I'm a life long Monk player in all D&D games -computer, not pnp. I'm trying Sacred Fist because it seems less button intensive than Monk.
I hate having to pass up locked chests and triggering traps. Is it ultimately pointless to take a couple levels of Rogue (lvl 1 and around 6) to keep my disable device and open lock skills useful?
I only have 12 INT, so I don't have tons of skill points to really keep my cross class skills up to snuff.
I've been looking for a valid sacred fist with trap skills but not much luck. Maybe it's just not a valid build.
I'm also looking at a level of monk to add stances.
I'm currently working with Strimtom's Drow Sacred Fist, and subbing in a couple of rogue levels, but I'm afraid that it is going to end up being a waste of levels.