Numbers can not be debated. Yea feels like you want THF nerfed.
Blood Lust is seductive. But, as far as THF with Adrenaline Strikethrough crushes mobs in R6-8 Reaper is not what I see in R10-8.
It's all Casters and Ranged crushing mobs only slowing down at Doom Reapers to cast a D-Door to cheese them, and end bosses where they can't just breeze through them. With a few TWF cleaning up the little that's left and dyeing on boss fights, or to circles and the Doom Reapers that don't take the D-Door.
Not sure what to say to this so NA.
Funny I aways thought the animation fit the folks they play it, and it is KING of DPS.
Again NA SNB is a non-starter.
Well, it is good xp Chesse.