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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Default Have Lamannia client installed, but cannot run.

    I have installed the Lamannia client in a different folder than the main client, but it always says the server is closed.
    Due to new updates coming soon and lots of activity, I assume that Lamannia should be open.
    Any suggestions on what to do, because I assume that I messed something up on my end.


  2. #2
    Uber Completionist rabidfox's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    Lam is only open during short periods when the devs want people to try/test some stuff out. And it's never opened over the weekends (as they don't want to have to work then to monitor things).

  3. #3
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011


    Confirmed. It's just not open now.

    Quote Originally Posted by rabidfox View Post
    And it's never opened over the weekends (as they don't want to have to work then to monitor things).
    I don't know about "never" - but maybe as a rule of thumb.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    May 2017


    Thanks! Ill just have to check at various time throughout the week then.

  5. #5
    Uber Completionist rabidfox's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    They just finished round 3 of u58 testing with u58 coming out soon; so it'll likely be a little while before u59 testing. But keep an eye on the lam forums for whenever that happens.

  6. #6
    Community Member Xezom's Avatar
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    Jul 2013


    Generally, Lamannia runs for 3 days at a time and is almost always tueday-thurday with some delays causing it to be wednesday-friday. In all my years of playing I don't recall it ever being across a weekend. It was once said by a now-no-longer-with-us that the reason was to prevent server population drops from people playing on lamannia during peak play times (weekends). Whether or not that holds true to this day, I couldn't say.

    Also in general terms, Lamannia typically runs every two to three months with between 2-4 previews before a release, and generally run something like this:
    Preview one, week off, Preview two, Week off or Patch goes live if ready, if not Preview 3, Week off or Patch if ready. It's fairly rare to have 4 previews unless one is a super early look at a mechanic or new feature.

    There are some times it runs for smaller patches as long as they include some type of content update (archtypes, new quests, etc.). My best guestimate on the next round of previews will likely start in late March to early April for the next expansion preview (u59). Like rabidfox said, keep an eye on the Lamannia forums, especially on tuesdays/Wednesdays around 3pm Eastern Time (12pm Pacific)
    Last edited by Xezom; 02-21-2023 at 01:54 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aelonwy View Post
    I don't run reaper so I personally do NOT give a capybara butt about content above elite.

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