Sarlona is my main. However I plan to load up a toon and take it over to Orien to buff my Livmo there. All the good stuffs; augments, crafting mats, plat, weapons, armor/equipment, tomes, and good times!
I like Sarlona the best, but I've had oodles of good times on Orien. Livmo Orien not as well off as Sarlona Livmo (playing barbarian right now). I really just want to flag and raid. The xfer will provide a boost to do that.
Since I'm taking a toon from Sarlona to Orien to multiserver, I will now have a Sarlorien!
Drat, I wish I would have named the toon Sarlorien. Name is probably up for grabs on both servers.
EDIT ~ I've already loaded up the toon and it took 4-ever to split stacks and stacks and stacks...and I don't want to spend points on a name change : ) )
Last edited by Livmo; 02-02-2023 at 09:24 PM.
Please send me a list of all the characters you are transferring and where they are transferring from, so I can make new toons on those servers with the cool names you took many years ago.
Last edited by The_Apocalypse; 02-04-2023 at 12:19 AM.
"The body is but a vessel for the soul;
A puppet which bends to the soul's tyrrany.
And lo, the body is not eternal,
For it must feed on the flesh of others,
Lest it return to the dust whence it came.
Therefore must the soul
Deceive, Despise, and Murder men..."
I want the devs to understand the extent of people leaving. This is not about having some hc chars being moved or not. This is about having contacts, guildes, friends being ripped (apart from sarlona/orien servers) . Got a guilde recently parent and have been inactive for some time. When he comes back server are gonna be. Empty ...?! U think he will continue playing?
As I have been able to gather we have 10 confirmed active guilds moving from ghallanda to orien. The rest are waiting, but ready to hit the move button prior end date. The dominoes are falling on ghallanda... Gonna be a ghost town afterwards.
There might be solutions:
Stop the free transfers
Limit the transfers to one char
Open the transfers to be free for two years
Open transfers to all servers
Pls Make a way for people to buy ddo points for shards (for a limited amount of time)
Get ur **** togheter and make a real merge, shards, guild...
Make accounts only from orien/sarlona have free transfers.
I have the right to be disappointed. I've been spending lotsa money and TIME playing this game, I love it but I don't think devs understands the extent, and consequences of the transfers.
There might be solutions:
Stop the free transfers - People have characters from the last HC season on other servers and we instructed to do that.
Limit the transfers to one char - People have multiple HC characters from last season on other servers.
Open the transfers to be free for two years - No reason at all to do this
Open transfers to all servers - Transfers from HC to other servers did not have an issue
Pls Make a way for people to buy ddo points for shards (for a limited amount of time) - No idea what you mean with this statement
Get ur **** togheter and make a real merge, shards, guild... - There is not intent to merge servers, that was never the reason for the transfers
Make accounts only from orien/sarlona have free transfers. - This is for players to move character, from HC season 6, to those servers, not from them.
What do you base this on? I've seen nothing so far to suggest it isn't.
And for those left behind to have even mode dead servers.
If they want to merge servers, then merge servers properly. I'm all for that. This way bolsters up two servers on expense of the rest. I do not think that is a good idea, nor is it fair.
DDO: If a problem cannot be solved by the application of DPS, you're not applying enough.
DDO: If a problem cannot be solved by the application of DPS, you're not applying enough.
It is not semi-voluntary. It's a forced choice, leaving behind many who are on breaks, don't keep up with the news, or for a host of other reasons might not want/be able to move.
This is not a good thing. A real server merge would have been a good thing. This is not that.
DDO: If a problem cannot be solved by the application of DPS, you're not applying enough.
Well, Cordovan mentioned on the stream that they've seen the concerns, but they're not going to do anything. If it does turn out negative, then they'll have to see. Or words to that effect.
Very reassuring. Or something. Sure, we mess up all but two of the servers, but hey, "we'll see". Like the VIP bonuses? So maybe "we'll see" next year?
And realistically, what can they do after opening the floodgates? Force-transfer people back? That's not going to go over well, either.
I'm so glad SSG take player concerns over giant sweeping server changes serious. Oh, right.
Last edited by Dandonk; 02-03-2023 at 04:23 PM.
DDO: If a problem cannot be solved by the application of DPS, you're not applying enough.
That being said, why not give the affected accounts the free transfers? I realize that would be more work, but such a move would actually address the earlier transfer problem created, albeit unintentionally, by SSG. The approach SSG is taking comes across as a less caring approach. It's like, "Why use a laser to precisely treat the problem when it is cheaper and quicker to just drop a bomb. The problem will still be addressed and we don't care about collateral damage." This has the potential to severely hurt some of the servers. Please, explain the reasoning behind SSG's decision.
Respect your home plane of existence. It is unique and cannot be replaced.
Comparing the way Death Smiles levels up on HC is misleading. DS maxes out it's population within a day or two of Hard Core opening due to the special dynamics of HC. Such a dynamic does not happen on regular servers so the collective resources will not be available to many.
Respect your home plane of existence. It is unique and cannot be replaced.
I respectfully disagree with your last statement. Of course, each player must evaluate their personal pros and cons regarding transfer. You mention the offset of loss by transfering goodies from all the other servers. I propose this: Create a character on each server. Get the account goodies your account has opened from past purchases (e.g. from expansion packs). Do a free transfer to either Sarlona or Orien. Consolidate the goodies just as you proposed. THEN put all of those goodies on one character on the new server. Pay the 2495 point cost for a character Xfer back to your original server. Basically, one does everything you proposed above, but for 2495 points you get to keep ALL of your current home server benefits. Which is the better value? I know what it is for me.
Respect your home plane of existence. It is unique and cannot be replaced.