This is not Complete. This is fully explained in this podcast:

The ArchVillain Saga has been added. Free for VIPs.
There are currently Two ArchVillain Sagas available.

ArchVillain Sagas have their own story that play out across Planes and take place inside previously released content quests.

ArchVillain Sagas begin by talking to new NPCs at most taverns, Saga Master. Saga Master will grant you the ArchVillain Buff.

The ArchVillain Buff allows the player to heal only when in a tavern marked area. Players will no longer auto regenerate health and mana.

The Saga Master bestows a letter to the player granting him the starting point quests. There are three random quests, and two ArchVillains the player may choose.

At the end of each ArchVillain Saga quest, a new clue is spawned near the quest exit pointing to the next set of quests.

Dying with the ArchVillain Buff will reset the player to level one.

ArchVillains appear and players boss fight against:

Cronies at quest lvls 1-5.
Antagonists in quest levels 5-10

Henchmen quest levels 12-16
Villains in quests levels 16-20

ArchRivals appear in quests level 20-24

ArchVillians appear in quests 30+

Rest Shrines heal for 15% limit one per quest.
*Party Leaders may select a "Full Rest" from a new shrine menu. Doing so causes traps and enemies to respawn across the quest(no effect on quest objectives)

Resurrection Shrine limit one use per quest.

All Past Lives are activated and allowed

Guild Ship Buffs are allowed

No BTA/C gear. No Cannith no challenge items.

Traps that activate alert extra patrols of enemies.
Traps do R1 damage.
Traps Increase damage after they successfully damage a player, increase 10%

Traps and Doors have Elite difficulty DC scaling.

Mobs have Elite Difficulty Scaling. There are more patrolling groups of mobs.

At least one Champion Mob accompanies each group of mobs

Ambushes are more likely, especially for loud groups, and be cautious when opening doors or chests, not to be too noisy!

For every aggro'd mob not killed mobs increase there stats by 10%. Mobs will be grouped by champion and the group if aggro'd must be destroyed before moving on. Champions spawns double at 3 mobs and triple and 6.

Charmed monsters do not increase Revenge mechanic, charmed monsters have their stats reduced by 5%.