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  1. #1
    Community Member DoctorOfLiterature's Avatar
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    Default Transferring Not What I Hoped For

    So I transferred one HCL toon to Orien and one to Sarlona to check them out and my experience confirms my decision not to transfer my main and alts.

    First, when looking at pug scene there is more to consider than average number of lfms. There are more lfms on Orien than my home server, but the quality is poor. Many are free to play doing normal/hard/elite, which doesn’t interest me.

    Second, the players are less nice, maybe because there are so many; more people means you can be a jerk because there are so many people that they don’t care about their reputation or being squelched.

    Third, there are a lot of players I can’t communicate with. If you are a non English speaker this may not be an issue but communicating about how to fight, loot and next quests is something I miss.

    Fourth, finding a guild was not as easy as proponents make it sound. On Sarlona I still haven’t found one. On Orien I did but it is full of bank toons and people who haven’t logged in years. If you are transferring with your whole guild this won’t matter; but if you show up alone, good luck.

    Fifth, play time matters. There are more lfms in the middle of the night but there isn’t much difference in late afternoon or evening hours.

    Last and maybe most importantly, the lag on Orien is noticeably worse. It will only get worse and you will be stuck there.

    I’m keeping my main and alts on my current server until ssg does a proper transfer with all my stuff and guilds, and to a server that can handle being a mega server.
    Last edited by DoctorOfLiterature; 02-21-2023 at 11:15 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member MistaMagic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorOfLiterature View Post
    So I transferred one HCL toon to Orien and one to Sarlona to check them out and my experience confirms my decision not to transfer my main and alts.

    First, when looking at pug scene there is more to consider than average number of lfms. There are more lfms on Orien than my home server, but the quality is poor. Many are free to play doing normal/hard/elite, which doesn’t interest me.

    Second, the players are less nice, maybe because there are so many; more people means you can be a jerk because there are so many people that they don’t care about their reputation or being squelched.

    Third, there are a lot of players I can’t communicate with. If you are a non English speaker this may not be an issue but communicating about how to fight, loot and next quests is something I miss.

    Fourth, finding a guild was not as easy as proponents make it sound. On Sarlona I still haven’t found one. On Orien I did but it is full of bank toons and people who haven’t logged in years. If you are transferring with your whole guild this won’t matter; but if you show up alone, good luck.

    Fifth, play time matters. There are more lfms in the middle of the night but there isn’t much difference in late afternoon or evening hours.

    Last and maybe most importantly, the lag on Orien is noticeably worse. It will only get worse and you will be stuck there.

    I’m keeping my main and alts on my current server until ssg does a proper transfer with all my stuff and guilds, and to a server that can handle being a mega server.
    Well looked at. I will be keeping all my toons on Khyber and everyone I have spoken to that I know is also doing the same. Should at some stage SSG make a Mega Server then that may change but until then I am not going anywhere
    Ozzgood 51, 51, 27, 42, 115. Ozzbad 51, 51, 27, 42, 100. Ozzugly 45, 51, 27, 42, 145. EvilOzz 51, 51, 27, 42, 135. Ozzistheworst 39, 51, 16, 18, 75. Ozzthegreat 5, 5, 2, 0, 15. and Alts on Khyber
    Past Lives: Heroic, Epic, Iconic, Racial., Reaper Points,

  3. #3
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorOfLiterature View Post
    Last and maybe most importantly, the lag on Orien is noticeably worse. It will only get worse and you will be stuck there.
    I mentioned this early on as a predictably obvious downside, but it seemed to get lost in the noise and general excitement.

    GL to all those who thought the grass would simply be greener.

  4. #4
    Community Member Maldorin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorOfLiterature View Post
    So I transferred one HCL toon to Orien and one to Sarlona to check them out and my experience confirms my decision not to transfer my main and alts.

    First, when looking at pug scene there is more to consider than average number of lfms. There are more lfms on Orien than my home server, but the quality is poor. Many are free to play doing normal/hard/elite, which doesn’t interest me.

    Second, the players are less nice, maybe because there are so many; more people means you can be a jerk because there are so many people that they don’t care about their reputation or being squelched.

    Third, there are a lot of players I can’t communicate with. If you are a non English speaker this may not be an issue but communicating about how to fight, loot and next quests is something I miss.

    Fourth, finding a guild was not as easy as proponents make it sound. On Sarlona I still haven’t found one. On Orien I did but it is full of bank toons and people who haven’t logged in years. If you are transferring with your whole guild this won’t matter; but if you show up alone, good luck.

    Fifth, play time matters. There are more lfms in the middle of the night but there isn’t much difference in late afternoon or evening hours.

    Last and maybe most importantly, the lag on Orien is noticeably worse. It will only get worse and you will be stuck there.

    I’m keeping my main and alts on my current server until ssg does a proper transfer with all my stuff and guilds, and to a server that can handle being a mega server.
    Objection! Purely anecdotal evidence based on limited data, a subjective viewpoint and possibly even skewed by inherent bias!

    Seriously though, I moved and am quite happy with the results.

    What is best for each individual probably depends on a lot of variables.

  5. #5
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    When I was new, I made a character and played at least once on them all until I found the server with the population that best matched my expectations.
    I had good experiences on each and bad experiences on each and just kept track of them with a notebook.
    The one with the most good experiences became my server. I rarely if ever play on the others.
    You should have done some recon.

  6. #6
    Savage's Husband Phoenicis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J-2 View Post
    When I was new, I made a character and played at least once on them all until I found the server with the population that best matched my expectations.
    I had good experiences on each and bad experiences on each and just kept track of them with a notebook.
    The one with the most good experiences became my server. I rarely if ever play on the others.
    You should have done some recon.
    To be fair, it looks like he did. Moving HCL chars is not the commitment that moving a main and bank chars are...

  7. #7
    Community Member lbroyles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorOfLiterature View Post
    So I transferred one HCL toon to Orien and one to Sarlona to check them out and my experience confirms my decision not to transfer my main and alts.

    First, when looking at pug scene there is more to consider than average number of lfms. There are more lfms on Orien than my home server, but the quality is poor. Many are free to play doing normal/hard/elite, which doesn’t interest me.

    Second, the players are less nice, maybe because there are so many; more people means you can be a jerk because there are so many people that they don’t care about their reputation or being squelched.

    Third, there are a lot of players I can’t communicate with. If you are a non English speaker this may not be an issue but communicating about how to fight, loot and next quests is something I miss.

    Fourth, finding a guild was not as easy as proponents make it sound. On Sarlona I still haven’t found one. On Orien I did but it is full of bank toons and people who haven’t logged in years. If you are transferring with your whole guild this won’t matter; but if you show up alone, good luck.

    Fifth, play time matters. There are more lfms in the middle of the night but there isn’t much difference in late afternoon or evening hours.

    Last and maybe most importantly, the lag on Orien is noticeably worse. It will only get worse and you will be stuck there.

    I’m keeping my main and alts on my current server until ssg does a proper transfer with all my stuff and guilds, and to a server that can handle being a mega server.
    I have only played with friendly players on Orien. I have been doing raids and high reaper content. Took a few days to find guild just because I was picky. I love the huge population and 20+ lfm weekends. I do not regret my decision to move from Khyber.

  8. #8
    Community Member MistaMagic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lbroyles View Post
    I have only played with friendly players on Orien. I have been doing raids and high reaper content. Took a few days to find guild just because I was picky. I love the huge population and 20+ lfm weekends. I do not regret my decision to move from Khyber.
    I have no idea what toon/s u had on Khyber but am pleased you have found a home that seems to suit you, I can always join a high reaper quest and any raid on Khyber so it is not down to the server alone
    Ozzgood 51, 51, 27, 42, 115. Ozzbad 51, 51, 27, 42, 100. Ozzugly 45, 51, 27, 42, 145. EvilOzz 51, 51, 27, 42, 135. Ozzistheworst 39, 51, 16, 18, 75. Ozzthegreat 5, 5, 2, 0, 15. and Alts on Khyber
    Past Lives: Heroic, Epic, Iconic, Racial., Reaper Points,

  9. #9
    Community Member Drunkendex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorOfLiterature View Post
    On Sarlona I still haven’t found one.
    I remember a time when you could not make toon on Sarlona and not get "hey wanna join *********?" tell...

  10. #10
    Community Member TitusOvid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorOfLiterature View Post

    First, when looking at pug scene there is more to consider than average number of lfms. There are more lfms on Orien than my home server, but the quality is poor. Many are free to play doing normal/hard/elite, which doesn’t interest me.

    Second, the players are less nice, maybe because there are so many; more people means you can be a jerk because there are so many people that they don’t care about their reputation or being squelched.

    Third, there are a lot of players I can’t communicate with. If you are a non English speaker this may not be an issue but communicating about how to fight, loot and next quests is something I miss.

    Fourth, finding a guild was not as easy as proponents make it sound. On Sarlona I still haven’t found one. On Orien I did but it is full of bank toons and people who haven’t logged in years. If you are transferring with your whole guild this won’t matter; but if you show up alone, good luck.

    Fifth, play time matters. There are more lfms in the middle of the night but there isn’t much difference in late afternoon or evening hours.

    Last and maybe most importantly, the lag on Orien is noticeably worse. It will only get worse and you will be stuck there.

    I’m keeping my main and alts on my current server until ssg does a proper transfer with all my stuff and guilds, and to a server that can handle being a mega server.

    1) Orien is still default. There are a lot of f2p players, which is a good thing. They need to find people to quest, too. If you don't find a quest in your difficulty open an lfm and it will fill pretty fast.
    2) Sad to hear. I made it a point to only pug with people I don't know the last couple of days and I had a blast and found a lot of nice people. Bad luck for you, I guess.
    3) I don't get that point. Why can't you communicate exactly?
    4) Orien got about a dozen active guilds recruiting atm. The Orien (Raiding) Discord set up a role to ping these guilds in chat. It is not easy to find one ingame, that is true.
    5) To check for the best server in your playtime, I recommend checking out
    6) Yes the lag got worse, that is true. It is still playable nonetheless.

    Shame you didn't have a good start. I wish you the best on your old server. If you feel at home there, why move at all?
    Good luck to you.

    Last edited by TitusOvid; 02-21-2023 at 05:38 PM.
    Playing since 2010 | Don't do the fun wrong | New to Orien? Join the ingame Titan Channel | Soko Irrlicht freut sich immer über neue Mitglieder | Deutscher DDO Discord | Orien Raiding Discord | Toons: Titus Ovid , Bruder, Upload, Zzed, (Rubbel)

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorOfLiterature View Post
    So I transferred one HCL toon to Orien and one to Sarlona to check them out and my experience confirms my decision not to transfer my main and alts.

    First, when looking at pug scene there is more to consider than average number of lfms. There are more lfms on Orien than my home server, but the quality is poor. Many are free to play doing normal/hard/elite, which doesn’t interest me.
    Alternately if you make your own group that doesn't have to do n/h/e people may be excited to join it, and get the larger bonuses from starting on elite.
    Second, the players are less nice, maybe because there are so many; more people means you can be a jerk because there are so many people that they don’t care about their reputation or being squelched.
    This is meaningless unless we know what your expectation of 'nice' is for a random mmo player that you don't know.
    Third, there are a lot of players I can’t communicate with. If you are a non English speaker this may not be an issue but communicating about how to fight, loot and next quests is something I miss.
    How much do you need to communicate in a pug? No, really. I've joined some groups that absolutely spoke no english, but had zero problems. But then I rarely see anyone talk much in pugs other than to abbreviate the name of the next quest. Maybe I'm just used to the kind of behavior you're describing and have adapted.
    Fourth, finding a guild was not as easy as proponents make it sound. On Sarlona I still haven’t found one. On Orien I did but it is full of bank toons and people who haven’t logged in years. If you are transferring with your whole guild this won’t matter; but if you show up alone, good luck.
    Out of curiousity, how many people did you /tell in game and ask them if you could join their guild? This would give us a better idea of what you experienced.

    The number of guilds on Sarlona pre-transfer most certainly resulted from the active population there and how many guilds it could support. Of course if you infuse a bunch of new people to the server it is going to take some time for new guilds to pop up and for the supply/demand to stabilize. This is the only outcome to be expected. -
    Fifth, play time matters. There are more lfms in the middle of the night but there isn’t much difference in late afternoon or evening hours.

    Last and maybe most importantly, the lag on Orien is noticeably worse. It will only get worse and you will be stuck there.

    I’m keeping my main and alts on my current server until ssg does a proper transfer with all my stuff and guilds, and to a server that can handle being a mega server.
    Seems like you went into the whole thing with the mindset of being angry this was happening instead of a 'proper' server merge and that has biased your observation.

    Of course, that's just 'my' observation, so keep that in mind.

  12. #12


    well my favorite grouping experiences are with players I have seen around a long time on Cannith OR on HC. HC is its own world ofc and the grouping has a whole new level of importance.

    I would not move to a server just to group more on the main servers. The state of the game just isn’t worth the trouble.
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
    Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players

  13. #13
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    Certainly Orien is not the promised land people hope for, but I do not get some of your points. I rarely have seen anything below r1 in ages, certainly not the old e/h/n, but maybe that has changed in recent days with the transfers? Also, what about the language, you mean English does not work well or another language you personally use? Cause I have not been in any pug where English was not understood well enough to team for... I don't know, ever?

  14. #14
    Community Member Oliphant's Avatar
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    Orien may not be a paradise, but it's not dead. I had spent the previous two months taking a break from Ghallanda, just too slow and sad lately.

    Will say that Orien heroic game was everything I hoped for. Have not really settled into endgame yet and I think endgame is more in flux. I suspect endgame will ripen nicely and soon.
    Please consider the environment before printing this post

  15. #15
    Community Member thomascoolone64's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorOfLiterature View Post
    So I transferred one HCL toon to Orien and one to Sarlona to check them out and my experience confirms my decision not to transfer my main and alts.

    First, when looking at pug scene there is more to consider than average number of lfms. There are more lfms on Orien than my home server, but the quality is poor. Many are free to play doing normal/hard/elite, which doesn’t interest me.

    Second, the players are less nice, maybe because there are so many; more people means you can be a jerk because there are so many people that they don’t care about their reputation or being squelched.

    Third, there are a lot of players I can’t communicate with. If you are a non English speaker this may not be an issue but communicating about how to fight, loot and next quests is something I miss.

    Fourth, finding a guild was not as easy as proponents make it sound. On Sarlona I still haven’t found one. On Orien I did but it is full of bank toons and people who haven’t logged in years. If you are transferring with your whole guild this won’t matter; but if you show up alone, good luck.

    Fifth, play time matters. There are more lfms in the middle of the night but there isn’t much difference in late afternoon or evening hours.

    Last and maybe most importantly, the lag on Orien is noticeably worse. It will only get worse and you will be stuck there.

    I’m keeping my main and alts on my current server until ssg does a proper transfer with all my stuff and guilds, and to a server that can handle being a mega server.
    Uhm .... YEA DO NOT MAKE A SERVER A MEGA SERVER THEY WILL TURN TRANSFERS BACK OFF, I.e See one of Cordos Recent Livestreams on friday!
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post

    "Ignore the text in the Lamannia launcher claiming to be from Middle Earth. Wat?"

  16. #16
    Community Member thomascoolone64's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by saekee View Post
    well my favorite grouping experiences are with players i have seen around a long time on cannith or on hc. Hc is its own world ofc and the grouping has a whole new level of importance.

    I would not move to a server just to group more on the main servers. The state of the game just isn’t worth the trouble.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post

    "Ignore the text in the Lamannia launcher claiming to be from Middle Earth. Wat?"

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ereshkigal View Post
    How much do you need to communicate in a pug? No, really. I've joined some groups that absolutely spoke no english, but had zero problems. But then I rarely see anyone talk much in pugs other than to abbreviate the name of the next quest. Maybe I'm just used to the kind of behavior you're describing and have adapted.
    In this day and age, language barriers are not that big of a problem anymore. DDO supports copy paste and you can use deepL or google translate. Not every language will work that well, but it will get the point across. (German <-> English works very well from experience; but the less related the languages are, the worse the AI translation becomes),

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