alarmism? excitement? advertise pro\against? drama? hype for the new thing? indifference? whatever? all depends with who you are talking to.
some people will say...some others will say...some others instead will say... (in no particular order. none of it is my opinion, personally i'm indifferent)
* transfers of such magnitude and free are something exceptional and are to be used at maxxx
* transfers happen all the time no big deal
* players will organize and exodus
* they are not telling us but this is the answer to megaservers, we have to do it ourselves it's our chance
* players won't organize the rest is just drama
* free transfer servers will have the advantage of letting players homed there to pack all the daily gold rolls from recent action+season pass.
* free transfer servers will implode cause also those who are not homed there will consolidate the banks and then pay a transfer tax to home.
((( anyway, if you did that, not insulting, not criticizing, i mean, logging in daily on every server to roll, stop, stop it. i am the kind of person that yes, i maybe would have done that if vip (i am not) even if i play on one server only.....for maybe someday, just in case, cause it's my stuff and i want it, for reasons...nope, stop. imho it's not healthy. bring home your stuff this time and never do it again, do yourself a favor
* it's a set-up! they want you to leave behind your ships and buy all again asap with hard cash. also pushing the vips to pay transfer tax cause see above rolls consolidation, it's just another milking
* dude what? they are fixing that old hardcore transfers impasse, nothing flashy. nice that they are offering something free for all, after all why complain?
* it's not fair! other ppl will get it for free and i have to pay
* it's not the end of the world, ppl will move in some organized way, ppl that anyway play by themselves amongst guild\friends so you won't notice, ppl used to transfer from time to time.
* it's the end of the world! all but 2 servers will be empty and those 2 full will lag till death.
* come with me cause i gain from it
* stay where you are cause i gain from it
* for sure there is a dozen more potential ideas at bare minimum that i can't think about now
as i said, none of this is my opinion because i'm totally indifferent to the situation. i don't care. i don't play on those 2 servers, i'm transfering nothing. i have no stash to transfer. maybe i'm just a bit curious if really those 2 servers can handle the transfers. if not for real characters, but the mules that are 100x. let's see what happens. hope all will be fine.