ToF for less than optimal builds without the power creep past lives, requires tactics.
As to hirelings, cleric is a lot players obvious choice, but most certainly not ideal, (IMO they suck)
FVS provides heal and offensive capabilities BUT they burn SP too fast. Bard is the optimal choice for players (or builds) like you. Heals, great offense and they will raise you after lvl 10.
Tactics 1, using a ranged weapon to "pull" as few enemies as possible from a distance, we used to be able to pull one at a time, but they took that (and every other stealth ability) out of the game. Another dumb decision by SSG on game play)
Tactics2, with hirelings can be tricky with certain ones, even in passive mode, a few will run ahead into battle, yikes. Using a fighter or barbarian as bait actually works as they draw aggro which will give you sneak attack. And it's kind of funny to watch.
In ToF there are many ways to bail-out on a fight if you're getting overwhelmed, keep in mind, if you go back through a door, they will be waiting for you when you re-enter. (Which you can use to your advantage, having clickies and such off cool-down and ready to use the moment you re-enter.) *caster hirelings can be useful in that also, as soon as you re-enter, they will follow, just tab (target) an enemy and have them cast asap. Which will also draw aggro.
Lastly, take your time, ToF solo is a major time sink for newer builds/players. *see above tactics 1* Bind at tavern, so if you die, just release, do a quick repair/ heal at bar and run back into quest (you have 5 minutes before instance resets) at that point, losing 10% xp isn't a big deal as completing is.
Hope that helps. (ToF can be fun, take your time)