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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Are people transferring off Cannith? Should I?

    Hi all, I have been playing on Cannith for more than a decade and for the most part like the server.

    Up until recently there were few LFMs to choose form but usually something I could jump into. It seems now the real LFMs on Cannith are way down and what I sadly see are non LFM LFMs. People recruiting for guilds, people posting messages, and most frustratingly a live streamer that has apparently figured out an exploit to advertise himself by keeping his LFMs on the LFM panel even though the group is full.

    I hear a lot of chat about transfers in PUGs and have even herd some rumblings about the larger guilds struggling with the idea. I see a few people have posted that they are/have moved. I don't want to move and loose my stuff and friends; however, if the choice is to be left on a dead server with no friends and people to play with or move - I'll move or quit.

    So are a lot of people planning to leave Cannith?

    While curious and still in the decision making stage, this may be a moot point for me anyway. The absolute horrid way that SSG has handled this and the complete lack of communication has just about convinced me to drop my sub and find something else. I understand there may be problems or unexpected events - but completely going silent on everything at a crucial decision point for many may be what breaks me. I mean they have gone so silent they did not even bother to post that transfers were turned off. Heck, it seems they were so afraid of getting on the forums they could not even post if there was a bonus this weekend.

  2. #2
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    SSG posted transfers temporarily turned off on Twitter of all places. No word on the forums yet.

  3. #3
    Community Member mbartol's Avatar
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    Imagine using the game’s official forums for official game announcements.
    Crazy, I know.

    Yeah, Cordovan is on vacation this week, but nobody is assigned to fill in?
    Ghallanda: Tervail (solo player)

  4. #4
    Community Member mpetrarca's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mbartol View Post
    Imagine using the game’s official forums for official game announcements.
    Crazy, I know.

    Yeah, Cordovan is on vacation this week, but nobody is assigned to fill in?
    All that would be too professional for SSG.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by WetWip View Post
    Hi all, I have been playing on Cannith for more than a decade and for the most part like the server.

    Up until recently there were few LFMs to choose form but usually something I could jump into. It seems now the real LFMs on Cannith are way down and what I sadly see are non LFM LFMs. People recruiting for guilds, people posting messages, and most frustratingly a live streamer that has apparently figured out an exploit to advertise himself by keeping his LFMs on the LFM panel even though the group is full.

    I hear a lot of chat about transfers in PUGs and have even herd some rumblings about the larger guilds struggling with the idea. I see a few people have posted that they are/have moved. I don't want to move and loose my stuff and friends; however, if the choice is to be left on a dead server with no friends and people to play with or move - I'll move or quit.

    So are a lot of people planning to leave Cannith?

    While curious and still in the decision making stage, this may be a moot point for me anyway. The absolute horrid way that SSG has handled this and the complete lack of communication has just about convinced me to drop my sub and find something else. I understand there may be problems or unexpected events - but completely going silent on everything at a crucial decision point for many may be what breaks me. I mean they have gone so silent they did not even bother to post that transfers were turned off. Heck, it seems they were so afraid of getting on the forums they could not even post if there was a bonus this weekend.
    1270 characters left Cannith since February 8th
    Welll, 1270 is the number of characters that have been logged in on after transferring out of Cannith, so there could be a lot or a little more.
    Last edited by Ereshkigal; 02-17-2023 at 10:25 PM.

  6. #6
    Intergalactic Space Crusader
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    Default Orgy of fun on Orien!

  7. #7


    everyone on Cannith is thinking as you, and it is a struggle to find the right decision.

    It is the consequence of no effort to retain new players and no effort to encourage grouping. The main reason people are on a server is for the presence of other players—grouping, auction houses, breaking isolation.
    Wiki dashboard with some useful stealthplay links. LONG LIVE STEALTH!
    Proud Knight of the Silver Legion, Cannith: Saekee (main) and some others typically parked at some level to help guildies and other players

  8. #8
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    I can't speak for you, but I would go. I get that some people are unwilling to lose shards, mounts, etc. during the transfer (and I totally understand that), but anyone that is willing to accept that loss will probably be way happier on Orien. The server has become extremely active and has less lag than other servers even with a larger population. I definitely think SSG should have combined us all into one server, but since they don't seem willing to do that we will have to do it ourselves.

  9. #9
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    Thanks all for the feedback. Sadly seems like the consensus is to go.

    I think the best thing to do is to just quit the game until SSG gets this thing figured out and does a proper server merge. I just can not spend the money to move and rebuild my ship on another server - seems too much like rewarding SSG for their failure. I tried playing this weekend and was only able to find a couple groups to run with, I have no reason to log in if there is no one to play with. Not many PUGs on Cannith now and it is likely to only get worse assuming SSG reopens transfers without any plan to address the loss of players.

    Saekee - I see you are in the Silver Legion, in my opinion one of the biggest and most respected guilds on Cannith. You all are a class act and I always enjoyed it when I found myself in a group with someone from SL. I was very surprised and saddened to hear there was an attempted mutiny in your guild by a group of people that wanted to take it over and move it to Orion. Sounds like the mutiny was put down and after some officers "resigned" the guild will be staying on Cannith. If SSGs actions can cause a civil war in SL, I can only imagine what is happening in other, less structured guilds. I wish SL and the other guilds staying on Cannith the best of luck. I'll try and part with a smile on my face and say "Thanks for all the runs."

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by WetWip View Post
    The absolute horrid way that SSG has handled this and the complete lack of communication has just about convinced me to drop my sub and find something else.
    1) Drop the sub
    2) Transfer to Orien ASAP when they reopen server transfers.
    3) Take a break and wait till summer '23 when games start dropping (D4, BG3, POE2, FF15, Dragon Age 4 etc.)

  11. #11
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    If it's something you are considering, it probably makes sense to move if given the opportunity to move for free. You are more likely to regret not moving.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
    Max DC Illusionist Reaper Build (U48)

  12. #12
    Community Member Fisto_Mk_I's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slarden View Post
    If it's something you are considering, it probably makes sense to move if given the opportunity to move for free. You are more likely to regret not moving.
    It is better to regret what you have done once than the rest of your life - not done.
    English not my native language. What's your excuse?

  13. #13
    Community Member Stoner81's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WetWip View Post
    and most frustratingly a live streamer that has apparently figured out an exploit to advertise himself by keeping his LFMs on the LFM panel even though the group is full.
    Not an exploit at all...

    You simply open the LFM and click that you are looking for a group and it will add your LFM to the panel even though it is full. I used to do it all the time when running groups so no, not an exploit.

    As for moving... no I won't until SSG allow us to take EVERYTHING with us... shards, ships, guilds EVERYTHING! Even if they did allow this I still might not move since I mostly play with guildies anyway.


  14. #14
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    The issue on transfer or not transfer depends largely on how many characters you need to send over to accomplish what you are trying to do.

    One character is about $20 or so depending on source of points but 10 characters is $200. The former case is likely affordable by most of the player base but the latter often is not particularly if it comes out of a limited entertainment budget.

  15. #15
    The Hatchery Melkazar's Avatar
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    I rushed home from work the day Cannith opened to secure the most coveted name in gaming. I am not leaving unless they shut it down. Shut it all down.
    What do you mean a -6 armor class is no good anymore?

    Baldric, Mulray, Tirimon, Clant, Melkazar, Dorakeen, Blastium
    If one of them falls off a cliff, it ain't their fault.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Melkazar View Post
    I rushed home from work the day Cannith opened to secure the most coveted name in gaming. I am not leaving unless they shut it down. Shut it all down.

  17. #17
    Community Member SpartanKiller13's Avatar
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    1.3% of Cannith's active characters have left.

    It's extremely far from the end of the server lol, in fact probably won't notice any difference. I haven't, aside from individual players who I know who left. Like 3-4 of my guildies?

    I'm staying on Cannith b/c my guild is there and my friends are there lol. If most of my friends went I would as well, but that's not happening.
    -Khysiria of Cannith
    Quote Originally Posted by zehnvhex View Post
    Warlock is basically a ghetto Shiradi Sorc. You gives up some of the damage and self sustain for the ability to just hold down left click and yolo blast your way to victory.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    It's DDO. There are probably 6 different types of Evil damage.

  18. #18
    Community Member mbartol's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KoobTheProud View Post
    The issue on transfer or not transfer depends largely on how many characters you need to send over to accomplish what you are trying to do.

    One character is about $20 or so depending on source of points but 10 characters is $200. The former case is likely affordable by most of the player base but the latter often is not particularly if it comes out of a limited entertainment budget.
    Yeah, the cost of moving if you decided you chose wrong (whether to make the move or to move back) puts a lot of weight on people’s decision. Even deciding to move for “free” has an associated cost, since you have to abandon shards, mounts, pets, guilds (ships and amenities).

    SSG really needs to address this, because either way, some players will feel like they made the wrong decision because of the “act now—time is running out” pressure. People who regret moving/staying after the free period ends, will then face the choice to pay for a move, stay trapped on their servers, or quit the game. This is not a good situation for SSG to put their players in.
    Ghallanda: Tervail (solo player)

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