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Hello everyone,
This is a fun build I have been waiting to post for a long time. I waited to post it because I played it on HC and it performed very well as a first lifer. As all sorcerers do. This is a build that I designed to work with the Half-elven greater dragon mark of the storm. And thanks to the new imbue system it has a little more fire power.
Purpose: this build can participate and dps in raids and r10 quests, the dps of the build is very high and the cc works very well. It is also easy to use and level solo.
Dragon Mark of storm. The first part of the mark is pretty boring. Giving you Gust of wind and electric loop for free. Its pretty MEH. but all the abilities here on this last stack with spell power and meta magics, and cost NO sp. they do not act as an SLA and can still be effected by anti-magic. The second half of the dragonmark is where the build truly shines. As a sorc you will now have access to Call Lightning, this again stacks with meta magics and spell power, and will proc any secondary affects your items or feats may have. And lastly the greater dragonmark is a buff that gives you +25 stacking electric/cold spell power, electric absorb and temp sp. The buff lasts for a time =to your character level and concentration skill. The buff stacks will any other bonus and effects your ED damages.
Half elf Dilettante warlock. The Half-elf feats offer a great unique twist on the normal way a class may play or gear. I used to take the paladin feat for the save, as saves are good. However, thanks to the new imbue the Warlock Dilettante feat now adds stacking FIRE dmg to your cold/electric spells. And that damage scales with Imbue die. So its a nice way around weaknesses and all damage types add up. Its also a nice tid bit of damage, but is not a game breaking amount. So if you wanted to take paladin for the saves that is more than ok. It wont ruin the build.
Lvl 32 Half-elf Sorcerer.-alignment chaotic anything.
Skills Concentration, and Spellcraft are the big ones, if you have spare points UMD is important after.
1 Half elf Dilettante, Warlock (or paladin)
1 Dragon mark of the storm
----After lvl 1 it does not matter what order you take feats.----
Spell focus Evocation
Greater spell focus evocation
Burst of Glacial Wrath
Epic Toughness
Epic Spell power Electric (or cold if you went cold tree)
Crush Weakness
Harbinger of Chaos (+2 Imbue die.), if U didnt take the warlock feat then instead take Spell power cold.
Legendary Toughness.
16 into the half elf tree for the greater dragonmark upgrades. I usualy fully upgrade the dragonmarks, then focus on getting 1 +2 cha and a few of the warlock upgrades for more imbue. You can go human linage and get a spell power boost for 30 seconds, or go elf for some skills and dex, the choice is yours. I use the spell power.
41 into the Air savant tree, Focusing on charisma, electric spell power and crits, and lowering the sp cost of maximize and quicken. With tier 5 taking Awakening weakness, evocation, and the wind jump
15 points into Eldritch knight, for the imbue die, health, perma shield perma mage armor. You can also gain some arcane spell failure reduction in both the eldritch and the half elf tree. IF you chose the paladin Half-Elf feat put 15 into feydark for the sp/saves/perma shield and blur. No need to get the imbue die for the warlock feats.
Racial compleationist or racial past lives do compliment this build well, if you have extra points from tomes or pls, invest in the cold savant tree.
Im not gona lie I am not gona tell you how to play your CC caster in end game, but I go Draconic as my main, Exalted as my secondary and my 3rd as unyielding for the LOH and health boost.
please note; I am not including any raid gear in this list as I expect everyone to be able to raid with this build. But if you do want to farm gear The walking ancestors, and feywild Autumn is all you need.
Head: Legendary Crown of leaves. Profane well rounded +2, Shadow Spike, Acurracy 20, Deadly 10, G Autumn.
Neck: Legendary Shaman Beads. Cha 13, Evocation 6, Shield bonus 13, Efficient intesify II, Efficient Maximize II. Y/C, Shaman's Fury set.
Trinket: Legendary Battlesworn medallion: Quality cha 3, Greater heroism, Action boost enchantment, Quality double strike 3 B
Cloak: Legendary Cloak of Winter: Cold absorb 34, False life 50, Legendary Ice Barrier, Lifesealed 34.
Belt: Legendary Strap of Autumn leaves: Minor Artifact Int 14, Magical sheltering 36, Natural armor 14, Magical Effieiceny 10 B/G/Y, Winter/Autumn,
Ring: Legendary Shamans Band: Spell pen 9, Conjure focus 6, armor bonus 13, Relfex 11, Y/C Shamans Fury Set.
Glove: Legendary Attunement Gauntlets: Magnetism 142, Lightning lore 21, Evocation 5, Feat quick Draw, G
Boots; Legendary Deep Snow boots: Insightful con 6, Quality con 3, Freedom of movment, Fort save 10, G, Winter.
Ring: Legendary Ring of Winters chill: Ice lore 21, Glaciation 142, Kinetic lore 21, Impulse 142. G Winter.
Bracers: Legendary Braccers of Deftness: Feat: Mobility, armor bonus 13, Dodge 13, tumble 20, Y/G
Armor: Legendary Robe of the Autumn Winds: 15 enhancement, exception spell lore/power 5/15, Prr 33, Parrying 6. B/G Autumn.
Goggles Legendary Collective sight: Con 13, Insightful cha 6, Quality res 2, temperance belife B
Weapon: Legendary Nightmother scepter: Spell focuses
Secondary Legendary Immaculate globe: Defensive +25 alchemical spell power.
The Autumn set and the Shaman set beefs your offensive spells, spell power and crit and gives you more sp. The winter set is just a flay 10% more health for those looking to farm raid gear.
Anything with mass death ward,
a stone skin cliki
legendary wolf whistle.