Is it a decision, a technical problem, what?
I have toons in limbo waiting to move, but (as usual) there's no word on what is going on....
Will the free period be extended?
Just like any features the game has provided over the years.
Do it often and quickly before the door closes.
I guess we all were not fast enough.
Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks
If this gets sorted and works, it can open the door to free transfers to any server?
quick glance that was 2,495?
i mean if i can move all my toons over this way someday i think that is a good thing or move a few to play with friends met streaming ect., (hesitant currently)
also new players can also have ability to move to a more popular server if they want to after getting into the game for more LFM"s on
Only the astral shard part is tough for some but right now most but consider the previous cost per toon. also u can buy that shiny thing u wanted before you move for whatever reason.
later that may not be as easy depending on the rollout of this system across the board and whos left on
Or rotate where u can transfer every month to a different server to keep traffic low and let the crowd sort it out.
or only X toons Per time period ect. fine with me.
Gland is still fun the hidden luck stat is untouched![]()
Y'know, the posting on the launcher clearly states "will bring more information as soon as it is available." The problem I have with this statement for one, is the fact you completely withheld any information on this to begin with. It really does feel like you guys keep trying to appease us with "white-lies". That is still lying in a whole. Is that really what you guys should be doing with as little of a player base there is left on this game? Be upfront with us.
To me at this point, you guys don't care about the game anymore and really are just trying to scrape whatever pennies are left to be thrown at you guys. If this isn't the case then prove it to us, I know I am not the only one that feels like this is what is happening.
I'd be mostly satisfied with a "we have no idea what went wrong, but we're working on it." As opposed to a long silence.
Mains - Messam, Indalecio, Mozenrath, Quackerjack.
SSG does not fully think anything through. SSG comes up with an idea and fails to foresee the effects from those ideas. Yeah free transfers might sound like a good idea, but now Ghallanda has lost 11% of it's total characters, and it was already one of the lowest population servers. No, I have never been on Ghallanda, but I do know this is just another SSG mess.
There was a bug that some individuals were able exploit that was allowing unscrupulous players to dupe Heroic and Epic Otto's Boxes when they "transferred" to Sarlona. This was stated by one of the devs in Discord yesterday afternoon and on Voodu's stream on Monday morning.
They "are working" to close the bug, but SSG will not tell us this, because they don't want others asking how this was even possible, or trying to pull the same trick on Orien.
The proof is currently on the Sarlona Shard Exchange. The same individual(s) have listed almost 30 Otto's boxes for prices ranging from 14K to 20K astral shards. There are currently no Otto's boxes (except legit ones) on the Orien shard exchange because SSG stepped in (and shut transfers down temporarily) when it was found on Sarlona.
Duping of Otto's Boxes is nothing new and SSG seems not to be able to ever stop it.
It's fine they said it on Discord, but they really need to draw the line and decide the platform they want to address the players from as well. I have never been on their Discord before. Have always come to the Forums for any information the Dev's are giving to the players.
I don't really mind the delay, but could we at least have a confirmation that the free migration period will be extended to after the migration actualy works?
Still missing several guildies. I am not amused.
DDO: If a problem cannot be solved by the application of DPS, you're not applying enough.
I only managed to move my main character to a different server..
All my other characters, along with ALL the gear I had is left on my old server.
They decided to give us all these XP events and Otto's boxes now, when I can't level my characters the same way because they have no gear.
This is so upsetting honestly, 10 days where I'm practically stuck..
As a paying customer, this seems so disrespectful.
Would be nice to get more info on what is happening with people left behind on servers.
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