the crafting yet, improvising as I go but I should have more augment slots compared to old setup and the dino augments should cover most of my needs for item enhancements! This is a 5pc + 3pc with 1 aug set (chose main stat wisdom), and bow build with ranged power focus.
Illmer Silverhilt, 36pt (Half) Elf Rogue13/Fighter6/Monk1. The Kighter
Mesmerrita d'Jorasco, 36pt PDK Bard20. Racial Completionist
Subpar, Orien
(not currently) Livestreaming on Twitch.tv/mesmerita - My YouTube - My Spotify
This is based on previous Carpone gear setups for dex bow with some tweaks. Probably some better sets out there and folks tend to like Red Dragon armor over Shadowdragon armor but here's my current bow setup. I've found IoD sets working well for an Ice Druid and some other endgame builds but not sure anything beats Suulo + Tinkers for bow dex builds (not exactly what you asked but I have no examples for INQ right now).
Suulo Set
- Bracers
- Trinket
Tinkers Set
- Goggles
- Gloves
Other stuff
- Silver Dragon Capelet cloak
- Black Dragonscale Tasset belt
- Bound Elemental Ring of Acid
- Legendary Lionheart Ring
- Epic Quiver of Alacrity
- Helm of the Final Watcher
- Rune Lodestone necklace
- Legendary Kundarak Delving Boots
- Shadow Dragon Armor
- Choas Bow with Deconstructor and Good augments for bypasses
- Perfect Silence augment set for sneak dice
- Other augments like damage augment, CON, usual suspects
- Rune Lodestone provides Cold Iron plus 5% dodge bypass.
- Rather have Shadowdragon armor putting a few more sneak attack dice in my main attack which is very threat reduced and provides more explosive control with Hunts End.
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With Isle of Dread being active, along with the ToEE goggles. These two sets are obselete and shouldn't be mentioned further. Outdated, if you must. TOEE Goggles + Isle of Dread 5 piece + Dread Stalker set is about as much you need for a ranged. You don't need that sickening Suulo + Tinkerer's set anymore. Covering a higher doubleshot and insightful doubleshot source is goofy.
I'll be riding with my brothers until the end, and that's for sure.
Personally, you're using a bow without elasticity, which is a critical effect for bows. You are using an old artifact, which bothers cover up an extra filigree slot, you probably presumably use it for insightful attack, but the trance carries the damage. I would be using the Dino Bone Ring. Also, not sure about your particular split but if OP is ranger, or has ranger levels then Thorn Boots > Osfields are pretty nice.
I'll be riding with my brothers until the end, and that's for sure.
Depends really on your build whether you are focusing on your imbue dice or front damage numbers. Based off of suulo and tinkers im assuming front damage number (btw drop both of those, they are outdated now).
Sets to focus on would be:
Dread Stalker: (armor would need profane doubleshot aug and profane sneak dice to help minimize loss of red dscale)
-3 sneak dice
-15 MP/RP
-15 DS
-15% helpless damage.
Dread Curse: (Artifact here for 4 filigree slots)
-Profane MP/RP
-Profane 25 spellpower
-Profane 30 PRR
-Profane 2 Spell DC
-Profane 2 Stats (saves augment)
-Profane 3 damage(gives +4)
Ravens Eye: (Use legendary gem to craft missing effects + gloves)
-3 Attack/damage (arti bonus so stacks with dread curse)
-3 Sneak Att/Damage
-3 Crit/Crit confirm
-7 Search
Goggles: Blazing Sniper Sights (highest doubleshot/ins doubleshot item in game)
Then set augment in: your primary stat.
Illmer Silverhilt, 36pt (Half) Elf Rogue13/Fighter6/Monk1. The Kighter
Mesmerrita d'Jorasco, 36pt PDK Bard20. Racial Completionist
Subpar, Orien
(not currently) Livestreaming on Twitch.tv/mesmerita - My YouTube - My Spotify
Profane DS augments don't exist currently, Legendary Arrowbound Topaz provide Enhancement bonus, so redundant. Profane SA dice currently available only for Shadowscale Armor (exclude outfit), another way add it not present afaik.
So no, you cannot minimize loss of Red Dragonscale Armor, and without it you voluntary gimp your build, sorry.![]()
Last edited by Fisto_Mk_I; 03-09-2023 at 08:38 PM.
English not my native language. What's your excuse?
+1 doubleshot, +1 insightful doubleshot
Cool the goggles open up new gear sets but point of the Suulo + Tinkers is you already have it. Maybe what you don't like about it is other people can get it if they just do VOD, MA, LOB stuff. Heart of Suulo over the years seems to help avoiding damage, but hard to say for sure. Will check out some other sets using the sniper goggles but doubt I'll be spending another round of kit micro transactions fidgeting getting every last +2 again for end game ranged, would be goofy.
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I can confirm that both +2 profane sneak dice and +3% profane doubleshot does exist. The sneak dice is Goldfang from Dinosaur Bone Crafting. The +3% profane doubleshot is Fragment of Extraplanar Shadow from the skeletons raid. It is considered an augment because it is slotted into armor.
Now, that being said. If you can't afford (gimp) the Dinosaur expansion, then yes, Red Dragon Armor is best in slot. But, because of Dread Stalker and Armor having these effects, it puts it ahead of Red Dragon Armor. Also, there's a lot of things immune to fire at end game, so it makes this armor a better choice.
Last edited by Azoyhn; 03-10-2023 at 06:59 AM.
I'll be riding with my brothers until the end, and that's for sure.
I'm not sure how it helps at avoiding damage besides the PRR inside of the set bonus, but that's not important to ranged. If you play at a safe distance, and pew pew, you should not die. I have ran raids multiple times without dying, and also while not running the Mantle of Suulomades or Tinkerer's Goggles set. I agree that they are a good beginner and a good slot if you don't have dino ingredients, or the expansion pack itself, but it is something that can be thrown away with the introduction to 5 piece dread curse, and 3 piece dread stalker.
I'll be riding with my brothers until the end, and that's for sure.
Oh, you mean full custom crafted armor? Yes, it's possible then... but from Zeleron post it's not obvious, and standard armors from Dread Stalker set have only usual augment slots, not crafted. Anyway i wanna see your crafted armor setup.
And this part arguable. Profane DS aug provide 3% boost to DPS, but then you lose Fortification or Healing Amplification, and soul stone DPS = 0. And main question - why you think that combo 3% DS +2d6 SA provide more damage output, than Dripping with Magma procs (10d20, 50d20 full builded)? I really would like to look at calculations, not evaluate sensations.Now, that being said. If you can't afford (gimp) the Dinosaur expansion, then yes, Red Dragon Armor is best in slot. But, because of Dread Stalker and Armor having these effects, it puts it ahead of Red Dragon Armor. Also, there's a lot of things immune to fire at end game, so it makes this armor a better choice.![]()
English not my native language. What's your excuse?
Subjectively, avoiding curses, avoiding those blips of heal-block, and the negative absorption seem to help is my experience. My point is choosing to have another round of kit microtransactions to chase the latest +2s is fine if you're in the mood for the sport of it (I'm often in that mood) but its not particularly goofy to just let it be either. Tinkers and Suulo is still one of the good ones imo.
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I can't really line up my personal experience with Red Dragonscale armor with the general consensus that its far ahead of the pack on dps benefits with the magma. My experience is the fire damage is relatively slow, dinky numbers in a waterfall of massive numbers from my physical attacks. I'm not saying Red Dragon armor is not better than Shadowdragon Armor but its not enough to feel and I'd prefer to load up Hunts End to the max and control the damage.
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That will end up the same?
I really would like to look at calculations, not evaluate sensations.
You don't need anything at all, lol. It's just difference between "decent" and "best". Of course, you can refute me at any time (if you can)... calculations, not emotional statements.You don´t need the red armor to be a DPS build as someone in this thread so daftly put it.![]()
English not my native language. What's your excuse?
Is there an explicit formula for magma? How many dice, how fast or likely are the procs? I'm just not seeing huge numbers or relatively many numbers associated with fire when I use it. If your main damage and your sneak attacks are less effective magma will feel better. To me its noise.
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This combo seems like a decent version of the Sniper Sights + Dread Stalker + IoD Curse recipe. Feels a little weird having a raptor feather in there but wanted to keep Rune Lodestone and Black Dragon Tasset and Lionheart Ring so did not have unlimited slots for the IoD Curse set.
Eye: Legendary Blazing Sniper's Sights
Head: Legendary Dread Stalker's Skullcap
Neck: Rune Lodestone
Trinket: Legendary Blue Raptor Feather
Body: Legendary Tanaroa Sneaking Suit
Back: Legendary Dread Stalker's Cloak
Wrist: Legendary Admiral's Wristwatch
Waist: Legendary Black Dragonscale Tasset
Finger1: Legendary Lionheart Ring
Feet: Legendary Magma Waders
Hand: Legendary Birchlore Gauntlets
Finger2: Dinosaur Bone Ring
Weapon: Chaosbow
Acid Resistance 50
Action Boost Uses 3
Anarchic 6
Armor Class 60
Attack 39
Blackscale Ferocity
Confirm Critical Hits 6
Constitution 22
Critical Hit Damage 6
Critical Multiplier on 19-20 1
Damage 32
Damage vs Helpless % 15
Dexterity 22
Disable Device 3
Dodge 3
Doubleshot 29
Fetters of Unreality
Fire Absorption 36
Fire Resistance 53
Fortification 74
Fortification Bypass 30
Fortitude 20
Hit Points 47
Intelligence 2
Isle of Dread: Claw Slot (Accessory):
Isle of Dread: Fang Slot (Accessory):
Isle of Dread: Horn Slot (Accessory):
Isle of Dread: Scale Slot (Accessory):
Magical Resistance Rating 35
Move Speed 30
Open Lock 3
Physical Resistance Rating 65
Poison Spell Power 25
Positive Spell Critical Chance 22
Ranged Attack Speed 20
Ranged Power 30
Reflex 20
Relentless Fury
Search 3
Sight Beyond Sight
Sneak Attack Attack 5
Sneak Attack Damage 8
Sneak Attack Dice 3
Spell Resistance 20
Spell Save 11
Spot 3
True Seeing
Tumble 3
Use Magic Device 3
Will 20
Last edited by Oliphant; 03-12-2023 at 10:27 AM.
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^^^ Legendary Admiral's Gumshoes probably a better choice for boots as the dps attributes stack better with this set than I was thinking.
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