I had such hopes of the beam shape being an always on attack I could sweep across rooms or bore into enemies dealing it's damage in ticks while touching the target. what we got is a lot more predictable and whole lot less interesting, not to mention just bad. actually really very bad, just bad.

sorry to be so blunt but so far AotS is a big steaming pile . . .

ok the beam shape has reduced range from the regular blast, doesn't track targets, slows you down while coming out but not momentarily between the blasts leaving you jerking around not even able to move smoothly. it is extremely narrow and because it is so high up it will straight up miss short targets that are not the individual target. so what we get is a single target blast that does less damage via sacrificed pact die, that occasionally hits a second target. when targeting a specific foe it is ok but a tall foe means short foes between are missed and if you are targeting yourself and get close to the mob the beam suddenly shoots the ceiling for no reason utterly missing the target 1 foot in front of you.

obviously the eye-blasts are not working right now. but even if they were they would not save this archetype as you can't eldritch blast while using the eye blast, I was hoping the last release wording would be kept so we could use these SLA blasts while waiting for our beam to cool down, but alas no synergy here after all.

The fear effects or taking demon form causes fear and you can do double pact damage to targets that are afraid. . . yeah but afraid targets RUN AWAY, as one would expect, making the demon form unable to hit them.

the demon form does not attack faster than the blast form, it might attack slower in fact it is hard to tell for sure. I'm just seeing no way in which the beam is better than base single target blast.

while there is still some good potential in this archetype right now, as it is on lammannia is is terrible, just utter garbage