I've been trying to put together a plan for a centered "jedi" style build, no armor, weaponized, centered, fast. But still acceptable enough not to be completely useless or tedious slow in leveling.

I am just finishing up a 16SF / 3 Monk / 1 FVS centered Longsword life and it worked far better than I thought it would. I'm at L26 or so, coasting into cap. The self healing isn't great, but the damage is really good for an AoE focused melee. The WSS through heroics let me use Nightforge Avenger then Oathblade and now Fellblade. It does enough AoE damage with the cleaves from SF to usually keep up about 65% of how fast the Sorc would kill everything on R1. The main downside is WF:Slash + WSS + Knight's Training sucks up a lot of feats.

I realized I needed a fighter life and thought "what about Fighter 8?" so I'm working on a plan for 8 Fighter / 6 SF / 6 Monk.

The 16/3/1 build plays like a weaponized monk: live fast, die easily. This will be like that, only likely more so.

13 starting STR, Max CHA, rest in CON/DEX.
Human or PDK
Level Class Feat A Feat B Feat C
1 Fighter (1) BSword Mobility Dodge
2 Fighter (2) WF:Slash
3 Monk (1) SWF Precision
4 Monk (2). WSS (can swap this out later)
5 SacFist(1)
6 SacFist(2) Imp SWF
7 Fighter (3)
8 Fighter (4) WS: Slash
9 Fighter (5) Offhand Vers
10 Fighter (6) Imp Crit: Slash
11 Monk (3) Path of Light
12 Monk (4) GSWF
13 Monk (5)
14 Monk (6) Deflect? Adept Forms
15 SacFist (3) Master Forms
16 SacFist (4)
17 Fighter (7)
18 Fighter (8) GM Forms Greater WF:Slash
19 Sacred Fist (5)
20 SacFist (6) CHA to hit

41 Kensai, 28 SF, The rest is SD or wherever you see fit.

I'm planning on using BSword for most questing, with Longsword for single targets. Take the SWF line while leveling with TWF being the L31 Legendary feat for more strikethrough. This variant is missing a trance, but has a whole mess-o-dmg coming in from Kensai. Note that you don't get CHA to hit until 20. Note also that you can run this exact same build with a Greatsword instead of a Bsword. Swap out SWF line for 2HF. (or 2WF if you want to do that instead).

At 23 take Divine Crusader to grant Favored Weapon status to BSwords (or greatswords). I play in GMoF epic strike but with the Exalted Angel mantle for self healing.