From the Severlin Q&A courtesy of Strimtom:
"Future reaper update is to remove reaper trees and replace with a scaling system that automatically applies bonuses based on reaper points acquired and gives bonuses at certain levels (think battle pass), that is also sharable."
So thoughts:
1) DDO updates are generally to add customization not take it away. Granted they did with pet upgrades but pets are so lackluster that a lot of people were just ignoring them anyway. This would be the first time I can think of where they take away something a lot of people use and replace it with a simplified, automatic version.
2) This potentially will badly hurt spell and tactical DC casters who rely on the extra stats and bonus DC to be effective in higher reaper content the worst. If every character gets the same bonuses it suggests those bonuses will be the generic bonuses that apply to all characters.
3) Players have put a lot of effort into their reaper points. So if this turns into a massive reaper nerf that will go over like a lead balloon with the most active players.
It's possible this could be done in a way that addresses these issues but this could also be disaster looming over the horizon.