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  1. #1
    Community Member carll78's Avatar
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    Exclamation HERE IT COMES! Massive server transfers from Ghallanda to Orien from February 8 to 28

    Follow me if I advance. Kill me if I retreat. Avenge me if I die.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by carll78 View Post
    /waves at Floppy

  3. #3
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    Default I'm quite excited

    Only got 9 chars though. It willl be interesting to see what happens when the servers come back up

  4. #4
    Community Member Steve_Howe's Avatar
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    I should care about this because why, exactly?
    Steve Howe was voted "Best Overall Guitarist" in Guitar Player magazine five years in a row (1977–1981) and in 1981 was the first rock guitar player inducted into the Guitar Player Hall of Fame.

  5. #5
    Community Member Loromir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve_Howe View Post
    I should care about this because why, exactly?
    I guess if you choose to reply to a thread you "don't care" about....then...maybe you actually "do care".
    Leader of Legion of Eberron on Cannith.

    Characters: Loromir & Baldomir....among others.

  6. #6
    Barbarbarian Sam-u-r-eye's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PapaToad51 View Post
    /waves at Floppy
    that's bint to you!

    Waiting to see if the servers implode
    Without new players DDO will go the way of the dodo.
    Old Sorc Build Guide, Ghallanda -> Orien

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve_Howe View Post
    I should care about this because why, exactly?
    Existence as you know it is over

  8. #8
    Community Member Steve_Howe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loromir View Post
    I guess if you choose to reply to a thread you "don't care" about....then...maybe you actually "do care".
    No, I just want to know why the alarmism?

    Quote Originally Posted by Zites View Post
    Existence as you know it is over

    Last edited by Steve_Howe; 02-08-2023 at 12:06 PM.
    Steve Howe was voted "Best Overall Guitarist" in Guitar Player magazine five years in a row (1977–1981) and in 1981 was the first rock guitar player inducted into the Guitar Player Hall of Fame.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve_Howe View Post

    We are Gland. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile

  10. #10
    Community Member Valerianus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve_Howe View Post
    No, I just want to know why the alarmism?

    alarmism? excitement? advertise pro\against? drama? hype for the new thing? indifference? whatever? all depends with who you are talking to.

    some people will say...some others will say...some others instead will say... (in no particular order. none of it is my opinion, personally i'm indifferent)

    * transfers of such magnitude and free are something exceptional and are to be used at maxxx
    * transfers happen all the time no big deal
    * players will organize and exodus
    * they are not telling us but this is the answer to megaservers, we have to do it ourselves it's our chance
    * players won't organize the rest is just drama
    * free transfer servers will have the advantage of letting players homed there to pack all the daily gold rolls from recent action+season pass.
    * free transfer servers will implode cause also those who are not homed there will consolidate the banks and then pay a transfer tax to home.
    ((( anyway, if you did that, not insulting, not criticizing, i mean, logging in daily on every server to roll, stop, stop it. i am the kind of person that yes, i maybe would have done that if vip (i am not) even if i play on one server only.....for maybe someday, just in case, cause it's my stuff and i want it, for reasons...nope, stop. imho it's not healthy. bring home your stuff this time and never do it again, do yourself a favor )))
    * it's a set-up! they want you to leave behind your ships and buy all again asap with hard cash. also pushing the vips to pay transfer tax cause see above rolls consolidation, it's just another milking
    * dude what? they are fixing that old hardcore transfers impasse, nothing flashy. nice that they are offering something free for all, after all why complain?
    * it's not fair! other ppl will get it for free and i have to pay
    * it's not the end of the world, ppl will move in some organized way, ppl that anyway play by themselves amongst guild\friends so you won't notice, ppl used to transfer from time to time.
    * it's the end of the world! all but 2 servers will be empty and those 2 full will lag till death.
    * come with me cause i gain from it
    * stay where you are cause i gain from it
    * for sure there is a dozen more potential ideas at bare minimum that i can't think about now

    as i said, none of this is my opinion because i'm totally indifferent to the situation. i don't care. i don't play on those 2 servers, i'm transfering nothing. i have no stash to transfer. maybe i'm just a bit curious if really those 2 servers can handle the transfers. if not for real characters, but the mules that are 100x. let's see what happens. hope all will be fine.
    Last edited by Valerianus; 02-08-2023 at 12:48 PM.
    storage solution suggestion: Collection

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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Valerianus View Post
    alarmism? excitement? advertise pro\against? drama? hype for the new thing? indifference? whatever? all depends with who you are talking to.

    some people will say...some others will say...some others instead will say... (in no particular order. none of it is my opinion, personally i'm indifferent)

    * transfers of such magnitude and free are something exceptional and are to be used at maxxx
    * transfers happen all the time no big deal
    * players will organize and exodus
    * they are not telling us but this is the answer to megaservers, we have to do it ourselves it's our chance
    * players won't organize the rest is just drama
    * free transfer servers will have the advantage of letting players homed there to pack all the daily gold rolls from recent action+season pass.
    * free transfer servers will implode cause also those who are not homed there will consolidate the banks and then pay a transfer tax to home.
    ((( anyway, if you did that, not insulting, not criticizing, i mean, logging in daily on every server to roll, stop, stop it. i am the kind of person that yes, i maybe would have done that if vip (i am not) even if i play on one server only.....for maybe someday, just in case, cause it's my stuff and i want it, for reasons...nope, stop. imho it's not healthy. bring home your stuff this time and never do it again, do yourself a favor )))
    * it's a set-up! they want you to leave behind your ships and buy all again asap with hard cash. also pushing the vips to pay transfer tax cause see above rolls consolidation, it's just another milking
    * dude what? they are fixing that old hardcore transfers impasse, nothing flashy. nice that they are offering something free for all, after all why complain?
    * it's not fair! other ppl will get it for free and i have to pay
    * it's not the end of the world, ppl will move in some organized way, ppl that anyway play by themselves amongst guild\friends so you won't notice, ppl used to transfer from time to time.
    * it's the end of the world! all but 2 servers will be empty and those 2 full will lag till death.
    * come with me cause i gain from it
    * stay where you are cause i gain from it
    * for sure there is a dozen more potential ideas at bare minimum that i can't think about now

    as i said, none of this is my opinion because i'm totally indifferent to the situation. i don't care. i don't play on those 2 servers, i'm transfering nothing. i have no stash to transfer. maybe i'm just a bit curious if really those 2 servers can handle the transfers. if not for real characters, but the mules that are 100x. let's see what happens. hope all will be fine.
    Seems about right.

    I am wondering if they are improving the hardware for these servers.

  12. #12
    Community Member mbartol's Avatar
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    No, HW won’t be improving with this. If that we’re in the budget, it would be carried out independently of this event.
    Ghallanda: Tervail (solo player)

  13. #13
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    Reposting from another thread.

    We have about 1300 transfers to Orien and 750 transfers to Sarlona in a day. This is excluding transfers straight from HC.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jennan View Post
    Reposting from another thread.

    We have about 1300 transfers to Orien and 750 transfers to Sarlona in a day. This is excluding transfers straight from HC.
    I'm seeing 1900 transfers to Orien ( plus another 400 hardcore transfers to Orien ) so far now.

  15. #15
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    I’m waiting to see two things -

    1 is how much does the server population actually change. If Argonnessen is gutted and either/both of the new servers are huge, that’s a big incentive to move.

    2 is seeing how bad the lag is on the new server. If the lag gets way worse, that’s a big incentive to stay put.

  16. #16
    Bounty Hunter slarden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jennan View Post
    Reposting from another thread.

    We have about 1300 transfers to Orien and 750 transfers to Sarlona in a day. This is excluding transfers straight from HC.
    Keep in mind some of these transfers are people already on those servers collecting their xpac freebies and to a lesser extent wayfinder rollback bonus items if they had any characters pre-rollback.
    DC Warlock Reaper Build (U48)
    Max DC Illusionist Reaper Build (U48)

  17. #17
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    quick question on the link. for some reason, it only works on my phone, but when I click it from my PC, I get page 404 not found. any suggestions?
    Khyber: Main Nicodemous Alt: Ichuck

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nickodeamous View Post
    quick question on the link. for some reason, it only works on my phone, but when I click it from my PC, I get page 404 not found. any suggestions?
    Have you tried without the rest? It works for me on the PC and is one of my favorite tabs
    Member of Spellswords on Ghallanda

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikarddo View Post
    Have you tried without the rest? It works for me on the PC and is one of my favorite tabs
    yeah, that works. But I don't see transfers anywhere as an option to view. is there a path form the main page somewhere? Thanks again!
    Khyber: Main Nicodemous Alt: Ichuck

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by slarden View Post
    Keep in mind some of these transfers are people already on those servers collecting their xpac freebies and to a lesser extent wayfinder rollback bonus items if they had any characters pre-rollback.
    As of an hour ago there have been 2000 characters that have transferred OUT of Gland alone. Sure, if your moving you’ll want to consolidate everything to your new home, but if you assume 15 toons on your main, 4 or 5 on an alt storage account, that’s at least 100 people who have bailed from Gland in 24 hours.

    Edit: Sorry, I miss-read the numbers. It’s actually only around 1100 characters that have left Gland at this point, so approximately 50 players.
    Last edited by GimpyPaw; 02-09-2023 at 12:35 PM.

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