Acolyte of the Skin is a new Warlock Archetype themed around Demonic power and transformation!
Feats and Features This Archetype Gets (that base Warlock does not):
- Alternate version of Fiend Pact - True Fiend Pact. Identical to regular Fiend pact except rather than Dark One's Luck, you gain the following feat when appropriate:
- Fiendskin: Your skin has been grafted with demon skin, granting you some of its inherent defenses. You gain a +1 profane bonus to Fire Resistance per Warlock Level.
- (You still gain Hurl through Hell as your level 15 Special Ability.)
- Rather than gaining Blast and Pact dice per level, Acolytes of the Skin gain the following feats:
- 1: Lesser Pact Attunement: +2d8 Blast Dice, +2d6 Pact Dice
- 6: Pact Attunement: +2d8 Blast Dice, +2d6 Pact Dice
- 12: Greater Pact Attunement: +2d8 Blast Dice, +2d6 Pact Dice
- 18: Ultimate Pact Attunement: +2d8 Blast Dice, +2d6 Pact Dice
- These feats may also be taken as regular feats if you meet the minimum level prerequisites as long as you have the first - just like how Monk stance upgrades work.
- Gaining Blast Dice and Pact Dice from other methods (such as enhancement trees, feats, or destinies) still functions as before. This alternate progression is only for the dice that before were granted from gaining Warlock levels.
Feats and Features this Archetype DOES NOT Get (that base Warlock does):
- Acolytes of the Skin do not get bonus automatically inscribed spells as they level up.
- They also do not get inherent Blast or Pact Dice (see above).
- They also may not choose any other pacts other than the True Fiend Pact.
Past Life
Acolyte of the Skin: You gain +5 Fire Spell Power and +1 MRR.
Enhancement Trees:
This archetype gets the new Acolyte of the Skin tree in place of Enlightened Spirit! It retains the Tainted Scholar and Soul Eater trees.
Acolyte of the Skin Enhancement Tree:
- Core 1: Fiendish Form I: You gain +3% Fortification and +1 Fortitude Saves per Core ability.
- Core 3: Fiendish Form II: You gain +3 HP per Core Ability.
- Core 6: Fiendish Form III: You gain +3 Fire Resistance per Core ability.
- Core 12: Fiendish Form IV: You gain +3 MRR per Core Ability.
- Core 18: Fiendish Form V: You gain +3 PRR and Universal Spell Power per Core Ability.
- Core 20: Ultimate Fiendish Form: +4 Charisma, +20% Competence bonus to HP. You gain Spell Resistance equal to your Charisma score.
Tier 1:
- Resilience of Body: +2/4/6 PRR
- Guarded Mind: You are Immune to Fear.
- Power of the Fiend: Fire: You gain +3/6/10 Fire Spell Power and +1/2/4 Universal Spell Power.
- Dark Deals: +1/2/3 Spellcraft, Haggle and Concentration, rank 3: +1 Will saving throws
- Resilience of Soul: +2/4/6 MRR
Tier 2:
- Hellish Rebuke SLA
- Mindwrack: Your Eldritch Blast, Melee and ranged attacks reduce the Will saving throw of the target by -1 for 6 seconds. The effect stacks up to 4 times.
- Power of the Fiend: Fire: You gain +3/6/10 Fire Spell Power and +1/2/4 Universal Spell Power.
- Nightshield: You gain the effects of the Nightshield spell.
- Hellfire: You bypass 5/10/15 Fire Resistance with your spells.
Tier 3:
- Shape Stance: Beam Concentration: Eldritch Blast Shape: Transform your Eldritch Blast into a magical beam of Force dealing damage to all enemies in a straight line. This scales with 125% Spell Power. While active, you have -1 Pact Damage die.
- Devil's Bulwark I: While in any armor, your Fiendskin now grants +1 Natural Armor per 2 Warlock Levels.
- Power of the Fiend: Fire: You gain +3/6/10 Fire Spell Power and +1/2/4 Universal Spell Power.
- Fiendish Glare: Beams of evil energies emerge from your eyes, dealing damage to all enemies in a wide cone. Enemies take 1d6 Evil damage plus the effects of your Eldritch Blast, and are Feared by your frightening visage. Shares a cooldown with Cleave. Cost: 6 spell points
- Ability Score: +1 Charisma
Tier 4:
- Drink Their Fear: Your Eldritch Blast deals double its Pact damage to enemies that are Feared.
- Devil's Bulwark II: (req Devil's Bulwark I) While in any armor, your Fiendskin now grants +1 Physical Resistance Rating per 2 Warlock Levels.
- Skin Adaptation: Your Fiendskin now grants Cold, Lightning, and Acid resistance in addition to its Fire Resistance.
- Luck of the Gambler: +1/2/3 to all saves.
- Ability Score: +1 Charisma
Tier 5:
- (this space intentionally left blank)
- Devil's Bulwark III: (req Devil's Bulwark II) While in any armor, your Fiendskin now grants +1 Magical Resistance Rating and Magic Resistance Rating Cap per 2 Warlock Levels.
- Fiendish Symbiosis: You call upon your fiendish patron, transforming into a Demon for 30 seconds. You gain +100% Fortification, heal from Fire damage, and gain Natural Armor equal to your Pact Dice. While in this form, you no longer Eldritch Blast, instead you lash out with demonic claws as a melee attack. Each strike deals your full Eldritch Blast damage on hit. Entering this form is so frightening that activating this ability causes nearby enemies to become Shaken. Cooldown: 3 minutes, lasts 30 seconds + 5 seconds per core ability.
- Glare of the Pit: Beams of evil energies emerge from your eyes, dealing damage to all enemies in a wide cone. Enemies take 4d6 Evil damage plus the effects of your Eldritch Blast, and are Feared by your frightening visage. Shares a cooldown with Great Cleave. Cost: 12 spell points
- Dark Lore: +1/2/3 Necromancy DCs
What's Changed Since Preview 2:
- Bugfixes and implementation! This means that not a lot changed design-wise, but a lot more things should now be functional. Now's the time for more fine-tuning when it comes to design choices, so feedback is appreciated!
Known Issues:
- Visual Effects for this tree only function on Human (both Male and Female) characters.
- Animations for Demon Form only work on Human Male characters.
- Several icons are marked as placeholders