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  1. #1
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    Default Help with fire druid caster please

    I am loking for some help for my Fire DPS druid. (no access to IoD yet.. but have raid runes for anything else.)
    I am 20 druid (tiefling) i just hit lvl 32 - and I am just finding the DPS lackluster.
    gear - Running 7 autumn, 4 winter feywild sets, have a LGS fire crit damage goggles, azure sky pendant.?*

    wis = 78 , evo DC = 85
    Spell power:?* fire = 860, force = 709, positive = 774
    Crit chance?* fire = 58, force = 50, positive = 29
    crit multiplier?* fire = 90,?* force = 40, positive = 40
    saves 61,31,73 ppr 144 mmr 124

    I run in EA , mantle and epic strike. (11 points in Draconic,?*and 11 in Primal avatar to get 3 cores each)
    spells I use.
    SLA's used on CD: produce fire, salt ray, WoB, sunburst , Tief scorch (fully meta magiced)?*EA epic strike, holy-fireball t5?*spells cast:?* heart seeds, WoB, salt Ray
    CC spells cast : EQ, BoGW, tsunami?*

    2x 2Wis
    2x 2 int (eye, invetable)
    2 eye set
    6 elemental avatal (crit chance)
    quicken, max, heighten, enlarge, empower
    focus evo?* + greater evo

    epic:Spell powers: cold,fire,force,positive, intensify, ruin, wellspring

    --Am I playing the char wrong ??*are my stat numbers just too low ??*I don't have access Dino crafting yet...I am giving serious thought to going 3 Hruit, and Elder's knowledge?*set for the extra 6% crit (and freeing up more item slots for more useful?*items.?*
    Any feedback appreciated, thanks. either in gear, feats, spell rotation, whatever. (I tried going full Draconic, and the fire breath really does rock, but I didn't like the playstyle of having to be in near melee range for the cone. )

  2. #2
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    Just going to toss some information out; I can't say if these are the optimal choices, but it might be worth it to see how they feel.

    A few nice things in Primal Avatar:
    • T2. Spirit Boon gives +2 Wisdom. Only .5 of a DC per point spent, but it's there. It's also nice to get a spell behind the Epic Strike even if you don't plan to use the Epic Strike here.
    • T3. Ever Green has a high chance to give you 100 temporary spell points whenever you proc the mantle. This really helps with spell point conservation. Furthermore, if Natural Shielding is enough to keep your puppy alive, Shared Mantle allows it to get a copy of the PA mantle with your spellpower and its own 5 second cooldown for each element. (This will also apply to any summons or hirelings you put out; I like to pair it with 6 or 7 points Magus of the Eclipse for a free summon and further defenses for summons, but it's still another thing that can die easily. The gargoyle can last a while, at least.)
    • T4. You can choose Efficient Maximize twice, allowing you to reduce the cost of Maximize by 18 spell points. This plus the aforementioned Ever Green lets you be less reliant on SLAs; you can just turn Maximize on and use your higher-level, harder-hitting spells with less fear of running out of spell points. Add in the fourth core, Regrowth, and it's hard to run out of spell points.
    • T5. Unfortunately, you lose out on free Intensify as in the Exalted Angle destiny, but you can still get it reduced by 6 points. That should be enough to turn it on all the time, too.

    Overall, it gives you the spell point sustain to regularly use your higher level spells (even maximized and intensified) rather than needing to rely on things like the Produce Flame SLA. If your pets and summons can stay alive, too, they'll also be proccing your mantle for some more damage.

    Draconic Incarnation also has on-demand temporary spellpoints in T4 Pull from the Wellspring. Yes, its Epic Strike has a much shorter range than the EA epic strike, but the cores and T3 Scales of the Dragon have some nice survivability benefits. T5 even has Ruin Intensified for more damage; an epic moment that gives you healing, cc, and lowered spell cost; and its own leap.

  3. 02-19-2023, 09:57 AM

  4. #3
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    you should have a look at the flamecleansed fury set and see if you can mix it with elders set and find somehow to get exxceptional crit chance at cap.

    maybe through dino bone crafting og that ring from killing time.

  5. #4
    Community Member Michele's Avatar
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    are you playing char wrong?

    I didn't like reading these 2 statements:
    1) didn't like the playstyle of having to be in near melee range for the cone;
    2) I don't have access Dino crafting yet.

    I would say: don't play endgame yet until you have isle of dread pack.

  6. #5
    Community Member Fisto_Mk_I's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michele View Post
    I would say: don't play endgame yet until you have isle of dread pack.
    Lolwut?! Seriously?!

    Can i ask what you mean as "endgame" then?
    English not my native language. What's your excuse?

  7. #6
    Community Member Michele's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fisto_Mk_I View Post
    Lolwut?! Seriously?!

    Can i ask what you mean as "endgame" then?
    now there is Isle of Dread with 25% discount.

    I mean, there is a big gap between a player with and a player without isle of dread artifact/equipment.

  8. #7
    Community Member PedXing20's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michele View Post
    I mean, there is a big gap between a player with and a player without isle of dread artifact/equipment.
    I'm going to disagree on this one Michele. Yes, the best gear sets use IOD gear - but - you can still do very well on a druid caster with sub-optimal gear.

    Also, you need to keep in mind that the number of players who are out there solo'g r10s is very, very small.

    Can a player on a druid without IOD gear do well in r8 and below content? Absolutely they can.

  9. #8
    Community Member Michele's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PedXing20 View Post
    I'm going to disagree on this one Michele. Yes, the best gear sets use IOD gear - but - you can still do very well on a druid caster with sub-optimal gear.

    Also, you need to keep in mind that the number of players who are out there solo'g r10s is very, very small.

    Can a player on a druid without IOD gear do well in r8 and below content? Absolutely they can.
    yes, I guess you are right, but fire druid, no cone attacks, no dino gear... uhm :-P

  10. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by PedXing20 View Post
    Can a player on a druid without IOD gear do well in r8 and below content? Absolutely they can.
    I don't even try to solo (if I want a single player game, I don't need DDO), but play as part of a group, but a Druid without IOD gear can dominate in R10s with all the CC and heals a party could ask for. And I'm not saying that's the only way to play a Druid (it's just a way I like to play'em); there's plenty of Druid nukers and some Druid DPS melees and Druid tanks, too.

  11. #10
    Community Member Fisto_Mk_I's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michele View Post
    now there is Isle of Dread with 25% discount.
    It's very cool, yea... if SSG needed my money. But SSG don't need them, I can't buy anything from them because of unidentified technical problems on the site.

    I mean, there is a big gap between a player with and a player without isle of dread artifact/equipment.
    Ugh.. no, not really. 4 filigrees slot artifacts available not only from IoD, same as other casters sets, include very good Legendary Abishai Might set (+3 Profane to stat and DC hard to be ignored). Of course, there is a difference, but it's not only not crucial, but not even too noticeable.

    Admit it, you just got excited.

    Quote Originally Posted by PedXing20 View Post
    I'm going to disagree on this one Michele. Yes, the best gear sets use IOD gear - but - you can still do very well on a druid caster with sub-optimal gear.

    Also, you need to keep in mind that the number of players who are out there solo'g r10s is very, very small.

    Can a player on a druid without IOD gear do well in r8 and below content? Absolutely they can.
    English not my native language. What's your excuse?

  12. #11
    Community Member Michele's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fisto_Mk_I View Post
    Ugh.. no, not really. 4 filigrees slot artifacts available not only from IoD, same as other casters sets, include very good Legendary Abishai Might set (+3 Profane to stat and DC hard to be ignored). Of course, there is a difference, but it's not only not crucial, but not even too noticeable.
    maybe one day you will publish your build with 5 pieces of abishai set, and I will list all the important bonus you are missing in your equipment.

    I would say that the +3 profane to stat and DC is very easy to be ignored because you can get +2 stat from essence of the epic litany of the dead and +2 profane DC from items like legendary shattered onyx (or isle of dread cloak/helm/artifact): and you don't equip 5 abishai items to get 1 more profane stat and 1 more profane DC (to be honest I tried to fit that set but I was missing many other bonus).

    only on iod items you can craft 35% force spell critical damage: if you use greater ruin you will notice the difference.

    iod artifact that can have +15 attribute stat, spell crit damage, sacred spell focus.
    a dino cloak with spell crit damage and sacred or profane spell focus amd 2 augment slots (obviously superior to green steel that can have only spell crit damage , without augment slots and without horn accessory slot).

    I don't want to mention dino staff, that's up to player style using it or not.

    at least for me dino gear brought a huge step up, but if for you it's not noticeable I respect your opinion.
    Last edited by Michele; 02-23-2023 at 08:13 AM.

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