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  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dark_Lord_Mary View Post
    Playtesting this was literally the worst class I've ever tried in ddo. Worse even than the undead negative energy warlock that presently holds that title.

    you've gutted and killed the warlock class so much over the years, introducing this broken archetype is like
    offering fresh lime to put on an open wound.

    just un-nerf warlocks, give us back the old shining through and make this new archetype something actually fun and effective.

    I have a friend who used to play with me, big whale, the kind you want playing,
    he won't play ddo anymore bc of how warlocks were ruined. he used to main one and left saying he'd not come back unless they were fixed.
    Now he gives his money to another mmo, I won't say which but it is very sad.
    You guys really need to listen to the player feedback
    and stop listening to whoever it is recommending you 'balance' classes.

    'balancing' really should only be done in a gym during yoga class.
    Nailed it.

    I decided to get a few PLs from this archetype, and let me tell you, it has been sooo painful. DPS is atrocious now with cone, and the beam is just doesn't hit correctly...ever. Warlock used to be fun. We need to undue the scaling that happened to the different blasts. Its horrendous compared to any other spellcaster.

    Khyber: Main Nicodemous Alt: Ichuck

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nickodeamous View Post
    Nailed it.

    I decided to get a few PLs from this archetype, and let me tell you, it has been sooo painful. DPS is atrocious now with cone, and the beam is just doesn't hit correctly...ever. Warlock used to be fun. We need to undue the scaling that happened to the different blasts. Its horrendous compared to any other spellcaster.

    Since they upped the dice on ED, the damage of cone should mathematically speaking be nearly identical. If the damage of cone is lower now than before, maybe it is because you are investing in the AotS tree instead of the pact dice from TS? Judging from reports, they should definitely improve the beam stance to hit better though. Have you tried turning off auto targeting in options? It's terrible for line-based attacks. Lag is another major issue...

  3. #43
    Community Member Nym_Craian's Avatar
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    My brain was spinning a bit, I'm curious about your opinions!

    I think AS could be more interesting with selectable patrons (and different play styles depending on the patron).
    It would better express the difference between warlock and acolytes, if the acolytes are connected for a specific patron, which causes acolyte to become more and more similar to her patron.

    I choose Fiend, Abyss and Carceri Storm (this can be expanded) to the acolyte and I use the names of the Patron for the sake of the mood.

    Chooseable True Patron: Asmodeus or Velsharoon or Dagon

    To all Patron:
    • No autogranted spells.
    • Asmodeus (Diabolical), Velsharoon (Unhallowed) or Dagon (Demonic) variant is non chooseable, based on the choosed patron!

    True Patron Asmodeus (instead Fiend - Diabolical - Baatezu LE)
    • Alignment: non-good, non-chaotic
    • Pact Damage: Fire
    • Pact Damage Save: Fortitude
    • Pact Save Bonus: Fortitude
    • Level 6: Fiendskin: +1 profane bonus to Fire Resistance per Warlock Level.
    • Level 15: Hurl through Hell

    True Patron Velsharoon (instead Abyss - Unhallowed -Undead NE)
    • Alignment: non-good
    • Pact Damage: Negative
    • Pact Damage Save: Fortitude
    • Pact Save Bonus: Fortitude
    • Level 6: Undead (Passive): You are undead. Grant 100% critical hit resistance and allow you to be healed by Negative Energy. You take 50% healing from Positive, and double damage from Light. You are considered Undead rather than your original type for the purposes of most effects.
      Note: Several specializations (pale master, dark apostate) also reach undead form at 3rd level. The undead form at level 12 or 15 is unwarranted.
    • Level 15: Negative Dominantion (Passive): Grant to you +2 Charisma, +10 Negative Spell Power and Negative amp.

    True Patron Dagon (instead Canceri Storm - Demonic - Tanar'ri CE)
    • Alignment: non-good, non-lawful
    • Pact Damage: Cold
    • Pact Damage Save: Will
    • Pact Save Bonus: Will
    • Level 6: Cold Blood (Passive): You gain 1 USP and additional 2 Cold Spellpower per losed HP. If you healed lose these bonuses.
    • Level 15: Absolute Zero



    Patron's Form I
    You gain 3% Fortification and +1 Pact Saves per Core ability you take in this tree.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 0 Requires: Warlock Level 1

    Patron's Form II
    You gain +3 HP per Core ability you take in this tree.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 Requires: Patron's Form I, Warlock Level 3

    Patron's Form III
    • Asmodeus: You gain +3 Fire Resistance per Core ability you take in this tree.
    • Velsharoon: You gain +3 Negative amp per Core ability you take in this tree.
    • Dagon: You gain +3 Cold Resistance per Core ability you take in this tree.

    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 Requires: Patron's Form II, Warlock Level 6

    Patron's Form IV
    You gain +3 Magical Resistance per Core ability you take in this tree.
    Passive to all patron: Pact damage change to Evil for transformation duration.
    Note: In external form can pierce Fire/Negative/Cold Immunity or Healed-By effects on certain enemies.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 Requires: Patron's Form III, Warlock Level 12

    Patron's Form V
    You gain +3 Physical Resistance and Universal Spellpower per Core ability you take in this tree.
    The transformation activation grant second wind effect, as equal level fighter.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 30 Requires: Patron's Form IV, Warlock Level 18

    Ultimate Patron's Form
    +4 Charisma, +20% Competence bonus to your HP.
    You gain Spell Resistance equal to your Charisma score.
    For transformation duration grant:
    • Asmodeus - Fiedskin's Natural Armor, PRR/MRR bonuses increases with Pack Dice number (half warlock level + Pact Dice number). Your Align spells will use Fire Spell Power if it is higher.
    • Velsharoon - Additional +1 Necromancy caster level and maximum caster level. Your Align spells will use Negative Spell Power if it is higher.
    • Dagon - Your Chill/Freeze decrease enemies saves with Pact Dice number for 3 second per warlock level. Your Align spells will use Cold Spell Power if it is higher.

    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 40 Requires: Patron's Form V, Warlock Level 20

    Tier 1

    Resilience of Body
    You gain +[2/4/6] Physical Resistance Rating.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 No requirements

    Your Eldritch Blast, Melee and Ranged attacks reduce the Will saving throw of the target by -1 for 6 seconds. The effect stacks up to 4 times.
    Note: Soul Eater Tier 1: Taint the Blood: Your Eldritch Blast, Melee and ranged attacks reduce the Fortitude saving throw of the target by -1 for 6 seconds. The effect stacks up to 4 times. Rank 1 AP cost 1.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 1 No requirements

    Power of Desecration - <type>
    • Asmodeus - Fire: You gain +[3/6/10] Fire Spellpower and +[1/2/4] Universal Spellpower.
    • Velsharoon - Negative: You gain +[3/6/10] Negative Spellpower and +[1/2/4] Universal Spellpower.
    • Dagon - Cold: You gain +[3/6/10] Cold Spellpower and +[1/2/4] Universal Spellpower.

    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 No requirements

    Dark Deals
    +[1/2/3] Spellcraft, Haggle and Concentration. Rank 3: +1 Will saves.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 No requirements

    Resilience of Soul
    You gain +[2/4/6] Magical Resistance Rating.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 No requirements

    Tier 2

    Projection of Realm - SLA Cost 6 SP, Cooldown 3 second.
    • Asmodeus - Hellish Rebuke: Wreathe yourself in fiendish flame that occasionally lashes out when you are struck in melee range. For 3 minutes plus one minute per caster level, enemies that attack you have a chance to take 1d10 Fire damage plus 1 per caster level. This damage scales with Fire Spell Power.
    • Velsharoon - Cloak of Darkness: Wreathe yourself in negative dark aura. For 10 second plus 6 second per caster level, you gain Concealment and Incorporeality equal with your caster level.
    • Dagon - Chilling Aura: Wreathe yourself in cold of depths. For 30 second plus 10 second per caster level, enemies that attack you have a chance to Chilling.
      Note: Chilling decrease enemies attack speed with half warlock level and movement speed with warlock level for 3 second per Pact Dice number (no save)

    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 No requirements

    Patron's Will: SLA Cost: 5 SP, Cooldown 10 sec.
    • Asmodeus - Scare
    • Velsharoon - Command Undead
    • Dagon - Tentacle of Depths (2. level Conjuration spell, range double, target single): Affected enemy must make a Fortitude save or become frozen solid for number of seconds equal to your Warlock levels, a successful save reduces to Chilling.
      Note: Bosses cannot be frozen, but can Chilled. Frozen enemies are helpless but gain DR 5/Adamantine.

    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 No requirements

    Power of Desecration II - <type>
    • Asmodeus - Fire: You gain +[3/6/10] Fire Spellpower and +[1/2/4] Universal Spellpower.
    • Velsharoon - Negative: You gain +[3/6/10] Negative Spellpower and +[1/2/4] Universal Spellpower.
    • Dagon - Cold: You gain +[3/6/10] Cold Spellpower and +[1/2/4] Universal Spellpower.

    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 5 Requires: Power of Desecration (Tier 1)

    You permanently gain the effects of the Nightshield spell.
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 No requirements

    External Energy <type>
    • Asmodeus - Hellfire: Your damaging spells now bypass [5/10/15] points of your target's Fire Resistance.
    • Velsharoon - Deeper Darkness: Your damaging spells now bypass [5/10/15] points of your target's Negative Resistance.
    • Dagon - Cold of the Depths: Your damaging spells now bypass [5/10/15] points of your target's Cold Resistance.

    Note: This still does NOT pierce Fire/Negative/Cold Immunity or Healed-By effects on certain enemies.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 5 No requirements

    Tier 3

    Eldritch Blast Shape: Beam
    Transform your Eldritch Blast into a magical beam of Force dealing damage to all enemies in a straight line. This scales with 125% Spell Power. While active you have -1 Pact damage die.
    Note: Width of AoE is rather narrow, range is slightly less than Focused form. Does do punch-through on enemies, does NOT do punch through on destructibles. Unlike other forms, this one tends to be more effective if you disable Auto-Targeting and manually aim the shots to graze as many enemies as possible; Auto Targeting makes it aim dead-center on the torso of enemies which frequently makes it hit fewer targets.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 No requirements

    Assimilation I
    • Asmodeus - Devil's Skin I: While in any armor, your Fiendskin now grants +1 Natural Armor per 2 Warlock levels.
    • Velsharoon - Life Steal I: Your Eldrict Blast (include all Eldrict base attacks) have 5% chance to steal life (restore 1 HP per 2 warlock level, scales with your negative amp).
    • Dagon - Deep Freeze I: Your Eldrict Blast (include all Eldrict base attacks) have 5% chance to Chilling enemies (no save).

    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 No requirements

    Power of Desecration III - <type>
    • Asmodeus - Fire: You gain +[3/6/10] Fire Spellpower and +[1/2/4] Universal Spellpower.
    • Velsharoon - Negative: You gain +[3/6/10] Negative Spellpower and +[1/2/4] Universal Spellpower.
    • Dagon - Cold: You gain +[3/6/10] Cold Spellpower and +[1/2/4] Universal Spellpower.

    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 10 Requires: Power of Desecration (Tier 2)

    Fiendish Strike SLA [8/6/5] second cooldown. Damage scales with Spell Power. Available Metamagics: Empower, Maximize, Intensify
    • Asmodeus - Fiendish Glare: Unleash your Fiendish power as you fire your Eldritch Blast in a cone from your eyes. All enemies caught in the burst take 1d6 Evil Damage, plus any other effects and damage your Eldritch Blasts produce. Damage have chance to Feared (Will vs 13 + CHA + Necromancy bonus) enemies.
    • Velsharoon - Horror's Scream: Unleash your unhallowed power as you fire your Eldritch Blast as scream in a cone from. All enemies caught in the burst take 1d6 Evil Damage, plus any other effects and damage your Eldritch Blasts produce. Damage have chance to inflict 1 negative level (Fortitude vs 13 + CHA + Necromancy bonus) to enemies.
    • Dagon - Wastrilith's Breathe: Unleash your unhallowed power as you fire your Eldritch Blast as breathe in a cone from. All enemies caught in the burst take 1d6 Evil Damage, plus any other effects and damage your Eldritch Blasts produce. Damage have chance to Freeze (Fortitude vs 13 + CHA + Conjuration bonus) enemies.

    Note: Area of effect is slightly shorter and wider than the Cone stance form of the Eldritch Blast, and it has no effect on destructibles like crates.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 10 No requirements

    +1 Charisma
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 No requirements

    Tier 4

    Dark Blessing
    • Asmodeus - Drink Their Fear: You deal double your Pact damage to enemies that are afraid of you.
    • Velsharoon - Consuming Curses: Your cursed enemies lose negative level immunity for curse duration if you hit them with Eldritch critical attack.
      Note: Anyone can inflict negative level to cursed enemy, but cursed enemy will still be immune to negative energy damage and death effect. Level drain effects bypass natural and magical immunity for curse duration. Bosses immune.
    • Dagon - Fragility: Your frozen enemies die instantly if you hit them with Eldritch critical attack (Bosses immune).

    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 No requirements

    Assimilation II
    • Asmodeus - Devil's Skin II: While in any armor, your Fiendskin now grants +1 Physical Resistance Rating per 2 Warlock levels.
    • Velsharoon - Life Steal II: Improve your Life Steal (restore 1 HP and 1 SP per 2 warlock level).
    • Dagon - Deep Freeze II: Eldritch hit on Chilled/Frozen enemies inflict 1 stack vulnerability.

    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 Requires: Devil's Bulwark I

    Essence from Patron
    • Asmodeus - Elemental Skin: Your Fiendskin now grants an equivalent amount of Cold, Acid and Lightning Resistance (Maximum of 20).
    • Velsharoon - Damning Shadow: Your critical damage from Eldritch attacks inflict Cursespewing.
    • Dagon - Fata Morgana: You have caster level % chance to fully absrop any attack once per 20 second.
      Note Fata Morgana: Your cold body freeze the water and small particles in the air around you and creates a partial copy of you. The hit/effect is created on the copy and destroys it. You need 20 seconds to create another copy. (It look like Mirror Images spell.)

    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 No requirements

    Luck of the Gambler
    +[1/2/3] to all Saving Throws.
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 20 No requirements

    +1 Charisma
    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 Requires: Charisma (Rank 1)

    Tier 5

    External Disaster SLA [8/6/5] second cooldown. Damage scales with spell power. Available Metamagics: Empower, Maximize, Intensify
    • Asmodeus - Glare of the Pit: Unleash your Fiendish power as you fire your Eldritch Blast in a cone from your eyes. All enemies caught in the burst take 4d6 Evil Damage, plus any other effects and damage your Eldritch Blasts produce. Damage have chance to Feared (Will vs 16 + CHA + Necromancy bonus) enemies.
    • Velsharoon - Bodak's Death Gaze: Unleash your Unhallowed power as you fire your Eldritch Blast in a cone from your eyes. All enemies caught in the burst take 4d6 Evil Damage, plus any other effects and damage your Eldritch Blasts produce. Damage have chance to inflict 1 negative level (Fortitude vs 16 + CHA + Necromancy bonus) to enemies.
    • Dagon - Obyrith's Breath: Unleash your demonic power as you fire your Eldritch Blast as breath in a cone from. All enemies caught in the burst take 4d6 Evil Damage, plus any other effects and damage your Eldritch Blasts produce. Damage have chance to Freeze (Fortitude vs 16 + CHA + Conjuration bonus) enemies.

    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 30 No requirements

    Assimilation III
    • Asmodeus - Devil's Skin III: While in any armor, your Fiendskin now grants +1 Magical Resistance Rating and Magical Resistance Rating Cap per 2 Warlock levels.
    • Velsharoon - Life Steal III: Life Steal duobled vs cursed enemies (restore 1 HP and SP per warlock level).
    • Dagon - Deep Freeze III: Your critical Eldritch hits automatically freeze chilled opponents, without save chance.

    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 30 Requires: Devil's Bulwark II

    Dark Lore
    Choose: +[1/2/3] Necromancy or Conjuration DCs
    AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 30 No requirements

    <type> Symbiosis
    Transformation, cooldown 3 minutes, you may only maintain your form for 30 seconds, but its duration increases by 5 seconds for each Core ability you have in this tree.
    While in this form, you no longer Eldritch Blast at range. You can use your Eldritch Blast as typed short range melee attack (scales with 200% Spell Power).

    Asmodeus - Diabolic Symbiosis: You call upon Asmodeus, transforming into Archdevil. Devil form grant:
    • 5% Fortification per warlock level and Silver DR 1 per Pact Dice number.
    • You heal from Fire damage
    • Active Hellish Rebuke damage inflict additional self damage (it's heal effect for you) once per 3 second.
    • Entering this form is so frightening that activating this ability causes nearby enemies to become Afraid (Will vs 10 + half warlock level + CHA + Necromancy bonus).
    • Eldrict attack type: Hell's Staff, critical damage inflict self centered AoE Fear effect (equal with transformation fear effect), range warlock level meter.

    Velsharoon - Unhallowed Symbiosis: You call upon Velsharoon, transforming into Death Avatar (the Reaper is used in DDO). Avatar form grant:
    • +1 bonus Necromancy caster level and maximum caster level.
    • In Cloak of Darkness have Pact Dice number % chance to inflict Cursespewing to attacker.
    • Your Life Steal chance increase with your Pact Dice number, (5+pact dice number)%.
    • Eldrict attack type: Scythe of Death, critical damage inflict self centered AoE Curse effect (equal with Bestowen Curse, but DC 10 + half warlock level + CHA + Necromancy bonus), range warlock level meter .

    Dagon - Demonic Symbiosis: You call upon Dagon, transforming into Sea Demon. Demon form grant:
    • 5% Fortification per warlock level and Cold Iron DR 1 per Pact Dice number.
    • You heal from Cold damage.
    • Active Chilling Aura decrease Fata Morgana cooldown with Pact Dice Number. You need 20-Pact Dice number seconds to create another copy.
    • Your freeze deals 1d3 Cold and 1d3 Evil damage per Pact Dice number (scales with spellpower) to frozen enemies every 3 second.
    • +2 Conjuration DC.
    • Eldrict attack type: Demonic Tentacles, critical damage inflict self centered AoE Freeze effect (Fortitude vs 10 + half warlock level + CHA + Conjuration bonus) for warlock level second, range warlock level meter.

    AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 30 No requirements
    Last edited by Nym_Craian; 04-21-2023 at 02:35 AM.

  4. #44
    Community Member Firebreed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nym_Craian View Post

    My brain was spinning a bit, I'm curious about your opinions!

    I think AS could be more interesting with selectable patrons (and different play styles depending on the patron).
    It would better express the difference between warlock and acolytes, if the acolytes are connected for a specific patron, which causes acolyte to become more and more similar to her patron.

    I choose Fiend, Abyss and Carceri Storm (this can be expanded) to the acolyte and I use the names of the Patron for the sake of the mood.
    This would have been pretty cool had they not implemented the archetype the way they did. Unfortunately I think it'd be too much work (as is evident from the amount of work you had to put in just to brainstorm this) for them to expand AotS to all pacts.

  5. #45
    Community Member Nym_Craian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Firebreed View Post
    This would have been pretty cool had they not implemented the archetype the way they did. Unfortunately I think it'd be too much work (as is evident from the amount of work you had to put in just to brainstorm this) for them to expand AotS to all pacts.
    Unfortunately, in this from, AotS is like the choice list of cleric only has with one god and domain.

    I don't think it's necessary to add all the pacts. I think AotS is primarily about a dark assimilation. (The non dark assimilation is the Enlightened Spirit.)

    It wouldn't be a small job, but it wouldn't be impossible either. Once I had specific masters figured out, I just had to work out how to combine the old warlock pact and the transmutation.

    For the most part, they only need to insert a branching tree - like Kensei's weapon choice - and add to tree an ability that already exists in the game (WC frozen, DA shadowform and curse, PM vampirism,...).
    It is also true that the new skills I inserted (new Symbiosis, Fata Morgana, Chilling,...) are labor intensive.

    I tested my build time, it took about 2 hours for my Wild Mage Sorcerer.
    It's true, it would be very hard work to integrate this into the game and the game balance is questionable.
    Last edited by Nym_Craian; 04-25-2023 at 04:26 AM.

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