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    Community Member jirksa's Avatar
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    May 2015

    Lightbulb HolyStick - self-sufficient, utility, mid-reaper solo build

    Hi all!

    This is my favourite build, that I want to share with you. First off all, pardon my english, since it is not my first language. I have spent dozens of hours theory-crafting this build and another 6 lives polishing it. I am not looking for recommendations, I just want to share this incredible endgame, self-sufficient, mid-reaper solo, melee, utility beast of a build with you all! I am planning to write quite a lot about my choices and reasons behind them, so you can 'understand' the build. Or you can just skip it all and just copy the build . This is not first-life friendly build.

    1. Prerequisities

      This build is meant for 36 pt build, +8 tomes, I have no intention in trying to make it work with anything else. Past lifes are not needed, but usual melee PLs are recommended.
      Mouse or keyboards macros are highly recommended, since this build uses dozens of active abilities with short cooldows and it is impossible to be rotating through them all without macros.

    2. Overview

      This is 12 Fvs / 6 mnk / 2 rogue staff build. It can heal itself comfortably up to R5 (in-combat), or up to R10 (out of combat) if you are willing to smash the heal button (plenty of SP to do that). It can trap. It is highly survivable. Has basic buffs. Can off-tank some legendary raids on hard. Has VERY good dmg. Single target dmg is OK, but the build really shines in clearing packs of mobs fast and not die doing that.

      Why this split?

      I wanted high CC DC (Divine will (or other trances) gives that). Full BAB (FvS spell gives that). Heals (Fvs lvl 12 gets Heal spell). Monkish playstaly (I decided for staves). You need to go full monk or 1 lvl of rogue to get 15% extra attack speed. You have to go with at least 5 rogue or 5 monk for good staff tree (Rogue tree is better DMG, But I went with Monk for more KI, heals, utility, extra feat, movement speed). I wanted to go with wisdom as my main stat (you can build for more DC, monk finishers and other abilities scale with Wis, wisdom adds to your SP, AC, saves), to get Wis to DMG you can go Fvs or use Falconery - after many attempts, I discarded Falconery as too expensive option -> at least 10 lvl of Fvs. The existance of Aureon diety adds +5 dmg and +6 to-hit for free for 12 lvl Fvs.

    3. End game stats

      Please note that these stats are calculated by DDOBuilder and are not 100% accurate. These stats are with optimized gear, with 47 Reaper points, with circa 20 PLs

      · · ·Start Tome Final · · ·Incorp:· · 15% (25% with buff you can always keep up)· · ·Displacement:· ·25% (50% with action boost, you can almost keep up all the time while soloing)
      Str:· · 11· · 8 · ·40 · · ·HP:· · · ·2889 · · ·SP:· ·2103
      Dex:· · 11· · 8 · ·49 · · ·PRR: · · · 194 · · ·AC:· ·173
      Con:· · 16· · 8 · ·59 · · ·MRR: · · · 95 · · ·+Healing Amp:· ·157
      Int:· · 12· · 8 · ·30 · · ·Dodge: · 46/46 · · ·-Healing Amp:· · 10
      Wis:· · 20· · 8 · ·90 · · ·Fort:· · ·213% · · ·Repair Amp:· · · 10
      Cha:· · ·8· · 8 · ·26 · · ·SR:· · · · · 3 · · ·BAB: · · · · · · 19 (Full Bab with self buff you can always keep up)
      DR: 5\-
      Immunities: Disease, Fear, Fear, , Energy Drain, Magic Missiles, Freedom of Movement, Magic Missiles

      Melee Power:· 224.0 (+ prowess 50 MP buff)
      Doublestrike: 82% (+ 25% from a buff you can maintain for 10 sec / 12 sec cooldown)
      Strikethrough: 180%
      Fortification Bypass: 85% (+ you got destruction)
      Helpless Damage bonus: 85%

      Sneak Attack Attack bonus: 19
      Sneak Attack Damage: 9d6+30

      Main Hand: The Staff of Shadows (Centering)
      On Hit· · · · ·6.25[1D6+6]+187· + 6D6 Rust + 1D4 Light
      Critical 16-18 (6.25[1D6+6]+182) * 4· + 6D6 Rust + 1D4 Light
      Critical 19-20 (6.25[1D6+6]+182) * 6· + 6D6 Rust + 1D4 Light
      DR Bypass: Adamantine, Bludgeon, Cold Iron, Good, Magic, Silver

      Fortitude:· · · · ·88
      Will: · · · · · · 107
      Reflex: · · · · · ·92

    4. Starting stats

      Str:· · 11 (you need at least 17 str to get G2HF, 11 starting str is minimum what you need to be able to get the whole 2HF chain in heroics, so you can grab other staff and improved monk stances in epics))
      Dex:· · 11 (you need at least 10 to be able to get dodge chain in early levels (no room for them later))
      Con:· · 16
      Int:· · 12 (this is optional, you need 12 to get trapping skills, concentration and heal, you can go lower if you want to sacrifice the skills)
      Wis:· · 20 (your main stat)
      Cha:· · ·8

      Pick wisdom while leveling.
      You need at least +6 str tome to get 2HF chain.
      You need +7 int tome to get decent trapping skills.

    5. Leveling progression

      Classes are mixed up so you always have wisdom to DMG from FvS levels. To utilize the monk bonus feats to the fullest and to not waste any points on strength that you don't otherwise need, the 2HF chain is somewhat delayd.
      Rogue levels are taken at 1 and 20 to optimize trapping skills and to prioritize heals and spells over trapping at heroic levels. This is rather subjective and you can definitely move the 2nd rogue level somewhere sooner.
      Go dark monk. It has more healing.. how? because of Shadows Cannot Exist Without Light enhancement from henshin mystic. It has 6 sec cooldown and heals you (and everybody near you!!) for 250 (Healing Amp counted) per enemy you hit. So you can heal 750 every 6 seconds while in pack of mobs.
      Always go scion of Astral plane with centered builds. I did the math, far superrior to anything else. Dodge cap is realy good!
      Why did I go with Discipline? It gives you 5 PRR when combined with Grandmaster of flowers core enhancements.
      AND you cannot have anything better. You can swap for dodge at lvl 1, take mobility instead of dodge at lvl 3 and it will leave you with a free feat at lvl 6. But there is nothing better IMHO to take.
      You are running around in pyjamas basically, so every PRR helps!
      Elusive target gives you theoreticaly more Effective HP than deific warding. But deific warding will help you deal with the 'spikes' in DMG, therefore is better IMO.

      Level Class · · · · · ·Feats
      1 · · Rogue(1)· · · · ·Standard: Discipline
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Aasimar Bond: Aasimar: Fallen Bond
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Class Skills: Balance(4), Disable Device(4), Haggle(4), Jump(4), Open Lock(4), Search(4), Tumble(4)
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Cross Class Skills: Concentration(4), Heal(4)
      2 · · Favored Soul(1) ·Follower of Faith: Follower of Aureon
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Class Skills: Concentration(1), Heal(1)
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Cross Class Skills: Disable Device(1), Search(1)
      3 · · Favored Soul(2) ·Standard: Dodge
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Battle Feat: Knowledge of Battle
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Class Skills: Concentration(1), Heal(1)
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Cross Class Skills: Disable Device(1), Search(1)
      4 · · Monk(1) · · · · ·Monk Bonus: Precision
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Wisdom: +1 Level up
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Class Skills: Concentration(1)
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Cross Class Skills: Disable Device(2), Open Lock(2), Search(1)
      5 · · Favored Soul(3) ·Child Of Faith: Child of Faith
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Class Skills: Concentration(1), Heal(1)
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Cross Class Skills: Disable Device(1), Search(1)
      6 · · Favored Soul(4) ·Standard: Mobility
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Class Skills: Concentration(1), Heal(1)
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Cross Class Skills: Disable Device(1), Search(1)
      7 · · Monk(2) · · · · ·Monk Bonus: Two Handed Fighting
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Class Skills: Concentration(2)
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Cross Class Skills: Disable Device(2), Open Lock(1), Search(2)
      8 · · Monk(3) · · · · ·Monk Philosophy: Path of Inevitable Dominion: Fists of Darkness
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Wisdom: +1 Level up
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Class Skills: Concentration(2)
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Cross Class Skills: Disable Device(2), Open Lock(1), Search(2)
      9 · · Favored Soul(5) ·Standard: Swords to Plowshares
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Energy Absorbance: Energy Absorption: Electricity
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Class Skills: Concentration(1), Heal(2)
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Cross Class Skills: Disable Device(1), Search(1)
      10· · Monk(4) · · · · ·
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Class Skills: Concentration(1)
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Cross Class Skills: Disable Device(2), Open Lock(2), Search(2)
      11· · Favored Soul(6) ·Deity: Search the Soul
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Class Skills: Concentration(1), Heal(2)
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Cross Class Skills: Disable Device(1), Search(1)
      12· · Favored Soul(7) ·Standard: Improved Critical: Bludgeoning Weapons
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Heart Feat: Stout of Heart
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Wisdom: +1 Level up
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Class Skills: Concentration(1), Heal(1)
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Cross Class Skills: Disable Device(1), Open Lock(1), Search(1)
      13· · Monk(5) · · · · ·
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Class Skills: Concentration(1)
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Cross Class Skills: Disable Device(2), Open Lock(2), Search(2)
      14· · Monk(6) · · · · ·Monk Bonus: Spring Attack
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Class Skills: Concentration(1)
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Cross Class Skills: Disable Device(2), Open Lock(2), Search(2)
      15· · Favored Soul(8) ·Standard: Improved Two Handed Fighting
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Class Skills: Concentration(1), Heal(2)
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Cross Class Skills: Disable Device(1), Open Lock(1), Search(1)
      16· · Favored Soul(9) ·Wisdom: +1 Level up
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Class Skills: Concentration(1), Heal(2)
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Cross Class Skills: Disable Device(1), Open Lock(1), Search(1)
      17· · Favored Soul(10) Energy Absorbance: Energy Absorption: Fire
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Class Skills: Concentration(1), Heal(2)
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Cross Class Skills: Disable Device(1), Open Lock(1), Search(1)
      18· · Favored Soul(11) Standard: Greater Two Handed Fighting
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Class Skills: Concentration(1), Heal(2)
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Cross Class Skills: Disable Device(1), Open Lock(1), Search(1)
      19· · Favored Soul(12) Beloved Of Faith: Beloved of the Divine
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Class Skills: Concentration(1), Heal(3)
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Cross Class Skills: Disable Device(1), Open Lock(1)
      20· · Rogue(2)· · · · ·Wisdom: +1 Level up
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Class Skills: Disable Device(4), Open Lock(2), Search(6)
      21· · Epic(1) · · · · ·Epic Feat: Master of Forms
      22· · Epic(2) · · · · ·Epic Destiny Feat: Perfect Two Handed Fighting
      23· · Epic(3) · · · · ·
      24· · Epic(4) · · · · ·Epic Feat: Grandmaster of Forms
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Wisdom: +1 Level up
      25· · Epic(5) · · · · ·Epic Destiny Feat: Doublestrike
      26· · Epic(6) · · · · ·
      27· · Epic(7) · · · · ·Epic Feat: Overwhelming Critical
      28· · Epic(8) · · · · ·Epic Destiny Feat: Deific Warding
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Wisdom: +1 Level up
      29· · Epic(9) · · · · ·
      30· · Epic(10)· · · · ·Epic Feat: Epic Damage Reduction
      · · · · · · · · · · · ·Legendary: Scion of the Astral Plane
      31· · Legendary(1)· · ·Epic Destiny Feat: Legendary Toughness
      32· · Legendary(2)· · ·Wisdom: +1 Level up

    6. Enhancements

      Inquisitive is used only because I have 1 universal point, it is not needed.
      If you have more points, invest in Shintao for ki shout and cheap 20 PRR. Or warpriest for low hanging fruit or even Ameliorating Strike for more pasive AoE healing. If you dont want to play Aasimar, go anything else and use your free points in warpriest.
      If you have less point than me, you can drop shintao core. Have only 8 points in warpriest for haste boost. Or drop 1 point from HeM.
      I am using Unbalancing strike and Knock on the Sky special attacks in my rotation. Both are very good.

    7. Epic Destinies

      I am using 2 Epic Strikes. Dire charge for pack of mobs, Shadowstrike with meld into darkness for 10% more dodge in boss fights.
      That way you can have 70-75% dodge for 40 seconds in LD: Action hero epic moment - so you are almost untouchable.
      GoF is more fun than LD, but more point demanding and the numbers speak in favour of LD. Also the Dusk Surge enhancement IS regenerationg Action boost charges quite nicely.
      You can regenerate 1-6 charges per quest with this, from what I have measured. You are attacking pretty quickly, which helps with Dusk Surge procing.
      If you have more points than me, go for improved meld or 4th core in GoF - both are good

      I am using Mantle from GoF for leveling, because of the running speed.

      Alternatively I am now using deflect arrows from GoF tier 2 instead of Disciples studies - It is probably better.

    8. Reaper Points

      If you have fewer points:
      Get 4 wisdoms from the Dire Thaumaturge tree. Cheap DC from Dread Adversary. Put rest in Grim Barricade for more defense.
      If you have many points, you probably know, what to do.

    9. Spells

      You need all the heals.
      Divine Power, Divine Favor - always keep these UP!
      FoM, Raise dead, NightShield!

      other spells are up to you

    10. Gear

      This is a fairly expensive, optimized, gear set. It is optimized for value per slot, not for DMG only!
      I have a trip augment on, this is not a mistake, I need it for Unbalancing strike (making monsters vulnurable for sneak attack). Even with this build I can get 500-600 Sneak attack DMG per hit.
      If you don't have Perfected Jidz-Tet'ka, use Brand of Kalok Shash or IoD crafted bracer artifact.
      Cloak is my swap slot, since Cloak of the Hunter is not an essential item. I am swapping that for jeweled cloak for spell absorbtion or cannith crafted cloaks with different elemental absorbtions and resistances.
      You can use Legendary mantle of fury as a cloak as a cheaper option -it has dodge, Con, Doublestrike - Which I have all slotted as augments
      Staff of shadow is the best staff for melees. I did the math, don't get missled by the absence of any effects on that weapon. It has better crit profile. Better crit profiles almost always win.
      If you don't have stafff of shadow, spear of mournlands is OK, or even a nightmother's staff for vampirism effect.
      Trapping gear: I am swapping to Strap of Autumn Leaves with Int augments and trappers delight filigrees. Tharn's bracers (for artifact bonus to search with googles I am using). Manual of Stealthy Pilfering and Legendary Pendant of Hidden Tools.
      This will give you over 110 search, disable device and open locks. More than enough for anything.

      Filigrees are rather straightforward:
      Prowess and shattered device for set bonuses, and then raids filigrees - the same one in artifact and weapon for more cheap bonuses.
      Bravery Throughout/Shattered Device: +6 PRR
      Celerity/Vigilance: +2 Wisdom
      Sucker Punch/One Against Many: +2 Strength(Rare Version) - got 18 MP from 2 filigree slots
      you can go with others if you want - these are best suited my playstyle (be jack of all trades, master of none)

      You can use what ever gear you have. Try to max out:
      • Wisdom, Constitution
      • Deadly, Accuracy, Stunning, doublestrike
      • Enhanced Ki, Enhanced Ki, Enhanced Ki! So you can keep all your monk abilities on cooldowns and never run out of ki!
      • Dodge, PRR, MRR Cap
      • Usual staff, you know your items I guess

      The +1 imbue dice Augment is not listed here, but I put it there after imbue update, probably instead of vitality augment

      Armor · · · · Legendary Turncoat· ·Drops in: Quest: A Sharn Welcome
      · · · · · · · +15 Enhancement Bonus
      · · · · · · · Fortification +142%
      · · · · · · · Physical Sheltering +33
      · · · · · · · Healing Amplification +53
      · · · · · · · False Life +50
      · · · · · · · Green: Globe of True Imperial Blood
      · · · · · · · Legendary Part of the Family
      Belt· · · · · Legendary Belt of Sure Strikes· ·Drops in: U46: Quest: Rosemary's Ballad
      · · · · · · · Magical Sheltering +33
      · · · · · · · Insightful Seeker +6
      · · · · · · · Quality Combat Mastery +3
      · · · · · · · Quality Accuracy +4
      · · · · · · · Green: +15 Sapphire of Stunning
      Boots · · · · Legendary Sunken Slippers · Drops in: Quest: Members Only
      · · · · · · · Lesser Displacement
      · · · · · · · Insightful Potency +49
      · · · · · · · Quality Potency +24
      · · · · · · · Nearly Finished (Qual IWC): +3 Quality Wisdom
      · · · · · · · Yellow: Legendary Swordcrossed Topaz
      Bracers · · · Perfected Jidz-Tet'ka · Drops in: Sentinels Chain, Base Item plus crafting in the 12
      · · · · · · · Armor Bonus +14
      · · · · · · · Wisdom +14
      · · · · · · · Insightful Resistance +5
      · · · · · · · Insightful Sheltering +19
      · · · · · · · Exceptional Wisdom +2
      · · · · · · · Legendary Tet-zik, The Enlightened Change
      · · · · · · · Riik-zik, The Fire-Change
      · · · · · · · Sed-zik, The Water-Change
      · · · · · · · Thok-zik, The Earth-Change
      · · · · · · · Kos-zik, The Air-Change
      · · · · · · · Yellow: +14 Diamond of Constitution
      · · · · · · · Green: +5 Diamond of Insightful Constitution
      · · · · · · · Blue: +2 Festive Constitution
      · · · · · · · Filigree 1: Prowess: Melee Power(Rare Version)
      · · · · · · · Filigree 2: Bravery Throughout/Shattered Device: +6 PRR
      · · · · · · · Filigree 3: Celerity/Vigilance: +2 Wisdom
      · · · · · · · Filigree 4: Sucker Punch/One Against Many: +2 Strength(Rare Version)
      Cloak · · · · Cloak of the Hunter · Drops in: Raid: Hunt or be Hunted
      · · · · · · · Relentless Fury
      · · · · · · · Exceptional Healing Amplification +14
      · · · · · · · Quality Deception +2
      · · · · · · · Quality Seeker +3
      · · · · · · · Blue: +11 Sapphire of Protection
      · · · · · · · Yellow: Diamond of Vitality +20
      · · · · · · · Huntmaster's Favor
      Gloves· · · · Legendary Hammerfist· ·Drops in: Quest: Blown Deadline
      · · · · · · · Insightful Doublestrike +6%
      · · · · · · · Cannith Combat Infusion
      · · · · · · · Seeker +13
      · · · · · · · Insightful Deadly +4
      · · · · · · · Blue: +13 Sapphire of Natural Armor
      · · · · · · · Legendary Part of the Family
      Goggles · · · Legendary Tharne's Goggles· ·Drops in: U47 Raid: Legendary Vision of Destruction
      · · · · · · · True Seeing
      · · · · · · · Deception 11
      · · · · · · · Enhanced Ghostly
      · · · · · · · Diversion +21%
      · · · · · · · Yellow: +30 Topaz of Swiftness
      · · · · · · · Blue: Sapphire of Greater Heroism
      · · · · · · · Legacy of Tharne
      Helmet· · · · Legendary Umber Brim· ·Drops in: Quest: No Refunds
      · · · · · · · Improved Quelling Strikes
      · · · · · · · Insightful Accuracy +9
      · · · · · · · Insightful Deception +5
      · · · · · · · Profane Well Rounded
      · · · · · · · Green: +14 Sapphire of Vertigo
      Necklace· · · Legendary Family Recruit Sigil· ·Drops in: Quest: House of Pain
      · · · · · · · True Seeing
      · · · · · · · Armor-Piercing +20
      · · · · · · · Deadly +10
      · · · · · · · Relentless Fury
      · · · · · · · Yellow: +10 Topaz of Melee Power
      · · · · · · · Legendary Part of the Family
      Ring1 · · · · Legendary Tumbleweed· ·Drops in: U47 Raid: Legendary Vision of Destruction
      · · · · · · · Insightful Dexterity +6
      · · · · · · · Exceptional Nimble Skills Bonus +10
      · · · · · · · Accuracy +21
      · · · · · · · Deadly +11
      · · · · · · · Green: +12 Sapphire of Dodge
      · · · · · · · Yellow: +14 Diamond of Dexterity
      · · · · · · · Mind and Matter
      Ring2 · · · · Legendary Omniscience · Drops in: U47 Raid: Legendary Vision of Destruction
      · · · · · · · Shield Bonus +13
      · · · · · · · Riposte +6
      · · · · · · · Resistance +11
      · · · · · · · Fortification +148%
      · · · · · · · Green: Emerald of Eldritch Empowerment
      · · · · · · · Yellow: +0 Diamond of Heal
      · · · · · · · Mind and Matter
      Trinket · · · Blood of Blossoms · Drops in: U48 Raid: The Dryad and the Demigod
      · · · · · · · Enhanced Ki +3
      · · · · · · · Wisdom +13
      · · · · · · · Insightful Wisdom +6
      · · · · · · · Sheltering +35
      · · · · · · · Blue: +20 Diamond of Concentration
      · · · · · · · Green: +2 Festive Wisdom
      · · · · · · · Eminence of Spring
      Weapon1 · · · The Staff of Shadows· ·Drops in: Raid: Killing Time
      · · · · · · · Damage and Type 5[1d6+6] + 15 Bludgeon, Adamantine, Magic
      · · · · · · · Critical Threat Range 20 x3
      · · · · · · · +15 Enhancement Bonus
      · · · · · · · Adamantine
      · · · · · · · Purple: Deconstructor (Improved destruction augment would be better)
      · · · · · · · Red: +140 Ruby of Positive Spell Power
      · · · · · · · Orange: Ruby of the Vampire Slayer
      · · · · · · · Sentient Weapon Personality: Sentient Jewel of the Hopeful
      · · · · · · · Filigree 1: Prowess: Melee Power(Rare Version)
      · · · · · · · Filigree 2: Prowess: Critical Attack and Damage(Rare Version)
      · · · · · · · Filigree 3: Bravery Throughout/Shattered Device: +6 PRR
      · · · · · · · Filigree 4: Shattered Device: Melee Power(Rare Version)
      · · · · · · · Filigree 5: Prowess: Attack and Damage(Rare Version)
      · · · · · · · Filigree 6: Celerity/Vigilance: +2 Wisdom
      · · · · · · · Filigree 7: Prowess: PRR(Rare Version)
      · · · · · · · Filigree 8: Shattered Device: Attack and Damage(Rare Version)
      · · · · · · · Filigree 9: Shattered Device: Armor Piercing(Rare Version)
      · · · · · · · Filigree 10: Sucker Punch/One Against Many: +2 Strength(Rare Version)

    11. Gameplay

      Use Ocean stance all the time - best defense, good offence. Lighting the candle imbue Can add 150-250 per hit. Direcharge for packs, Shadowstrike with Meld for bosses.
      You can face tank bosses up to R4, up to R6 with radiant forcefield pots and Echo of Wave/ Reflection of wave clickey and the hood of the unrest for Dodge.

      Macros, Macros, MACROS!

      This build has absurd amount of active ablities with short cooldowns that you want to be using. I am using mouse macros that helps me cycle through many abilities at once under 1 button.
      My macros for attacking are always triggering (pressing) left mouse button, so I get normal attacks if everything is on cooldown.
      At the same time the macro is 'pressing' all the shortcut for 1 entire toolbar in a cycle. cca 20 ms delay between each shortcut.
      That way, all the abilites in the toolbar will be cycle through. The order of the abilities is random though!
      Don't use shift, alt or ctrl for your keyboard shortcuts you use in macros - you can unintentionaly invoke some other game shortcuts by moving around and using macros
      (for example, if your macro use CTRL, you are using the macro and moving backwards, you can open the store by clicking CTRL+S)
      I have disabled most of the default game shortcuts to be able to use CTRL/SHIFT/ALT in macros.
      I use these 2 main attacking macros:

      There are duplicit abilities in a row for a purpose - to not waste the macro's time by clicking on an empty slot. You can make the macro shorter and use shorter toolbars though.
      I am using the upper toolbar as my main attacking sequence (after Direcharging or shadowstriking)
      I sometimes use Legendary Rally (hard-hiting cleave attack from LD) after Direcharging huge pack of mobs.
      I am using the bottom toolbar to quickly stack vulnurabilty (each of those add 2 stack, 8 stack total in 4 attacks) - on bosses, tougher champions

      Always use Haste boost! This character got 11 charges that are regenerating - more than enough. Haste boost is also defensive - it gives you displacement because of LD enhancement. Note that Displacement is negated in R9+ difficulties (-10% for 1 skull, -5% for every other skull)
      Hesnshin mystic 3rd core is invisibility + 25% incorpo anility - use it all the time. Use invis to position yourself in the pack of mobs for effective direcharging. Again 25% incorpo is negatet in R5+ (invis is still useful).

      I am using some more non-attacking macros for heals and short buffs.

      These macros function the same as the attacking ones, but are not pressing the left mouse button for attacking.

      My main toolbar is used as a finisher builder.
      I am using mostly 1-2-3 (water - dark - water) and then finisher (stun), that I have mapped under 'F' key.
      If there will be mobs, that cannot be all direcharged (are spread), I will prep some CC finisher ahead and use it as my first attack.

      My other abilities (epic strikes, legendary rally, epic moment, Haste Boost, ...) are mapped to some other keyboard keys and I dont have them on my main toolbar.
    Last edited by jirksa; 03-05-2023 at 09:38 AM. Reason: adding new information
    Panoramiix of Orien

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2013


    How do you get your MRR up to 109/95 while wearing robes?

  3. #3
    Community Member jirksa's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by catweasle View Post
    How do you get your MRR up to 109/95 while wearing robes?
    Thanks for question

    95 is cap for me - I will edit the original post to state just 95 not 109/95, thanks for pointing it out:

    I am actually carrying another weapon with Nystul's Mystical Defense filigree set for another MRR CAP (+40 cap) - so I get get somewehere around 120 for tanking purposes.
    Last edited by jirksa; 02-23-2023 at 12:22 AM.
    Panoramiix of Orien

  4. #4
    Community Member Zdevor's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Can U post a video to see this build in action pls???
    Last edited by Zdevor; 04-23-2023 at 08:46 AM.

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