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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Default Eldritch Commander - Warlock Summon Build

    *PS - Clarification, this is not a "recommended" build, but more theory crafting and asking for input. - Thank you C-Dog.*

    Preface: First I want to give thanks and credit to Vooduspyce for both his information and videos which both taught me and served as inspiration, so credit where credit is due. Much of this build uses his as a framework, with most of the changes being in feats and destinies. I thought about posting this in his topic about Enlightened Spirit tanking, but felt it is different enough to warrant a different topic all its own. So if you see this Voodu, thank you Sir.

    Hello Forums,

    I am nearing the end of my first life journey as a Enlightened Spirit Warlock, which I have greatly enjoyed. And while I enjoy the mechanics and style of gameplay, my favorite builds or classes in games has always been Summoners or Pet builds. I know summons and "pet builds" are a topic that has been attempted many times, and the conventional wisdom being to go Druid or Palemaster for the wolf or skeleton pet, plus whatever Summons and/or Hirelings. But summons (themselves) don't scale well, and players often run out of Spell Points keeping them alive. But I did notice that the Enlightened Spirit tree in fact has skills to boost summons, pets, and hirelings, and Enlightened Spirit has all the healing and temp hitpoints one could ask for, for free. And so in theory, might be able to overcome some of the challenges. So after a bit of tinkering, this is the build I came up with. Using much of the guidance and advice from the Voodu as mentioned before, but also putting my own spin on things.

    First, the build -

    20 Warlock – True Neutral, 32 point build
    Pact - Celestial
    8 STR, 10 DEX, 18 CON, 12 INT, 8 WIS, 16 CHA
    Skills – Intimidate, Spellcraft, Concentration, Use Magic Device.
    Feats - Levels 1: Shield Proficiency, 3: Maximize spell, 6: Force of Personality, 9: Empower Spell, 12: Augment Summoning, 15: Shield Mastery, 18: Improved Shield Mastery, 21: (Epic) Epic Eldritch Blast, 22: (Destiny): Epic Pact Dice, 24: (Epic) Greater Shield Mastery, 25: (Destiny) Elusive Target, 27: (Epic) Improved Augment Summoning, 28: (Destiny) Perfect Shield Mastery, 30 (Epic) Epic Reflexes, 30 (Legendary) Scion of Elysium, 31 (Destiny) Legendary Toughness

    AP Planner – 80 total action points spent

    Shifter– 6 AP
    C1 – Extra Shifting – 1 AP
    C2 – Ability 1 (CON) – 2 AP
    C3 – Extra Shifting – 1 AP
    C4 – Ability 2 (CON) – 2 AP

    Harper - 9 AP
    C1 Agent of Good 1 - 1 AP
    T1 Traveler’s Toughness rank 3 - 3 AP
    T1 Weathered Traveler rank 2 - 2 AP
    T2 Harper Leadership rank 3 - 3 AP

    Enlightened Spirit - 51 AP
    C1 Eldritch Aura - 1 DP
    T1 Resilience of Body rank 3 - 3 AP
    T1 Spiritual Defense rank 3 - 3 AP
    T1 Resilience of Soul rank 3 - 3 AP
    C2 Aura of Courage - 1 AP
    T2 Spiritual Bastion rank 3 - 3 AP
    C3 Shape Vestments - 1 AP
    T3 Eldritch Burst rank 3 - 3 AP
    T3 Spiritual Ward rank 3 - 3 AP
    T3 Power of Enlightenment rank 3 - 3 AP
    T3 Fortify Summons rank 3 - 3 AP
    T3 CON - 2 AP
    C4 Celestial Spirit - 1 AP
    T4 Medium Armor - 2 AP
    T4 Spiritual Retribution - 2 AP
    T4 Brilliance - 1 AP
    T4 Imbue Summons rank 3 - 3 AP
    T4 CON - 2 AP
    C5 Ultimate Enlightenment - 1 AP
    T5 Spirit Blast rank 3 - 3 AP
    T5 Beacon - 2 AP
    T5 Shining Through - 2 AP
    T5 Displace Summons - 1 AP
    T5 Displacement - 2 AP

    Tainted Scholar - 14 AP
    C1 Tainted Spellcasting - 1 AP
    T1 Feigned Health rank 3 - 3 AP
    T1 Strong Pact - 2 AP
    C2 Tainted Lore - 1 AP
    T2 Strong Pact - 2 AP
    T2 Utterdark Blast - 2 AP
    C3 Stanch - 1 AP
    T3 Strong Pact - 2 AP

    Destiny Planner – 48 level ups, 3 tome
    Exalted Angel – 32 Destiny Points
    C1 Astral Touch – 1 DP
    T1 Angelic Angel Form – 2 DP
    T1 Healing Pillar – 1 DP
    T1 Born by Flame rank 3 – 3 DP
    C2 Deepening Faith – 1 DP
    T2 Saving Grace rank 3 – 3 DP
    T2 Divine Protection – 2 DP
    C3 Angelic Charge – 1 DP
    T3 Holy Presence – 1 DP
    T3 Mass Cure Moderate – 2 DP
    T3 Purity of Mind and Soul rank 3 – 3 DP
    T3 Angelic Focus rank 3– 3 DP
    C4 Heavenly Wrath – 1 DP
    T4 Blood and Radiance – 2 DP
    T4 Angelic Soul – 1 DP
    T4 Enhanced Maximize rank 3 – 3 DP
    T5 Ascendance – 2 DP

    Magus – 6 Destiny Points
    C1 Touched by the Moon – 1 DP
    T1 Grand Summoner – 2 DP
    T1 Impregnable Mind – 2 DP
    T2 Call Upon – 1 DP

    Divine Crusader – 13 Destiny Points
    C1 Just Cause – 1 DP
    T1 Consecration rank 3 – 3 DP
    T1 Spear of Light – 1 DP
    C2 Confront any Foe – 1 DP
    T2 Bulk Up rank 3 – 3 DP
    T2 Shield of Light – 1 DP
    C3 Weather any Blow – 1 DP
    T3 Crusade – 2 DP

    Spells – Pact/Selected
    1 – Bless/Nightshield, Jump
    2 – Soundburst/Dispel Magic, Invisibility
    3 – Magic Circle against Evil/Stoneskin, Dimension Door
    4 – Prayer/Evard’s Black Tendrils, Lesser Globe of Invulnerability
    5 – Holy Aura/Tensers Transformation, Protection from Elements, Mass
    6 – Freedom of Movement/Arcane Tempest, Summon Monster 9
    Bonus Spells – Feather Fall, Web, Crushing Despair, Displacement

    Weapon Filigree’s
    (The) Cry of Battle – 3pc bonus - +8 Ability Scores, +20 Melee Power, PRR and MRR,

    The Breakdown -

    The general idea is to stack as many buffs and boosts to Summons, Pets, and Hirelings, while at the same time providing ample healing, temp hitpoints, and passive damage.
    Stacking effects - Augment Summoning, Improved Augment Summoning, Scion of Elysium, Fortify Summons, Imbue Summons, Displace Summons, Grand Summoner, Harper Leadership, and (The) Cry of Battle, for a total effect of -

    +28 stats, 20% dodge, 65 PRR, 68 MRR, +100 hitpoints, (?)x3 Increased health, 300% fortification, 70 melee power, 50 ranged and universal power, 25% concealment, 40% movement speed, 5% chance to ignore damage, to Summons, Hirelings, and Pets. And while we won't have the Druid Wolf or Palemaster Skeleton master pet, we will have the Magus of Eclipse pet, as well as Hirelings, and Hirelings can go all the way to level 30.

    The playstyle I tend to go with, is standing in place and holding Block, only pausing to cast Eldritch Bursts or heal as necessary, or to use other cooldowns. But the majority of the time? Blocking, and letting all my free passive effects do both the healing and the damage.

    Healing/Temp hitpoints

    This setup will have the usual Eldritch Aura and Brillance effects, but I also decided to take the Divine Crusader Destiny Path for Consecration and its upgrade, Crusade, which like Eldrich Aura, should have the same chance to proc the passive effect of the Angelic Form Destiny Mantle from the tree, both giving a 15% chance to proc free healing as well as damage, abit with a 5 second cooldown. In effect, getting even more free passive healing and damage.

    I did a test run with several Hirelings on my current Enlightened Soul, running several dungeons on Elite. (Isle of Dread, Feywild, Ravenloft) And my Enlightened Soul by themselves was enough to keep them from dying, and I don't believe I have lost a single one yet. (For those wondering, I was using the Gold Seal hirelings - Teal, the Satyr Bard, the Shield Guardian, the Froglock Rogue)

    So if I wasn't loosing any of the hirelings on Elite with my normal ES setup, pushing them further with actual support skills and feats could push them even further, quite possibly making a "Summoner" build more viable. (Although to be fair, this is more of a Hireling build than strictly a Summoner, but in my opinion a "pet" build includes Hirelings in this game.)

    At initial glance comparing this setup to my current ES build, I imagine my current one is a little tougher by themselves, but this one will have several more bodies in play, as well as much more passive healing and damage, and doesn't only rely on its Eldritch Aura and blasts for damage, but includes another aura effect and several helpers to further boost damage, which I believe might be well worth the tradeoff.

    Imput and advice is certainly welcome. As far as I am aware no one has really tried this setup before, or at least nothing has come up when I tried searching for it. And at least on paper and in theory, seems plausible. I doubt this will win any races for Reaper and the like, but for fellow pet lovers out there, it could prove to be a noteworthy option alongside Druids and Palemasters.

    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by Nindimple; 03-02-2023 at 04:33 PM.

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