Staff of the Summer Solstice gives +2 sacred DCs.
Memento of Mori (or Gloryborne Gloves - the same behavior below appearantly occurs with them) gives +2 sacred DCs.
When neither is equipped my DC on hover-over (and in the +tab) shows a DC X.
If I equip Mori, it shows DC X+2 (as expected).
equip staff, it shows DC X+2 (as expected since ring and staff don't stack)
un-equip staff , it shows DC X (Not as expect, as the ring is still on and should give DC X+2). edit: combat log shows (Combat): Your divine spell focus ii effect has been removed from you.
Starting with neither equipped starting with DC X:
equip staff, it shows DC X+2 (as expected)
then equip Mori, it shows DC X+2 (as expected since ring and staff don't stack)
un-equip staff , it shows DC X + 2 (as expected as the ring is still on and should give DC X+2).
It appears the order of equipping/unequipping items can break DC bonuses (unless it's purely a display issue and not effecting the DCs themselves). Not sure if there's any other items that break stats the same way when doing swaps; anyone notice this gear behavior with anything else in game?