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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Thumbs up Acolyte of the skin change


    Just tried the new Acolyte of the skin and i have some thoughts of how to make it better (just my 2 cents here).

    My suggestion would be to make the Fiendish symbiosis as a stance instead without the extra fortification and stuff you get from it (including the wings and horns). You could add it to the core fiendish form III at level 6. This way you would be a demon all the time when you are in that stance and do more of a melee type clawing to enemies, (with the fire and force/evil damage depending of your choices - not doing physical damage though, but with the ability to hit breakables), like the Iconic shifter and have that extra stuff from Fiendish symbiosis (heal from fire damage, extra fortification, fear enemies etc) as a tier 5 ability that could be like a roar or something instead that gives you those benefits (and add the wings and horns for the duration).

    I would also suggest that with said changes that you should get extra dodge % in the demon form since you would be up close and personal with a kind of squishy type of character, and maybe get evasion while in that stance or get some flanking bonus to damage. Furthermore the roar ability suggested above should probably have the cooldown increased to 4 or 5 min or the duration lowered to 30 seconds.

    That is my thought of it anyway.

    Best regards to you all.
    Last edited by Wolfgaar; 03-02-2023 at 07:56 PM. Reason: Better suggestion

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