Hello Sarlona! For six months I've been playing an alt named Inqie and for some nutty reason have been trying to get to max favor. I'm in the home stretch, currently with 7260 favor. All I have left is challenges and 10 Legendary raids, some of which I've gotten on LH, but not on LE (never see them up on LE !).
All I bring to the party is background DPS so obviously I'm hoping to find some great heroes to help out!
Specifically, I'm looking for LE wins on the following raids:
RTSO, THTH, PN, MA, VOD, Dryad, Hunt, Skeles, FOTP, and Deathwyrm.
If you are interested and up to the challenge, shoot me a tell in game or a message here. Maybe someone or a group of someones can help me get an elite party together.
Thanks and hope to see you in the game!