Dark Hunter is a new Ranger Archetype with themes of Assassination, sneaking, hunting, trapmaking, scavenging, and throwing weapons.
Changes from last preview are listed in Blue! KNOWN ISSUE: Not all of the changes listed in blue are functional in this Preview, but are functional internally.
Feats and Features This Archetype Gets (that base Ranger does not):
- Trapfinding (1)
- Trap Making (3)
- Trap Sense +1 (3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18) (same as rogue and barbarian)
- Sneak Attack 1d6 (1, 5, 10, 15, 20) (every 5 levels instead of every 2, means they get half of the sneak attack dice as Rogue does, 5d6 instead of 10d6)
- Medium Armor Proficiency (1)
Feats and Features This Archetype DOES NOT Get (that base Ranger does):
- All Favored Enemy feats that are not: Vermin, Elf, Aberration, Animal, Humanoid, Monstrous Humanoid
- Evasion
While Base Ranger has Cure spells, Dark Hunter does not - Instead, they get Curative Admixture spells. Otherwise, their spellbook resembles the Ranger one.
Dark Hunters get Open Lock and Disable Device as Class Skills, and otherwise have the same Class Skills as Base Rangers.
Past Life:
Dark Hunter: +1 Sneak Attack and +1 Sneak Attack Damage per stack of this Past Life.
Enhancement Trees:
This archetype gets the new Dark Hunter tree in place of Arcane Archer! It retains the Tempest and Deepwood Stalker Trees.
- (It's worth noting that if you have another source of the Arcane Archer, such as the Elven version, you may use that tree with the Dark Hunter Archetype).
Dark Hunter Enhancement Tree:
- Core 1: Underdark Stalker: You gain +5 HP and +1 reflex saving throw per core ability you take in this tree.
- Core 3: Smoke Trap: Throw a smoke grenade at a target, if they fail a fortitude save (DC20 + Dex Mod + Assassinate + Trap DCs) they lose their immunity to sneak attack and 25% of their fortification for 25 seconds. (Cooldown: 12 seconds)
- Core 6: Underdark Defenses: While wearing Medium Armor, gain Exceptional bonus to Armor Class +10% and you take 50% trap damage.
- Core 12: Escape Through the Dark: Whenever you become Invisible, your Sneak Attack Dice are briefly doubled. This lingers for 5 seconds after you become Invisible and may only trigger once every 60 seconds.
- Core 18: Death Stalker: +25% Sneak Speed. While you are sneaking, you gain a 5% enhancement damage bonus to your melee, ranged and unarmed attacks. This lingers for 10 seconds after you leave Stealth. (note: this does not stack with the Relentless Fury item affix)
- Core 20: Hunter in the Dark: +2 Dex, Int, and Wis. +10% Doublestrike and Doubleshot. +10 Melee and Ranged Power. Your Cull the Weak bonus now applies against enemies that are Blind.
Tier 1:
- Dark Wolf: You gain a Black Wolf as an Animal Companion. Each rank also gives you +5 HP.
- Wolf Hide: (req Dark Wolf) +2/4/6 PRR
- Sneak Attack Training: +1 Sneak Attack die and +1 to hit when performing sneak attacks
- Bleed the Weak: Imbue Toggle: 1d8 Bleed damage, scaling with Melee Power. Increases to 1d10 vs enemies below 50%, and increases again to 1d12 against enemies below 25%. While toggled on, your Dark Wolf also uses this Imbue using the same number of Imbue Dice you have.
- Awareness: +1/2/3 Listen, Search, Spot, and to-hit.
Tier 2:
- Furor of the Hunter: Your Black Wolf gains +3/6/10 to hit and damage, +2/4/6 Primal Bonus to AC, and its attacks bypass 10%/20%/50% of enemy Fortification.
- Assassin's Training: +1/2/3 Assassinate DCs.
- Sneak Attack Training: +1 Sneak Attack die and +1 to hit when performing sneak attacks
- Improved Traps: +1/2/3 to the save DC's of Alchemical Trap Attacks and Magical Traps. Elemental Traps that you place now have a DC equal to 65/80/100% of your Disable Device Skill instead of 50%. (copied from Mechanic)
- Action Boost: Skills or Sprint
Tier 3:
- Primal Energy: Your Black Wolf gains a +2/+4/+6 Primal Bonus to all Ability Scores. You gain +1/2/3 Imbue Dice.
- Snap Trap: Toss a snapping trap at the targeted enemy. If they don't make a Fortitude Save (DC 20 + Dex Mod + Assassinate + Bonus Trap DCs) they are rooted in place by the trap's jaws.
- Sneak Attack Training: +1 Sneak Attack die and +1 to hit when performing sneak attacks
- Use Magical Device: +1/2/3 Use Magic Device
- Ability Score: Multiselector: +1 Dex / Int / Wis
Tier 4:
- Lupine Instincts: Your Black Wolf inherits your Search and Spot scores, and will automatically find traps and secret doors for you assuming you meet the statistical threshold.
- Slayer in the Dark: Killing an enemy grants you a +5 Morale bonus to Melee and Ranged Power, stacking 2/3/4 times. Duration: 20s
- Sneak Attack Training: +1 Sneak Attack die and +1 to hit when performing sneak attacks
- Smoke Bomb: Smoke Bomb SLA
- Ability Score: Multiselector: +1 Dex / Int / Wis
Tier 5:
- Ferocity: You gain +10% Doublestrike and Doubleshot. Your Black Wolf gains 25% Attack Speed and 100% Fortification Bypass.
- Stone's Hue: Your Camouflage spell also grants the target +1 PRR per 2 caster levels, max caster level 20.
- Death Attack: Stealth Melee Assassinate Attack: On Sneak Attack: Attempt to Assassinate a foe before you. If it is an enemy type that a Dark Hunter could have as a Favored Enemy (Vermin, Elves, Aberrations, Animals, Humanoids, and Monstrous Humanoids) then you attempt to snuff out its life, killing it instantly unless it makes a Fortitude save vs Death (DC 10 + Ranger Level + highest of Dex, Int, or Wis Mod + Assassinate bonuses). If it is a different enemy type, or it makes its Fortitude save, you instead mortally wound it, lowering its Physical and Magical Resistance rating by 10 and dealing an extra 1d20 Bleed damage per character level.
- Blade Specialization: You gain a +1 Competence bonus to Critical Damage Multiplier with your weapons.
- Dark Sight: You have True Seeing and +25% Competence bonus to HP. You may also toggle this on to gain Underdark Sight while within the Underdark.
Known Issues:
- Several icons have not been finalized.
- All visual effects have not been finalized.
- Several changes (of those listed in blue) have not been propegated to Lamannia but are working internally.