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Thread: The LAG.

  1. #21
    Founder Tyrande's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheWayMan View Post
    I get your on a server that has no lag and you never experienced lag ever lol. But strimtom and many others I have seen talk [...]
    Yes, I have seen the lag. But the lag I have seen on the server(s) I played are like half a second, 1 second, 2 seconds. But they do not appear everyday.
    What you are describing seems to be crippling lag?

    Your characters run/walk up to a monster and it freezes for like over 2 seconds? That I never seen before.

    Yes, I have seen lag longer than 2 seconds once or twice in my past 16+ years of playing DDO, but it was in a raid with 11 other people.
    It was the "Hunt or Hunted" raid in the maze with a faulty Brazilian ISP. That Brazilian player connected then disconnected twice.

    After he left the party, the lag was gone and the raid resumed normally. He did say he had like 80% packet loss and was running on a Brazilian ISP.

    Granted I live pretty close to the server, but if you are on the continental United States and is using an ISP like Comcast or Verizon FIOS with gigabit connection,
    and there are no problems what so ever with your computer, modem, router or network between your router and your ISP;

    I really do not see why you would have the lag experience that you described. Lag for a second or two yes, lag for longer than that? No.

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  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrande View Post
    Yes, I have seen the lag. But the lag I have seen on the server(s) I played are like half a second, 1 second, 2 seconds. But they do not appear everyday.
    What you are describing seems to be crippling lag?

    Your characters run/walk up to a monster and it freezes for like over 2 seconds? That I never seen before.

    Yes, I have seen lag longer than 2 seconds once or twice in my past 16+ years of playing DDO, but it was in a raid with 11 other people.
    It was the "Hunt or Hunted" raid in the maze with a faulty Brazilian ISP. That Brazilian player connected then disconnected twice.

    After he left the party, the lag was gone and the raid resumed normally. He did say he had like 80% packet loss and was running on a Brazilian ISP.

    Granted I live pretty close to the server, but if you are on the continental United States and is using an ISP like Comcast or Verizon FIOS with gigabit connection,
    and there are no problems what so ever with your computer, modem, router or network between your router and your ISP;

    I really do not see why you would have the lag experience that you described. Lag for a second or two yes, lag for longer than that? No.
    Well clearly other people have, and many at that. So are we all lying and making this up? Or you just the odd one out who doesn't expereince the problem many others are having? Another guy just decribed the same thing. The game freezes and then catches up.

  3. #23
    Founder Tyrande's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheWayMan View Post
    Well clearly other people have, and many at that. So are we all lying and making this up? Or you just the odd one out who doesn't expereince the problem many others are having? Another guy just decribed the same thing. The game freezes and then catches up.
    Well, personally I have never played on Thelanis. If Thelanis is that bad, then it is that bad. I don't know what else to tell you.

    It depends on whether you can tolerate and walk around it. i.e. play it with a different playstyle character, play it in a different time frame, etc.

    The other option, of course is to move. Its entirely up to your wife and you.

    With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrande View Post
    Well, personally I have never played on Thelanis. If Thelanis is that bad, then it is that bad. I don't know what else to tell you.

    It depends on whether you can tolerate and walk around it. i.e. play it with a different playstyle character, play it in a different time frame, etc.

    The other option, of course is to move. Its entirely up to your wife and you.
    I agree, moving might be the best option. What server is the least laggy?
    My next question if one server is less laggy and a lot of people migrate to that then doesn't that mean it will become just as laggy?
    I mean sure I agree moving servers will fix it but that to me seems like a temporary fix to a bigger issue. But you have said you agree that it is a bigger problem that needs to be fixed. I mostly made this post because honestly as a new player I found my experience unacceptable. Nothing told me play this server because it is less laggy. I mean someone seriously needs to remove the server recommended thing. I feel bad I leveled a bunch of classes but mostly just learning experience. So making new ones isn't the biggest deal on a new server. I just worry the server you recommend will become populated and laggy.

  5. #25
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    So what is the least laggy server so I can play again? I am done wasting my time on a laggy server if that is the only reason it lags lol.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheWayMan View Post
    So what is the least laggy server so I can play again? I am done wasting my time on a laggy server if that is the only reason it lags lol.
    theoretically it might be the least populated server.

    You can see which servers are busy at what times here:

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrande View Post
    Yes, I have seen the lag. But the lag I have seen on the server(s) I played are like half a second, 1 second, 2 seconds. But they do not appear everyday.
    What you are describing seems to be crippling lag?

    Your characters run/walk up to a monster and it freezes for like over 2 seconds? That I never seen before.

    Yes, I have seen lag longer than 2 seconds once or twice in my past 16+ years of playing DDO, but it was in a raid with 11 other people.
    It was the "Hunt or Hunted" raid in the maze with a faulty Brazilian ISP. That Brazilian player connected then disconnected twice.

    After he left the party, the lag was gone and the raid resumed normally. He did say he had like 80% packet loss and was running on a Brazilian ISP.

    Granted I live pretty close to the server, but if you are on the continental United States and is using an ISP like Comcast or Verizon FIOS with gigabit connection,
    and there are no problems what so ever with your computer, modem, router or network between your router and your ISP;

    I really do not see why you would have the lag experience that you described. Lag for a second or two yes, lag for longer than that? No.

    Last wed I had a dungeon that froze up, npc ai wise and trap wise. The frog one on the isle of dread. Just got past the wheels and floor, and the frogs in the next room simply wouldn't turn hostile and the trap froze lock in place. Mind the npcs still walked around, but you couldn't eliminate them to progress through, waited five min to see if it would clear and it was just stuck. Had to reset the whole dungeon to clear it up. Worked just fine after a rest, so it's not a player or connection issue, it's obviously server side and has to do with faulty coding. There's also the repeated dc when transitioning every so often, the screen remaining black for 20-30 sec in the mirror quest in wheloon some times, while npcs attack you and you can't target anything, etc. There are some serious issues happening lately that never even occurred 5-10 years ago, and obviously need to be fixed.

    Most often the game runs more or less fine with intermittent lag spikes through out the day, mostly lunch and afternoon/evening time frame est. I play on cannith. No idea how the other servers run, and not willing to transfer since you can't take your guild stuff with you to a different server.

    I have a feeling that some of the new updates are a bit borked and weren't tested correctly and that coding conflicts are what's causing the main issues. But that's just my guess as a coder and programmer.

    I know for certain it's not my connection or pc, both are way above board for this game.

  8. #28
    Community Member Buddha5440's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by calouscaine View Post
    Last wed I had a dungeon that froze up, npc ai wise and trap wise. The frog one on the isle of dread. Just got past the wheels and floor, and the frogs in the next room simply wouldn't turn hostile and the trap froze lock in place. Mind the npcs still walked around, but you couldn't eliminate them to progress through, waited five min to see if it would clear and it was just stuck. Had to reset the whole dungeon to clear it up. Worked just fine after a rest, so it's not a player or connection issue, it's obviously server side and has to do with faulty coding. There's also the repeated dc when transitioning every so often, the screen remaining black for 20-30 sec in the mirror quest in wheloon some times, while npcs attack you and you can't target anything, etc. There are some serious issues happening lately that never even occurred 5-10 years ago, and obviously need to be fixed.

    I know for certain it's not my connection or pc, both are way above board for this game.

    That is not Lag.

    Your connection may well be the issue. In situations like that always check your latency and/or packet loss. I'm willing to bet they were both extremely high, which means a bad connection...not a bad internet connection, just a bad connection to the servers.

    Best bet is to Alt+F4 out and relog. I've had times where my latency went from ~600 ms to ~30 and my loss went from ~45% to ~0% after doing this.
    Dennis the Peasant: Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.

  9. #29
    Community Member Dabima's Avatar
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    The lag has been absolutely atrocious for the last 2 months. I'm honestly at my wits end with this game after 14 years of playing. If the supposed lag fix tomorrow doesn't fix this ****, I'm just deleting my characters and uninstalling the game
    Orien: ][Vladtepes][Gelatinous][Lelitha]

  10. #30
    Community Member Gordo's Avatar
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    Lag will be fixed soon™
    Gordion ~ Jaheira ~ Piccolo

  11. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dabima View Post
    The lag has been absolutely atrocious for the last 2 months. I'm honestly at my wits end with this game after 14 years of playing. If the supposed lag fix tomorrow doesn't fix this ****, I'm just deleting my characters and uninstalling the game
    Sellers remorse. This is the first (and apparently a significant improvement) stab at optimizing resources. As time goes on, with this first heavy lift fix attempt, even if it isn't the wonder cure it will definitely be a massive step in the right direction. If you do that, and then lag has been all but eliminated if not this release but maybe the next, it will have been for naught. The decision to address this severe performance issue was a great decision on their part and seems to have taken a lot of time to execute. This, to me, shows they are looking at the things highly important to the community.

  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gordo View Post
    Lag will be fixed soon™
    i sure hope so its been just so bad many guildies including myself find ourselfs logging in less and less and lag is number 1 reason

  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buddha5440 View Post

    That is not Lag.

    Your connection may well be the issue. In situations like that always check your latency and/or packet loss. I'm willing to bet they were both extremely high, which means a bad connection...not a bad internet connection, just a bad connection to the servers.

    Best bet is to Alt+F4 out and relog. I've had times where my latency went from ~600 ms to ~30 and my loss went from ~45% to ~0% after doing this.

    If it's connection then it's not on my end, that's the issue at hand. With a gb fiber line the last issue I have with any game is with my end of the connection. I know the game is old, but some work might need to be done on the servers to help remedy the issue.
    I honestly couldn't say how to fix it myself with out looking at their coding for it, but I am betting it has the same issues nwn had with needing to set up routing and port forwarding which shouldn't really even be a thing now days.

  14. #34
    Community Member Buddha5440's Avatar
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    Agreed but all you can do in that case is reconnect which you can only do from your end.
    Dennis the Peasant: Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.

  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buddha5440 View Post
    Agreed but all you can do in that case is reconnect which you can only do from your end.
    Reconnecting only has a small chance of affecting internet routing as it is mostly state-less. If that helps, it's more likely that the cause is network congestion on SSGs side.

    Regardless, I've heard good things about the update today, so let's enjoy that.

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