"server is full, please try again later"
I'm a VIP
What a joke.
I also have a new Alienware maxed out PC so it isn't me...
What's your issue SSG?
*three times now
"server is full, please try again later"
I'm a VIP
What a joke.
I also have a new Alienware maxed out PC so it isn't me...
What's your issue SSG?
*three times now
Last edited by Gordo; 02-28-2023 at 08:41 AM.
Gordion ~ Jaheira ~ Piccolo
Which server is it? I just logged into Orien to do my daily roll and had no trouble getting in.
It is argo indeed and it's been happening more since the "update".
Imagine if the game was popular what would happen? This is what VIP's get?
What does playing on Wayfinder do? How does that change the gerbil dynamics?
Thanks for your reply.
edit: 4th time today just now.
Last edited by Gordo; 02-28-2023 at 02:16 PM.
Gordion ~ Jaheira ~ Piccolo
I assumed they're talking about getting DDO points for first time favor --- though the first time favor rewards come at 5, 25, 50, 500, etc so not sure where the 400 comes in at --- unless unlocking warforged on wayfinder is important to them.
Also, I just logged into Argo successfully on the first try...
Gordion ~ Jaheira ~ Piccolo
You get that issue enough that I wonder if it is not some other network problem. I don't think Argo has enough people that someone should be hitting that multiple times a day. Do you try again immediately and get turned away? How long does it take to actually get in?
You may want to try DDO-ML to skip around the launcher and get in without the hassle of the default process.
The time it would take to play a few quests to work towards that 400 favor on Wayfinder ( as opposed to getting increasingly frustrated by not being able to log in to Argo with repeated attempts ) would give the argo login queue a chance to clear out. I think that's all they're saying.
I would try downloading ddo again and see if that doesn't help. It sounds like it is specific to you and not something the server is experiencing generally.
Account benefits
Login Queue: Priority (This isn't a real benefit, the game has not yet implemented any log in queue tech, you simply get an error if the server is full regardless of your account type)
I do get this when logging in once in a while but 2 days ago I got a new one. When I tried to log in i got a message saying the server was down (Sarlona), so I checked the DDO Live webpage and all the servers were up. I then logged in again with no problem, First time ever this happened to me. Maybe the last update does have something to do with this stuff.
not disneyland florida where you get to stand in a shorter line if you pay more.
there is no handicap line for vip
Gordion ~ Jaheira ~ Piccolo
Gordion ~ Jaheira ~ Piccolo
Good suggestion and I did do this a few weeks ago.
Also rebooted modem and all other typical fixes.
This strated about a month ago once I started sh*tposting against SSG so there's that.
If the server's are that full, then what are they doing to improve service if the game is doing that well?
Gordion ~ Jaheira ~ Piccolo
DDO-ML is not a SSG product. It is written in Python and AutoIt similar to PyLotro. It is a light weight launcher and supports multi-boxing.
NOTE: I am not sure if multi-boxing is still legal. On some servers people shun players that are multi-boxing if not stated clearly similar to piking.
What I said about 400 points is to get you to relax and not be so antangonizing about a game and still allows you to play; and spent time thinking about what else might have gone wrong about the setup.
Last edited by Tyrande; 03-01-2023 at 09:19 AM.
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility
There is 0 chance that there is any correlation between your posting and your login issues. SSG's (in)ability to fix simple bugs would preclude them from doing anything like you are implying. Perhaps some time spent reviewing the work of William of Ockham would be helpful.
There is a link to it on the Wiki launcher page as well as notes about other launchers. You can click through to find more info: https://ddowiki.com/page/Launcher