Hey, Cranjis.
You can obtain a Windspyre Sparrow at Guild level 10 for 50,000 platinum. It has 4 small amenity slots.
At level 10, the Orien Express becomes available for 60 Astral Shards. This is the most important amenity for storage characters by a wide margin.
At level 11, the Farshifter's Chamber becomes available for 90 Astral Shards.
At level 12, the Chronoscope becomes available for 60,000 platinum. Slow running sucks, even for storage characters, and this amenity is cheap.
At level 19, Guild Storage 1 becomes available for 150 Astral Shards.
Watch the Astral Shard and platinum auction houses for Orien Express, Farshifter, and Guild Storage 1 deeds. Let your members know you need them. With some luck, your members will donate everything for a secondary airship.
Happy adventuring to you and Good luck with your Guild.